How to set up Email Auto-forwarding?

You can use "Forwarding" option to forward all e-mail from Microsoft 365 (M365) to another account automatically.

Below is the procedure for setting up auto-forwarding with "Outlook Web App (OWA)".

  1. Login M365 account with Microsoft 365 OWA.
  2. Click "gear" icon at the top-right corner of OWA window. Select "View all Outlook settings".

  3. Select "Forwarding" under "Mail".
    Select "Enable forwarding" and type email address as your destination. If you want to keep copy of incoming M365 account's message, you will enable "Keep a copy of forwarded messages".
  4. Click "save" to save changes and start forwarding right now.

Important Notes:

  1. You must NOT create direct looping i.e. should NOT forward to yourself. Otherwise, endless looping would occur, resulting in NO (or duplicated) email delivery.

  2. Prevent indirect looping. i.e. it means to prevent setting up email forwarding in both addresses.
    e.g. if A is forwarded to B, and B is also forwarded to A. An endless looping will occur, resulting in NO (or duplicated) email delivery to both addresses.


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