CityUHK Arts Festival 2024
Chinese Music Concert: C-Power

CityUHK Chinese Orchestra, HKU CA Chinese Orchestra, CUHK Chung Chi Student Chinese Orchestra and HKUSTSU Chinese Orchestra

16 November 2024 (Saturday) 7:30 p.m, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityUHK
2024年11月16日 (星期六) 晚上7時30分,城大黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂

Chinese orchestral pieces are outdated? Let our new generation of music players show you the Chinese music power! CityUHK Chinese Orchestra joins hands with HKU CA Chinese Orchestra, CUHK Chung Chi Student Chinese Orchestra and HKUST Chinese Orchestra to present a grand finale. Four outstanding new-generation Chinese Orchestra groups will bring the audiences an array of jubilant Chinese music pieces, marking a perfect end to the 10th anniversary celebration of the Festival.

中樂好老套? 新一代表演者向您展現中樂活力的一面! 城大中樂團聯同香港大學文化聯會中樂團、香港中文大學崇基學生中樂團及香港科技大學學生會中樂團,攜手呈獻藝術節壓軸盛宴。四組傑出新生代中樂團以喜慶歡騰的中樂作品,展示他們的青春活力,為《城大藝術節》10周年誌慶畫上完美的句號。

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CityUHK Arts Festival 2024 Chinese Music Concert