Sharing our higher education vision at THE Asia Universities Summit
(From left) Professor Hafner, Professor Manning and Professor Huang highlighted the importance of a humanistic perspective to the development of science and technology at a roundtable of the THE Asia Universities Summit.
(From left) Professor Hafner, Professor Manning and Professor Huang highlighted the importance of a humanistic perspective to the development of science and technology at a roundtable of the THE Asia Universities Summit.


Embracing insights into rapid developments in science and technology from a humanistic perspective as well as a multi-level approach to branding and ranking, City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK) took the opportunity to share recent achievements and experiences with top-level regional higher education administrators at the Times Higher Education (THE) Asia Universities Summit in Kuala Lumpur from 29 April to 1 May.

Representatives from the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences took part in a specially convened roundtable on 29 April with an audience of around 30 guests from regional universities.

The CityUHK speakers were Professor Christoph A. Hafner, the programme leader of the BA (English) programme in the Department of English, who spoke about digital mediation in professional communication; Professor Christine Huang Yi-hui, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Media and Communication, who shared her thoughts on strategic communication in the age of science and technology; and Professor Matthew Manning, Head of the Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences, who discussed how new technologies influenced how social scientists study human behaviour and how criminals exploit new technologies to undertake future crimes.

The three speakers stressed the importance of the humanistic perspective in the development of technology, spotlighting how technological innovators can work closely with the social sciences to ensure careful consideration is given to the purpose and impact of advancements beyond purely utilitarian or economic considerations.

“The roundtable in Kuala Lumpur showcased recent developments in the CityUHK learning and research environment and how the respective departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences are responding to the benefits and costs of advancements in science and technology,” Professor Manning said. “The speakers demonstrated that understanding human complexity is central in preparing students to confront the needs of society and make positive impacts that are underpinned by the humanist perspective.”

The event also provided an opportunity to engage with educational experts, seeking their perspectives and comments on graduate practical skills, enhancing employability, and boosting economic growth to address the skills gap due to a technologically advanced society, he added.

In a CityUHK session at the THE Asia Universities Summit, Ms Chong (left) addressed the impact of branding strategies on the university’s rankings.
In a CityUHK session at the THE Asia Universities Summit, Ms Chong (left) addressed the impact of branding strategies on the university’s rankings.


In another CityUHK session, Ms Shirley Chong, Director of CityUHK’s Communications and Institutional Research Office, discussed enhancing brand image and reputation in higher education.

In her session, Ms Chong outlined how CityUHK promoted innovation, a global mindset and talented people and detailed how the University was expanding its international outreach to embrace Europe, Southeast Asian, Middle East and Northeast Asian countries and beyond.

In so doing, CityUHK is exploring new markets for quality students and research partnerships, uplifting our academic reputation through targeted international conferences, and emphasising at all times the synergy between branding and ranking.

“We use branding strategies to promote academic reputation and improve our rankings, and we will pay special attention to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals in our research focus for the next five years, promoting clean energy and sustainability,” she said.