CityUHK Arts Festival 2024
Orchestral Concert: Music from the Silver Screen

Ponte Orchestra and CityUHK Philharmonic Orchestra
Ponte Orchestra及城大管弦樂團

16 October 2024 (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityUHK
2024年10月16日 (星期三) 晚上7時30分,城大黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂

Giving a soul to the movie and immersing the audience in a different world is how the movie soundtrack makes a magic spell. A piece for a film is not only a listening enjoyment but also profoundly leaves the scene in the audience's memory. Ponte Orchestra and CityUHK Philharmonic Orchestra will bring you a journey filled with enchanting soundtracks from Hong Kong and Hollywood movies that recall your memories with movie times.

電影配樂就像施展魔法一樣,為電影增添靈魂,帶領觀眾進入異度光影世界。一首為電影而生的樂曲,不但呈現聽覺的享受,更讓經典場景深刻地留在觀眾的腦海中。Ponte Orchestra與城大管弦樂團同台譜寫動人的電影樂章,以一首首熟悉的港產片及荷里活電影配樂,勾起那些曾經觸動您的光影瞬間。

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CityUHK Arts Festival 2024 Orchestral Concert