State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (City University of Hong Kong) is conferred as a PEMSEA Regional Centre of Excellence in Marine Pollution


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Many congratulations to the State Key Laboratory of Marine Pollution (City University of Hong Kong) (SKLMP) had been officially designated as a Regional Centre of Excellence in Marine Pollution by the Partnership Council of the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) on 27 July 2022. A Signing Ceremony was officially held on 13 September 2022 via Zoom platform.

PEMSEA ( is an intergovernmental organization operating in East Asia and consists of governmental representatives from 14 countries with a mission to foster and sustain healthy and resilient coasts and oceans in the region through integrated management solutions and partnerships. Together with SKLMP, there are currently four PEMSEA-RCOEs which focus on building capacities, sharing knowledge and providing scientific inputs to policies, programmes and projects that are aimed to enhance the health and resilience of the Seas of East Asia.

As a RCOE, SKLMP will regularly organize training workshops and offer research collaboration opportunities for environmental scientists and practitioners in the region regarding pollution monitoring and assessment, underwater survey, and ecological restoration technologies.