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Cyber-Joy Exhibition Boards

Cyber-Joy Enjoy Lab Exhibition 

Exhibition - Travel to the Cyber Joy World: Think Before You Act


Tips for Enjoying the Cyber World

Cyber-Joy Enjoy Tips
Case: Online rumour about me
Will people believe in those rumour and dislike me?
We cannot control others' words but we can take care of our own feelings. Share your worries with someone you trust.
Case: Unfollowed by others
Are we not friends anymore?
How we manage a social media account and maintain friendship are two different things.
Case: Forum
Voice out or be a silent bystander?
Stay calm, do the right thing at the right time.
Case: Forum
Do I have to follow others' view?
Be respectful is the key!
Case: WhatsApp Group
Wondering why you were not added in group?
Be yourself and keep your communication with friends in the real world
Case: Friendship
Worrying about your friendship status?
Try not to define your friendship merely by a social media function
Case: Trust and Love
Feeling doubtful about the relationship and yourself?
Let's face it together with your partner!
Case: Close Friends on Instagram
Not on others' close friend list?
Try a positive way - Add Them First :)
Respect others and treat others the way you’d like to be treated
Maintain a balance between social media and your real life
Follow the rules and regulations of the online platform you are using
Think about the potential consequences before you press “ENTER”
Keep the evidence if cyberbullying occurs
Talk to someone you trust when you feel you are a victim of cyberbullying
Do not use rude or offensive language
Do not post things to make others feel uncomfortable
Do not disengage yourself from reality
Do not harass, threaten or stalk other users
Do not take revenge. Think about the potential consequences