CityUHK Portal

With the technology advancement and increasing demand on online platforms in this e-generation, the CityUHK Portal should not only act as an entrance to various services provided by the university, but also a one-stop platform for staff and students to access their frequently use functions and to obtain up-to-date information.

The new CityUHK Portal re-categorizes functions into type of services. With a completely new user interface and user experience design, the CityUHK Portal provides a one-stop platform to the CityUHK community. "My Dashboard" is also in place for you to put all your favourite functions there. We will describe the details one by one in the sections below.

Categorizing functions into type of services

Functions and features of the CityUHK Portal are enriched and categorized by type of services, including "News and Media", "Staff Admin", "Student Life", "Academic & Research", "IT and Library Services", "Campus Facilities", and "Policies & Useful Information", such that staff and students could find their required functions easier.

For example, you could find up-to-date news and announcements in "News and Media" page; academic and research related information and services, such as Academic Calendar, Student/Faculty Schedule, etc. in "Academic & Research" page, various facilities booking in "Campus Facilities" page, etc.

New user interface and user experience design

In addition to revamping the look and feel of the CityUHK Portal, functions and features of the CityUHK Portal has been enriched by employing modern technology.

Seamless Integration with other systems

"Widget" is introduced into the CityUHK Portal for integrating with other systems, such as AIMS, CityUHK Announcement Portal (CAP), CityUHK Homepage, and even YouTube and Hong Kong Observatory.

On the "News & Media" page, for example, "CITYUHK NEWS" Widget is integrated with CityUHK Homepage to retrieve the latest news from NewsCentre; "CITYUTUBE" is integrated with YouTube to show the latest videos published in CityUTube Channel; "MY CAP MESSAGES" is integrated with the CityUHK Announcement Portal to obtain the recent announcements for you, etc.

Various widgets, such as "Academic Honesty", "My TLQ", "My Library", "My IT", etc., are under development and will be available soon.

Search bar

A search function that facilitates users to look for their required function quickly is in place. Simply enter keyword(s) onto the Search bar on the top of the Portal, the list of related items will be shown. For example, when you enter "schedule" in the Search bar, "Faculty Schedule" (for staff only), "Master Class Schedule", and "Student Schedule" will be shown right below the Search bar.

Click on your desired item and the system will bring you there. (Or, you may click on the "Pin" icon to pin the item to "My Dashboard". We will discuss this in details in the later section.)

Dark Theme Option

Staff and students may make use of the new Portal every day and some of us may prefer to work with dark theme in order to decrease blue light exposure and glare as well as prolong battery life. Dark Theme is available and users could click the dark theme switch located on the right of the Search bar to toggle between dark theme and light theme.

Responsive design

The new CityUHK Portal is with responsive design to fit different screen sizes. The below shows the layout for medium screen size, such as tablets.

Users may click the shrink icon on the bottom of the side menu to shrink the width of the side menu in order expand the content space.

Below are the layouts for small screen size, such as portrait orientation of tablets or mobile phones. The side menu will be hidden by default. Users may click the menu icon to show the side menu.

My Dashboard

"My Dashboard" facilitates users to place their favourite functions and services in a single page. Staff and students are free to customize the dashboard themselves to fit their personal needs.

When you first login to the new CityUHK Portal, the following default dashboard will be generated for you.

You may add your favourite items and widgets of different Portal pages to "My Dashboard" by clicking the "Pin" icon of a menu item or the "Star" icon of a widget.

You may also pin an item of search results to "My Dashboard" by clicking the corresponding "Pin" icon on the right.

Go to "My Dashboard" and you will see the pinned items and starred widgets appear on your dashboard.

You may future change the color and icon of the menu items or move the widgets around the dashboard.

Comments or Enquiries

Should you have any comments or enquiries, please contact us via email to