Winners announced for design-a-tiger-mascot competition
Members of the adjudication panel (from left): Mr Chris Cheung, Dr Lam Miu-ling, Professor Matthew Lee, Professor Raymond Chan, Ms Yoki Qin, Ms Chouk Yin and Mr Robert Lui.
Members of the adjudication panel (from left): Mr Chris Cheung, Dr Lam Miu-ling, Professor Matthew Lee, Professor Raymond Chan, Ms Yoki Qin, Ms Candy Chouk and Mr Robert Lui.


The design-a-tiger-mascot competition at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has received 180 high-quality submissions from more than 150 students, staff and alumni, showcasing the creativity of the CityU community. The competition aimed to engage the CityU community in the creation of a fresh mascot for the University. Creative elements from the winning entries will be drawn on to inspire the creation of the CityU mascot, the design of which will be completed very soon.

A student from the Department of Marketing has been named the winner for her bold use of colours in her multi-element tiger mascot.

The entries used a range of techniques to revamp the traditional image of the tiger in keeping with the quality of technology and creativity found at CityU.

CityU is as wise, vital and vigorous as a tiger; and like a tiger, we are strong and pro-active, traits evident in the forward-looking way that we pursue excellence in education and research.

Chaired by Professor Matthew Lee Kwok-on, Vice-President (Development and External Affairs), the adjudication panel included Professor Raymond Chan Hon-fu, Vice-President (Student Affairs); Mr Robert Lui Chi-wang, Council member and CityU alumnus; Dr Lam Miu-ling, Associate Professor, School of Creative Media (SCM); Ms Candy Chouk Yin, Associate Director, Global Engagement Office; Mr Chris Cheung Hon-him, a SCM alumnus and Founder, XCEED; Ms Yoki Qin Xue, a postgraduate student, Department of Chinese and History; and Ms Hester Lee Sheung-yu, a SCM student.

The top three winners were:

Winner: Law Sin-ting, undergraduate, College of Business

1st Runner-up: Ahongon Kumi Villavicencio, undergraduate, School of Creative Media

2nd Runner-up: Asadieh Behnam, PhD student, College of Engineering

For details, please visit: Mascot Design Competition Results

From left: the winning entry, the 1st runner-up and the 2nd runner-up.
From left: the winning entry, the 1st Runner-up and the 2nd Runner-up.