Soulware and critical thinking feature in President’s talks
President Kuo attends speech days of two secondary schools.
President Kuo attends speech days of two secondary schools.


The concept of soulware was discussed in two addresses delivered by Professor Way Kuo, President of City University of Hong Kong, at the speech days for two secondary schools in recent months.

President Kuo spoke and presented certificates and prizes to graduating and outstanding students at Sheng Kung Hui Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School and St. Mark’s School on 11 January 2019 and 16 November 2018, respectively.

In his addresses, President Kuo said that proficiency in English and getting a university degree didn’t necessarily equal success if soulware was absent. The idea behind soulware emphasises a high level of dedication and a firm commitment to be the best that you can be.

He encouraged students, parents and teachers at the talks to think about the problems impacting the world today by considering not just the hardware and software of life, but also the soulware.

President Kuo also highlighted the importance of curiosity and critical thinking in today’s world. “I believe the ability to think critically and the drive to find out about the world help to lay the foundations for a successful career and enable you to become a valuable member of society.”