CityUHK Arts Festival 2024
CityUHK Arts Festival 10th Anniversary Opening Concert:
What's NEXT?
《城大藝術節》10 周年開幕音樂會: What's NEXT?

Ms. Yung Lucia Tsang-shien (Bassoonist), Ms. Wong Hiu Ching Eva (Erhuist), Ms. Tra Nguyen (Pianist), CityUHK Philharmonic Orchestra, CityUHK Chinese Orchestra and CityUHK Choir
巴松管家容正先女士、二胡家黃曉晴女士、鋼琴家Tra Nguyen女士、城大管弦樂團、城大中樂團及

10 October 2024 (Thursday) 7:30 p.m, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityUHK
2024年10月10日 (星期四) 晚上7時30分,城大黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂

Assembling CityUHK Philharmonic Orchestra, CityUHK Chinese Orchestra and CityUHK Choir, hundreds of elite students join hands to celebrate this exhilarating 10th Anniversary of CityUHK Arts Festival! The Festival is delighted to invite the Principal Bassoon of the Macao Orchestra, Ms Yung Lucia Tsang-shien, Erhuist Ms Wong Hiu Ching Eva and British-Vietnamese pianist, Ms Tra Nguyen, forming fascinating line-ups with our student performers to present a series of legendary masterpieces in this East-meets-West music gala. On this auspicious occasion, we sincerely invite you to join our celebration concert and witness the Festival's significant milestone together.

雲集城大管弦樂團、城大中樂團及城大合唱團,過百位學生精英攜手邁進《城大藝術節》10周年!開幕音樂會特別邀請澳門樂團巴松管首席容正先女士、二胡演奏家黃曉晴女士、英國越南裔鋼琴家Tra Nguyen女士,分別與城大表演者聯合演出一系列音樂大師的樂曲,為觀眾帶來一場中西薈萃的美樂盛宴。誠邀您參與這場誌慶音樂會,一同見證《城大藝術節》的重要里程碑!

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CityUHK Arts Festival 2024 Opening Concert