CityU Arts Festival 2023/24
Vocal Concert: Bel Canto in City

Prof. Nancy Yuen (Soprano), Ms. Yanna Chen (Soprano), Ms. Anna Chan (Mezzo-soprano),
Dr. Tim Wong (Tenor), Mr. Wesley Lam (Tenor), Mr. Stephen Wong (Pianist) and
Ms. Chow Ying Ying (Pianist)

12 October 2023 (Thursday) 7:30 p.m, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityU
2023年10月12日 (星期四) 晚上7時30分,城大黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂

The sound of birds, wind, cars, radio, and footsteps overlap and create a harmonious city soundscape. However, a beautiful soundscape cannot be without singing. The vocal concert invites renowned vocalists to delicately interpret pieces in different languages with the Bel Canto technique derived from 17th Century Italy. Let us immerse ourselves in the beauty of Bel Canto in this bustling city.

鳥聲、風聲、車聲、廣播聲、腳步聲…… 互相交疊,製造出一片片城市聲景。美麗聲景的拼圖中不能缺少歌聲。音樂會邀請一眾著名聲樂演唱家親臨城大校園,以源於17世紀意大利的「美聲」技巧,細膩演繹不同語言的聲樂作品,讓你在這繁囂的城市裡,感受蘊藏的豐富情感,與聲樂演唱家們沈醉於這城市美聲之中!

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CityU Arts Festival 23/24: Bel Canto in City on 12 Oct 2023