CAO's (CAO Xueqin) Silk Kite
Making silk kites requires meticulous procedures, such as cutting bamboo slices and smoking the frame, etc., to pursue perfect symmetry in size, thickness, curvature, etc.

Lunch Time Meditation
The workshop’s meditation exercise focuses on practical application. Under the instructor’s guidance, participants will practice sitting meditation, breathing techniques, related stretches, and self-relaxation skills.

Knotting Workshop
Participants will learn the basic techniques of knotting art and complete one piece (a total of two) of their artwork in each session.

Comic Art Workshop: Explore COMICS & CULTURE
Cultural Exchange Oasis is pleased to offer the Comic Art Workshop to provide opportunity for CityU communities to understand the cultural backgrounds and elements of and the differences between Eastern and Western comics.

"本工作坊共有三节课: 第一节 玩味探索:塔香制作 讲述基本传统香种类和使用法以及介绍最简单的制香方法:塔香制作。 学员将使用檀柏香制作塔香,需自备胶盒以承载作品。 第二节 心静观香云:香篆制作 讲述传统香文化的历史、香篆的制作技巧以及其对培养专注的功效。 制作香篆后,学员可以静观香云,互相观摩。学员将获檀柏粉、香灰、香炉、香铲、香匙、香押、香具瓶和香扫。 第三节 香界初闻:合香技巧 讲述香港与香的关系、土沉香保育、合香文化、常用香药性味。 本课亦注重合香实践。学员将获檀香、六味香药和香囊一个。

Henna Art Workshop
Join us for a beginner workshop on henna art design to learn about the history of henna as an ancient form of body art and the various cultural significance of its origin in South Asia, Middle East, North Africa and other regions. Traditionally, henna is

"中国剪纸艺术的特点不但只是其中繁复的构图设计,还有它充份运用了平面正负空间的关系进行创作。中国人喜欢用剪纸庆祝农历新年,而红色纸张是最常用的,因为这颜色象征幸运和繁荣。作品可用作装饰墙壁、镜子、窗户和门。 2009年,中国剪纸被列入人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 本工作坊包含两节课堂,分别于一月16与18日举行。 A班上课时间:13:00-14:45 B班上课时间:15:00-16:45 "

Get Started in Guang Embroidery
This workshop aims to lead students in understanding and appreciating how traditional artists use their fingertips, one stitch at a time, to present the essence of Guang Embroidery on silk fabric.

Get Started in Guang Embroidery (Family Class)
Conducted by the instructors from Shunde Guangxiuzhuang, who will provide instruction on basic knowledge and needlework techniques, CityU faculty and staff are welcome to bring along one child to experience the fun together.

Rubik’s Cube Mini Competition
The Rubik's Cube was invented in 1974 by Ernõ Rubik, a Hungarian architecture professor. Join us in this fun-filled mini competition and win a grand prize by solving the Rubik’s Cube!