CAO's (CAO Xueqin) Silk Kite
CAO's (CAO Xueqin) Silk Kite
CAO's (CAO Xueqin) Silk Kite

The autumn is sunny, and the gentle wind makes it a good time to fly kites. In the 1980s, Beijing Cao's kite and Shuanglin silk were integrated to form silk kite-making craftsmanship. Kite flying carries children's endless joy and dreams, leading to thousands of years of culture and charm and as an intangible cultural heritage.

Making silk kites requires meticulous procedures, such as cutting bamboo slices and smoking the frame, etc., to pursue perfect symmetry in size, thickness, curvature, etc. The bamboo strips chopped with craftsmanship are turned into various frames, pasted the silk, and then painted patterns by hand; colorful, light, and agile silk kites are born.

City students and staff are welcome to participate in kite making and experience its unique charm.

Instructor: SHEN Yuting (Inheritor of Shuanglin Silk Kite-making)

The workshop will be held on 6 and 8 November.


CXO Seminar Room (R6143), 6/F, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Complex, City University of Hong Kong
19:00 - 21:00

Supported by Tin Ka Ping Foundation

CityU staff and students
By registration (Fee: $50)

Online Registration

  • For events with repeated sessions, NO registration on the same day will be accepted.
  • The name provided by the participant must be consistent with the staff / student card.
  • Each participant can only make one appointment with one registered email in the system at a time. Any duplicate registration will be discarded.
  • Participants must follow the instructions given by staff at the venue.

Data privacy and security policy apply to all personal data collected from the registration. Temperature scanning at the campus entrance and face masks are mandatory for all visitors. Special arrangements will be implemented in line with the latest restrictions under the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance.

If due to adverse weather (e.g. Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 and Black Rainstorm Warning) workshop will be cancelled. No compensatory arrangements will be made for another visit. Visitors have to submit a fresh registration online.

All persons admitted to the CityU campus shall observe the above terms and conditions to ensure a smooth visit as they have indicated their agreement to the rules when submitting their applications. CityU reserves the right to decide on the final interpretation of these terms and conditions, as well as the right to accept or reject any applications.

These terms and conditions may be changed at any time without notice. The English version of these terms and conditions prevails over the Chinese version in the event of discrepancies.

Please call 3442 2941 if you have any questions.

(same as Hong Kong Identity Card/passport)