CityU Arts Festival 2023/24
CityU Chinese Orchestra and Members of Chinese Music Department of Xinghai Conservatory of Music: Starry Music of Silk Road

CityU Chinese Orchestra and
Members of Chinese Music Department of Xinghai Conservatory of Music


24 November 2023 (Friday) 7:30 p.m, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityU
2023年11月24日 (星期五) 晚上7時30分,城大黃翔羅許月伉儷講堂

The Silk Road, stretching for thousands of miles, has been a treasure of Chinese culture for thousand years. It is a pleasure to experience the grandeur of the Silk Road through Chinese music pieces performed by the CityU Chinese Orchestra and elites from the Chinese Music Department of Xinghai Conservatory of Music. The Guangzhou and Hong Kong musicians will reveal the stunning Silk Road scenery and create sparks together. Let's experience the extraordinary charm of the East and West!

絲綢之路,延綿千里,發端古遠,堪為華夏文化的千年寶藏。要感受絲路之壯闊波瀾,透過多首富西域特色的中樂作品,也是人生一樂也! 暌違五年,城大藝術節再次邀請來自廣州星海音樂學院國樂系的精英赴港,與城大中樂團重現絲路風光。穗港兩地樂手同場演出,併發火花,以中樂的吹彈拉打,感受絲綢之路中西交融的非凡魅力!

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CityU Arts Festival 23/24: Chinese Music Concert on 24 Nov 2023