CityU Arts Festival 2019: Chinese Dance Performance

The performance was cancelled.

Hong Kong Dance Company

9 October 2019, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityU

歡樂時起舞、熱情地狂舞、悲傷時曼舞,中國民族是怎樣透 過舞蹈抒發情感呢? 香港舞蹈團將表演一系列的中國民族舞蹈,包括蒙古舞 、維吾爾族舞、塔吉克族舞等等,展現民族風情。重頭戲是茅盾文學獎同名 小說改編的大型民族舞劇《塵埃落定》選段,舞者將透過藏族舞蹈,把一段 雪域高原的家族愛恨情仇躍然台上!

Dance in joy; dance with passion; dance in sorrow. How do Chinese ethnic groups express their emotions through dancing? The Hong Kong Dance Company is going to present a series of Chinese ethnic dances, including Mongolian Dance, Uyghur Dance, Tajik dance and etc. The highlight of the performance is the excerpt from the Mao Dun Literature Prize winner, the grand dance drama ‘Red Poppies’. Featuring Tibetan music and dance, a family drama of love and hatred will be grandly presented.

Highlights of the Programme 精彩曲目

民族舞劇《塵埃落定》選段 Dance Drama: Red Poppies (Excerpt)

蒙古舞《喃達汗》Mongolian Dance

維吾爾族舞《葡萄架下》Uyghur Dance: Under the Grape Trellis

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