CityUHK Lab Boosts Youth Mental Health Awareness

Local educators, students, parents and mental health professionals attended the sharing forum on 14 October 2023.

Hong Kong’s education system has always been considered to be examination-oriented. Students face a variety of burdens, ranging from academic pressure to family issues. It is important to build resilience in children and teens so that they can identify their strengths and develop the ability to navigate, overcome and recover from adversity.

Professor Sylvia KWOK LAI Yuk-ching, Professor of CityUHK’s Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences and the Convenor of Positive Education Laboratory, leads a research project on the mental health of children and youths. The objective of the project is to identify protective and risk factors in order to prevent a youth mental health crisis. It also aims to empower youngsters by formulating user-centric strategies and tools for prevention and intervention in psychological health issues. The project is in collaboration with the Faculty of Social Work of the University of Calgary, Canada. A forum was held at CityUHK on 14 October 2023, with 32 students from four local secondary schools, and 48 teachers, principals, social workers, counsellors, district board members, parents and doctors attending the event.

Six groups of students presented their photo stories at the forum. Their photos illustrated their definition of mental health and wellbeing, and were used as voices to speak up on essential factors to support positive mental health, and what community resources were available to improve their psychological state. Students shared photos of beautiful skies, important companions such as their friends and pets, family support and interests as protective factors to stay positive. They also showed photos of report cards, exam papers and school rules as the source of their stress. Students think that the natural environment and community centres can help them relax and release emotions.

Following the students’ session was the roundtable discussion by teachers, parents, social workers and other stakeholders. They shared their suggestions on increasing public awareness on mental health, matching relevant resources to solve the core problem, reforming the education system, promoting positive education in schools, building a peer supportive network, enhancing multiple intelligences of students, providing more space for students, and strengthening parent-school co-operation. The project is expected to improve existing social policies and services provided to children and youths. The results will be collated to enrich teaching materials and programmes in secondary schools and universities. The event strengthened the partnership between different stakeholders and raised awareness on mental health in all.