Electronic ID (EID)

EID is a unique ID assigned to users for accessing IT services provided by the University. Once an EID is assigned to a user, it will be used by that person even when he/she changes his/her role in the University as a student or staff or alumnus.

The current policy is to generate EID based on the name of individual user and the EID is in alpha-numeric format. However, there are still cases that some existing students and alumni are having their Student Numbers as their EIDs.

As an example, for a new user, Chan Tai Man, he may be assigned an EID of "tmchan". The user should use tmchan to log in all IT services such as University e-Portal and AIMS. His email address will be tmchan@<CityUHK domain name> / tmchan-c@my.<CityUHK domain name>.