Cyber-Joy Enjoy Lab IG Posts Design Competition

Vote for your favourite works HERE


We are excited to have received a wide variety of creative works from our participants. Based on the number of Views & Likes collected on the Cyber-Joy Enjoy Lab Instagram page in early April 2022, top 10 works with most views/likes were shortlisted and further evaluated by the judge based on the relevance to theme and how your ideas can support the 4 characters to gain cyber-joy. We are glad to announce the result as follows:


Created by LEE Rui Fung

Kingsman_HarryHart_Reactive Aggressors’ Companion
He is a gentleman from kingsman, who specializes in dealing with Reactive Aggressors.   He is willing to let Reactive Aggressors know violence is not a powerful tool to fight back. He believes being Ladies and Gentlemen is the easiest way to solve any issues in the world. “Manners Makyth Man” is his belief.


Inception_DomCobb_Proactive Aggressors’ Companion
He is a specialist in dealing with Proactive Aggressors in dreams. He would create a dream for Proactive Aggressors. However, these Proactive Aggressors would change their roles in dreams, and they are victims bullied by others. Dom hopes these Proactive Aggressors learn something from dreams, such as the feeling of being bullied.


Hobbit_Gandalf_Aggressive Victims’ Companion
Gandalf is a specialist in dealing with Aggressive Victims. And He is one of the best wizards in the world. He loves people being themselves, and he is proud of them. He is willing to help Aggressive Victims overcome their mental obstacles and build up confidence through magic. With his magic, Aggressive Victims need to be themselves, and they do not need to emphasize others' irrational opinions anymore.


IAmSam_SamDawson_Pure Victims’ Companion
Sam is a specialist in dealing with Pure Victims. He is an optimistic and generous guy who is always willing to help others. No matter how many people dislike and hurt him, he is still spreading love to the world. He would not like to seek benefits from the people he helped before. Although he is not good at communicating, he still tries his best to listen to people’s problems.


Created by NGAI Tak Wai

(Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)

Support to Reactive Aggressor 

Give yourself a day to press pause. Write down all the things you know about the situation. It makes you less emotional. You might find some clues different from your thoughts when angry as you think and recall the case and discover some doubts. Moreover, you should express your feelings and ask others involved directly. It is because we sometimes misinterpret others by part of people's behaviour. If we ask proactively about the facts, we might find out that things do not turn out to be going as our minds.


Support to Proactive Aggressor

We can promote the empathy development of proactive aggressors by designing a companion. It is equipped with VR glasses that give a real experience to proactive aggressors in various circumstances. It provides the user consciousness. Therefore, they will suffer due to the hurtful words and acts of others. Furthermore, the companion would give guidance to lead users to build empathy. They would elicit the user's feelings and guide them to think that their aggression will actually cause enormous harm to others. Proactive aggressors will gradually develop their empathy in others’ shoes.


Support to Aggressive Victim

The magic weapon to aggressive Victims is self-confidence. Help them develop self-esteem by asking them to write down positive things about themselves. Also, help them learn to become assertive by imitating others who act assertively. Set some achievable goals, and take those challenges to accomplish the goals. They would find that they are actually assertive. Furthermore, encourage them to express themselves more detailedly, tell them don't hinder by their thoughts that judge others without evidence. For example, they might think others wouldn't help them, but we don't know whether it is correct after trying, so do express first.


Support to Pure Victim

Arrange a companion for pure victims. The companion would tell them they weren't at fault and shouldn't blame themselves. Telling them everyone has the right to enjoy a cyber-joy environment. Thus, if they feel that they are being attacked, they could seek the right way to fight back instead of escaping. The companion could also teach some coping skills to them. Assuring them they aren't alone, and they deserve love and care. Their action of fighting back could scare the aggression. Being more resilient could help them cope with negative feelings, and the companionship could alleviate their helplessness.


Created by LEE Sheung Yu

(3rd Prize Winner; Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)

Reactive Aggressor - 佛系手錶

有啲躁,但試吓唔好嬲。 脾氣差,唔代表個人心地唔好。 好忟憎,不妨試吓停一停,坐低做個深呼吸。 做人唔使太心急,愈係急就愈火滾。 緣份到了,平心靜氣自然來。



Proactive Aggressor - 望到好遠鏡

無論你有愛自己,記得要望吓周圍。 唔好忘記,唔好講嘢唔經大腦, 呢個世界唔係得你一個, 無論有幾勞氣,試下設身處地去諗下人哋。



Aggressive Victim - 皇家自信椅

你的煩惱,不是曾經被人憎, 亦不是有人對你流露蔑視的眼神; 你的矛盾,不是如何告訴你父母親, 亦不是恐懼想找人求助已沒人肯, 而是今天沒自信在身。 而是今天沒有坐低把信念看真。



Pure Victim - 張心俾心鏡

沒所謂的沒所謂,都知有些事不可控制, 但沒有所謂,你有很多朋友仔。 喊是沒所謂,不開心是沒問題, 哇哇哭泣,哈哈歡笑。 沒所謂的沒所謂,緊緊擁抱我,就沒問題。











Created by KONG Ka Man

(Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)

To Reactive Aggressor:

Think about the consequences before you respond.

The impact of your message is much greater than you think and does not affect you personally. You can think before you leave a message to reduce the risk of being overwhelmed by anger and leaving an impulsive message and to reflect on your behavior afterward. A message left on impulse can only satisfy the pleasure of the moment and is of no benefit.


To Proactive Aggressor:

Put yourself in someone else’s shoes first and empathize.

How would you feel if you were the person who received the comment? Think before you leave any comments. A bad message is like a sharp blade that can hurt someone. Before you leave a message, put yourself in someone’s shoes and think about the emotional impact it will have. It is far better to bring happiness to someone than to hurt them. Use your messages well. 


To Aggressive Victim:

You’ve been great. Ignore the irrational comments. 

Don’t question yourself, your good or bad is not affected by what other people say about you. You are good enough, just be worthy for yourself. Don’t be swayed by others. You are the only one and the best. Believe in that. It’s not worth it to let your emotions get in the way of those unreasonable messages. Just think of something happy and laugh it off!


To Pure Victim:

You can do it, open your heart and receive love. 

The online world is illusory, so don’t let it affect you. There are many more things to enjoy and feel in real life. There is more love and care waiting for you when you open up and don’t suffer alone. You can do it. Take the first step and share your feelings with others! Let go of the internet world and do something you enjoy to change your mood!


Created by POON Ka Yuet Kerry



Supporting Reactive Aggressor 




Supporting Proactive Aggressor 




Supporting Aggressive Victim




Supporting Pure Victim 





Created by CHENG Lok Man

(Top 10 with Most Likes)

Mascot for Reactive Aggressor - 森林使者Tweety



Mascot for Proactive Aggressor - 神犬Poppy



Mascot for Aggressive Victim - 獅王Leo



Mascot for Pure Victim - 治愈精靈Puff



(Please refer to the descriptions in the visual images.)















Created by MAK Wan Hei

(1st Prize Winner; Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)










「相認 再自愛抱緊 真身〜」












Created by LAM Cheuk Chi

Reactive Aggressor 




Proactive Aggressor 




Aggressive Victim




Pure Victim










Created by YAM Hoi Yan

(2nd Prize Winner; Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)

Reactive Aggressors

This anger detector watch is designed for reactive aggressors to raise their emotional awareness. Reactive aggressors are impulsive, easily feel angry, easily lose temper, and have poor emotion control. The angry detector watch can detect the anger level of the user and reflect in the anger bar on the screen. When their anger level hits the upper threshold, the bar will become a red alarm and the watch will notice the users. With this anger detector watch, reactive aggressors would be more aware of their emotion, reducing impulsivity and enhancing anger control.


Proactive Aggressors

Proactive aggressors are lack empathy, cold-blooded, narcissistic, and egocentric. This feeling exchange tool is designed for proactive aggressors to notice the importance of empathy. As the picture demonstrated, all of us are the same species (a teddy bear in the pic). The differences between us are only based on appearance and personalities. Proactive aggressors should try to feel what others are feeling and know that the same bad things would probably happen to them. This kind of thinking enhance their empathy and moral engagement, which would not do something that hurt others.


Aggressive Victims

The magical TV is designed for aggressive victims to build assertiveness and break irrational beliefs. Aggressive 

victims are helpless, fearful, anxious, and ambivalent. The aggressive victims can use the magical TV to tune to the right channel, which means they should have the right and rational thoughts instead of irrational beliefs. Also, the aggressive victims should build assertiveness as what the magical tv shows.


Pure Victims

Pure victims are helpless, depressed, inferior, and miserable. The caring band-aid is designed for them to be aware of finding some reliable people to talk with who could be their friends, parents, teachers, or any other people that they trust. Pure victims can reveal their real feelings and thoughts to their trusted ones. The caring and companion from the trusted one can mend the hurt feelings of pure victims. The magical band-aid can enhance pure victims' resilience and remind them to receive love and caring.


Created by HO Kim Ka

(Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)

Reactive Aggressor

In the famous marvel movie Doctor Strange, Strange is having difficulty in managing his power and he was told, ”You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as your own." Emotional control is sometimes difficult. We can’t just simply “delete” our anger and sadness and pretend nothing happened. Yet, we can embrace what we feel and make good use of it.

Anger can be destructive, yet if you keep calm for a moment instead of expressing it directly, you may find your way out.


Proactive Aggressor

We are living in a world full of broken people, we live hard trying to find who we are, where we belong. Some feel lost finding their true self, while some eagerly seek love to fill in their emptiness. Sometimes we look strong on the outside, yet are so broken inside. There is not much difference between you and me. We are all broken people who want to feel accepted and acknowledged.


Aggressive Victim

Just because the world keeps saying you are not enough, doesn’t mean you deserve it. Loving is not as easy as it seems, so is being loved. Accepting others’ love and kindness needs courage, but you may find hope in your greatest sorrow. The feeling that you are cared for and loved gives you calmness and confidence to live your life.


Pure Victim

Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” The bible also says we can cast all our anxiety upon God because he cares for us. LIfe is tough and it takes time to heal. Yet, the Lord can give you strength to overcome the difficulties. Hope God’s words give you peace and comfort during your hard times.


Created by LAM Wai Yi

Reactive Aggressor:





Proactive Aggressor:






Aggressive Victim:





Pure Victim:





Created by LUK John Philip

(Top 10 with Most Views)

Reactive Aggressor:

Calm. Moral.



Proactive Aggressor:

Moral. Empathy.



Aggressive Victim:

Love. Care.



Pure Victim:

Love. Assertive.














Created by LAM Chi Siu

Reactive Aggressor
- 世界咁冷暖 希望可以俾多啲溫暖你  唔係衝動就會打得贏㗎



Proactive Aggressor
- 得返你可以同情佢哋嘅啦



Aggressive Victim
- 唔係個個電話都打唔通嘅 總有一個你打得通



Pure Victim
- 無論情況有幾差 總有人會陪住你






Created by KUNG Lok Yi

Reactive Aggressor




Proactive Aggressor




Aggressive Victim




Pure Victim






Created by CHAN Kam Yiu

(Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)

⚠️咪走住! 以下內容可以幫你享受網絡樂趣!

【Reactive Aggressor!喫蕉啦你🍌】

Reactive Aggressor(反應型攻擊者)成日都衝動又燥底,俗語有云:「跌咗嘢,試吓唔好忟,係咁揾,搞到個人好忟憎,唔好揾,不妨試吓等一等」🎵🎶 如果你覺得「喺呢一個moment我要爆喇」🔥 不妨停一停✋ 聽首歌,食條蕉,含舊朱古力先~賭神真係醒,佢一早就知道食蕉同朱古力可以幫助控制情緒😏










唔想成為冷血、畀人話「on狗狗」嘅Proactive Aggressor(操控型攻擊者)?試吓做多啲義工同動物玩啦!✅有證書,對cv有幫助💯 又可以培養leadership skill、同情心、道德觀❤️ 以後就唔怕唔小心hurt到人畀人話,形成惡性循環!與其咁樣浪費時間,影響心情,不如同啲得意狗狗玩吓🦮🐕 心情靚咗,心地都靚咗,藥箱都變成首飾箱啦!🤩✨



Aggressive Victim(攻擊型受害者)唔使驚!呢個世界上最幫到你嘅人就係你自己,試吓多啲同自己對話💬 了解自己喺各方面嘅界限、諗法同情緒,並建立自信😎 勇於表達自己,你可以多啲用「我」字,如:「我想你幫我」、「我唔同意」、「我唔想」等等,再尋找共識,互相尊重。你好叻㗎!你一定可以做到!😤 你是最好的,你知道嗎?🥺💝



無論你係咪Pure Victim(退縮型受害者)都好,呢幾年大家都攰喇!😪 解壓骰有6面🎲 一次過滿足你6個願望:

1 -  模擬原子筆嘅「按鈕」

2 - 似遊戲機joystick嘅「滑動」

3 - 似燈掣嘅「來回」(Flip)

4 - 似石頭嘅「撫摸」(Breathe)

5 - 「滾動」(Roll)

6 - 「旋轉」

得閒就玩吓佢,幫自己叉叉電,慢慢就可以充滿返能量,忘記負面情緒,去去壓力走!😃 重新接受愛與關懷,安心上網啦!😍



Created by CHAN Sheung Fung

(Top 10 with Most Views; Top 10 with Most Likes)



 #問題天天都多 #總有一個喺左近

想知更多Cyber-joy嘅資訊,可以follow @cyberjoy_enjoy_lab 了解更多!



(Description of the work: 

I explain the keywords on facilitating students' understanding of the different causes of cyber aggression in an easy understanding way. I wish emphasize these word can spread the importance of cyber-joy and stop cyber bullying. Through these consecutive post, I hope can spread love and care to others in the cyber world. )


















Created by TANG Suet Yiu Sherry

(Top 10 with Most Views)

Reactive Aggressor - 吸負沙包:




Proactive Aggressor - 同情香薰機:




Aggressive Victim - 惡言過濾鏡:




Pure Victim - AI友人:










Created by LI Yan Fong

(Top 10 with Most Likes)

Reactive Aggressor

第一位叫ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔸𝕘𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕣 反應型攻擊者




1️ 多做運動釋放壓力

2️ 用笑話去釋放你的壓力

3️ 尋求幫助 可以找人傾訴

4️ 練習放鬆的技巧 例如瑜伽


Proactive Aggressor

第二位叫ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔸𝕘𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕣 操控型攻擊者





Aggressive Victim

第三位叫𝔸𝕘𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕍𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕞 攻擊型受害者



尋求幫助 找人傾訴 嘗試表達自己 會有人明白他的感受



Pure Victim

第四位叫ℙ𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕍𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕞 退縮應受害者



找人傾訴 需要愛與關懷





Created by CHAN Ka Yu






(Short Description:
I used two contrast colours and their unique smartphones and slogans to introduce the solutions dealing with different cyber aggression. We can choose which characters to use in the online world, at the same time, we can choose not to attack people online, but to spread love in it.)















Created by LIU Chunxi

Reactive Aggressor

This is a magic piggy, (魔力豬豬), who owns a cyber-joy candy shop. I hope this magic pig could bring the sweet to the web users. Company all the people and make all the people (both aggressors and victims) in the web feel sweet, happy and enjoyable. Especially, the magic candies can reduce the impulsivity and enhance the anger control for the reactive aggressor.


Proactive Aggressor

A fairy swan. (仙女天鵝) . The swan is calm and strong because it is strong in its own heart. Swan is always seen as a spiritual and moral symbol. The swan swim in the cyber lake, chase the peaceful heart and enjoy the time. I hope from this design, people could feel the magic of the swan, build up the inner strength, stick to be themselves and enjoy the good time in the cyber world. Especially, for the proactive aggressor, I hope the fairy swan could make them feel empathy with the swan, try to be calm down, chase the inner strength and clear spirit.


Aggressive Victim

 An Elder Octopus (長老章魚). This elder Octopus has magic weapon at his hand. With his eight hands, he can also catch the weapons from others to prevent them hurt the victims. At the same time, he can hold the shield to prevent the hurt from the cyber-bully. He can also use his hands to comfort the web users and use the weapons to protect the web users.


Pure Victim

A magical bee(神奇蜜蜂).  This magical bee owns his magic. For her, the cyber world is like a sea of flowers. He, as a well-meaning communicator, can fly in it. The magical flower pollens can flow in the cyber air, bring everyone the love, kind, and soft heart and have the power curing the broken hearts of people. I hope finally in cyber environment, the flowers of hope and kind will bloom.