CityU Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2020
City University of Hong Kong 尊敬的校長、老師、家長及同學們, 香港城市大學第五屆中學生傑出作品展2020取消通告 鑑於疫情的發展以及教育局的停課安排,由香港城市大學舉辦的 「第五屆中學生傑出作品展2020」現決定取消 。 已提交的畫作將由我校暫時保管,並稍後另行通知取回畫作的安排。 不便之處,敬請原諒。 我們在此衷心感謝各位校長、老師、家長及同學,對作品 展的鼎力支持及諒解是次安排,期盼於下年度的作品展再次得到大家的支持,祝願大家 身體健康! 如有查詢,歡迎致電 3442-6484 或 電郵至 。 敬祝 |
Dear Principals, Teachers, Parents and Students, Cancellation of the 5th Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2020 of City University of Hong Kong Due to the epidemic development and the class suspension announced by the Education Bureau, we regret to inform you that the captioned exhibition is now cancelled. Submitted nomination will be temporally kept by the University. Further notice on the retrieval of submitted artwork will be announced later. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. We thank all Principals, teachers, parents and students for your support to the exhibition and kind understanding on the cancellation arrangement. We look forward to having your continued support in the exhibition next year. Wish you all in good health. For enquiries, please call 3442-6484 or email to .
Cultural and Sports Committee |
Past Artwork Booklets Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2019 Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2018 Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2017 Secondary School Distinguished Artwork Exhibition 2016 |
Enquiries Tel.: 3442-6484 |