CityU Arts Festival 2019: Closing Concert
String of Love
CityU Chinese Orchestra and CityU Philharmonic Orchestra 8 November 2019, Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, CityU |
暗戀、初戀、單戀、相戀、苦戀、失戀...... 愛情中的 甜酸苦辣,你一一嘗過嗎? 閉幕音樂會以愛情為主題,由城大中樂團與城大管 弦樂團演出中外古今的愛情曲目,細說愛情的跌跌宕宕,相信總有一首會讓你 想起心中的那個他/她。 A crush, first love, unrequited love, fall in love, love-sick, breakup…… Have you ever tried the taste of sweet and sour in love? The closing concert will comprise a series of love repertoires by CityU Chinese Orchestra and CityU Philharmonic Orchestra. Music telling legendary love stories in the past and present, east and west, will remind him or her in your heart. |
Highlights of the Programme 精彩曲目
《白蛇傳: 笛子協奏曲》羅偉倫、鄭濟民曲
Legend of the White Snake (Dizi Concerto)
Composed by Law Wai-lun and Cheng Chai-man
You Give Me a Rose rearranged by Xinjiang Folk Song
Butterfly Lovers’ Violin Concerto
Composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang