Department of Chemistry - Course List 

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Gateway Education Courses

Course Code Course Title Level Units Worth Sem Pre-requisite Pre-cursor
GE1346 The Chemists Kitchen (The Science of Food and Cooking) B1 3 B - -
GE1353 Science, Buddhism, and Life B1 3 (not offered) - -
GE1357 Introduction to Chemistry B1 3 B - -
GE2322 The Nobel Prize: A Discovery Approach to Human Greatness B2 3 (not offered) - -
GE2333 The Science of Cosmetics B2 3 B - -
GE2334 Science Versus Crime B2 3 B - -

First Year / Foundation Courses

Course Code Course Title Level Units Worth Sem Pre-requisite Pre-cursor
CHEM1101 Introduction to Chemistry B1 3 B - -
CHEM1200 Discovery in Biology B1 3 A and B - -
CHEM1300 Principles of General Chemistry B1 3 A and B - -

Undergraduate Courses

Course Code Course Title Level Units Worth Sem Pre-requisite Pre-cursor
(equivalent course: BMS2004)
B2 3
(not offered) - CHEM1200 or CHEM2071 or CHEM2007
Principles of Analytical Chemistry B2 4
B - -
Principles of Environmental Chemistry B2 4
B - -
Principles of Inorganic Chemistry B2 4
A - -
Principles of Organic Chemistry
(CHEM2007B for BSc Veterinary Medicine only)
B2 4
A - -
Principles of Physical Chemistry B2 4
B - -
CHEM2013 Microbiology B2 3 A CHEM1200 (for normative 4-year students) or A Level Biology (for Advanced Standing I students) -
CHEM2066 Cell Biology
(equivalent course: BMS2201)
B2 3 (not offered) - CHEM1200 (for normative 4-year students) or A Level Biology (for Advanced Standing I students)
CHEM2067 Diversity of Life and Evolution
(equivalent course: BMS2202)
B2 3 (not offered) CHEM1200 (for normative 4-year students) or A Level Biology (for Advanced Standing I students) -
CHEM2070 Diversity of Life and Microbiology Laboratory 
(equivalent course: BMS2204)
B2 2 (not offered) CHEM1200 (for normative 4-year students) or A Level Biology (for Advanced Standing I students) CHEM2013
Biological Chemistry B2 4
B - CHEM1200 (for normative 4-year students) or A Level Biology (for Advanced Standing I students)
CHEM2072 Laboratory Course for Cell Biology and Biochemistry
(equivalent course: BMS2203)
B2 2 (not offered) - CHEM2003
CHEM2073 Entrepreneurship Programme In Chemistry 1 B2 3 B - -
CHEM2808 Forensics and Modern Society
(for Minor Programme in Forensic Studies)
B2 3 (not offered) - -
CHEM2809 Science Versus Crime
(for Minor Programme in Forensic Studies)
B2 3 B - -
(equivalent course: BMS3203)
B3 4
(not offered) CHEM1200 CHEM2013
Inorganic Chemistry B3 4
B - CHEM2006
Organic Chemistry B3 4
A - CHEM2007
Physical Chemistry B3 4
B - CHEM2008
CHEM3017 Molecular Biology B3 4 (not offered) CHEM1200 (for normative 4-year students) or A Level Biology (for Advanced Standing I students) CHEM2003
Analytical Chemistry B3 4
A - -
Environmental Sampling and Risk Assessment B3 4
(not offered) - -
CHEM3042 Directed Studies in Biology/Chemistry/Environmental Sciences
(Download Application Form)
B3/B4 1-4 A and B, Summer - -
CHEM3052# Chemistry Beyond the Molecule: Supramolecular Chemistry B3 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
CHEM3053# Computational Chemistry B3 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- -
CHEM3055# Green Chemistry B3 3 (not offered) CHEM2006
CHEM3068 General Ecology B3 4 A - CHEM2067
CHEM3068A General Ecology B3 3 A - CHEM2067
Animal Physiology
(equivalent course: BMS3201)
B3 4
(not offered) CHEM2066 or BMS2201 and
Plant Physiology B3 4
(not offered) CHEM2067 -
CHEM3081 Chemical Biology of DNA and RNA B3 3 A - CHEM2071 or
CHEM2003 or CHEM2007
CHEM3082 Graphene: Fundamentals and Emergent Applications B3 3 A - PHY1201, BCH1100, CHEM1300 CHEM2008
CHEM3083# Cosmetic Chemistry B3 3 A
(not offered in 2024-2025)
CHEM3084 Forensic Imaging B3 3 B - -
CHEM3085 Gemological Science B3 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- -
Environmental Pollution B4 4
B - CHEM2067
(CHEM2067 or BMS1801 or CHEM1807)
Environmental Toxicology B4 4
(not offered) - -
Biological Treatment of Wastes B4 4
(not offered) - -
CHEM4029# Advanced Analytical Chemistry B4 4 (not offered) CHEM2004 CHEM3027
CHEM4030# Advanced Inorganic Chemistry B4 4 B - CHEM3014
CHEM4031# Advanced Organic Chemistry B4 4 B - CHEM2007 CHEM3015
CHEM4033# Industrial Chemistry B4 4 (not offered) CHEM2006
CHEM4034# Environmental Control and Waste Treatment B4 4 (not offered) - -
Environmental Measurements B4 4
(not offered) - CHEM2004
CHEM4036 Project B4 6 A and B,
- -
CHEM4037 Seminar Series B4 3 A and B,
- -
Environmental Conservation and Resources Management B4 4
(not offered) - -
CHEM4040 Environmental Impact Assessment B4 4 (not offered) - -
CHEM4040A Environmental Impact Assessment B4 3 (not offered) CHEM1807  CHEM3068A
CHEM4041 Selected Topics in Chemistry B4 4 Summer - -
CHEM4043# Food Chemistry B4 3 A
(not offered in 2024-2025)
CHEM2003 or
CHEM4045# Medicinal Chemistry B4 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- CHEM2007
CHEM4051# Forensic Chemistry B4 3 A CHEM2004 or
BCH1100 / CHEM1300 for students intending to take a Minor in Forensic Studies only)
CHEM4054# Chemical Bonding and Molecular Spectroscopy B4 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- CHEM2008 CHEM3016
CHEM4063 Systems Biology B4 4 (not offered) CHEM3017 -
CHEM4064 Biological Techniques and Instrumentation B4 4 (not offered) - CHEM2003
Soil and Terrestrial Plant Ecology B4 4
(not offered) - CHEM2067
Aquatic Ecology B4 4
B - CHEM2067
CHEM4079# Food Microbes, Toxins and Public Health B4 4 (not offered) CHEM2003
CHEM4084# Crystallography/Solid-state Inorganic Chemistry B4 4 A CHEM2006 -
CHEM4085# Testing and Certification Sciences B4 4 (not offered) CHEM2004 CHEM3027
CHEM4086 Independent Research I
(for the GREAT stream)
B4 8 A and B -
CHEM4087 Independent Research II
(for the GREAT stream)
B4 8 A and B CHEM4086 -
CHEM4088 Entrepreneurship Programme In Chemistry 2 B4 6 (not offered) CHEM2073 -
CHEM4089 Techniques and Instrumentation for Chemical Biology B4 4 (not offered) - CHEM2003

Taught Postgraduate Courses

Course Code Course Title Level Units Worth Sem Pre-requisite Pre-cursor
CHEM6114 Food Processing and Food Chemistry
(CHEM6114 is effectively from cohort 2024)
P6 3 B - -
CHEM6118 Advanced Chemical Instrumentation P6 3 A - -
CHEM6119 Frontiers in Chemical Biology P6 3 A - -
CHEM6121 Academic and Industrial Research, Development and Innovation P6 3 A - -
CHEM6123 Postgraduate Symposium P6 1 B - -
CHEM6125 Selected Topics in Chemistry & Molecular Sciences
(CHEM6125 is effectively from cohort 2021)
P6 3 B - -
CHEM6126 Advanced Seminar Series
(CHEM6126 is effectively from cohort 2021)
P6 3 A and B - -
CHEM6127 Dissertation
(CHEM6127 is effectively from cohort 2021)
P6 14 A and B - -
CHEM6128 Environmental Health and Risk Assessment
(for MSCHEM and MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology)
P6 3 A - -
CHEM6129 Advanced Directed Studies
(CHEM6129 is effectively from cohort 2024)
P6 6 A and B - -
CHEM6130 Cosmetic Product Development and Formulation
(CHEM6130 is effectively from cohort 2024)
P6 3 A - -
CHEM6131 Frontiers in Modern Synthetic Chemistry
(CHEM6131 is effectively from cohort 2024)
P6 3 B - -
CHEM6132 Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage
(CHEM6132 is effectively from cohort 2024)
P6 3 A - -
CHEM6133 Advanced Entrepreneurship Programme in Chemistry
(CHEM6133 is effectively from cohort 2024)
P6 3 B - -

Research Postgraduate Courses

Course Code Course Title Level Units Worth Sem Pre-requisite Pre-cursor
CHEM6119 Frontiers in Chemical Biology P6 3 A - -
CHEM6121 Academic and Industrial Research, Development and Innovation P6 3 A - -
CHEM8004A^% Directed Studies for Postgraduate Students A R8 1 A and B, Summer - -
CHEM8004B^% Directed Studies for Postgraduate Students B R8 2 A and B, Summer - -
CHEM8006M+ Workshop on Cell and Molecular Biology R8 4 Summer
(not offered)
- -
CHEM8007A^ Window on Science A (core course for CHEM PhD students commenced from Jun 2009) R8 6 A and B - -
CHEM8007B^ Window on Science B (core course for CHEM MPhil students commenced from Jun 2009) R8 3 A and B - -
CHEM8007M+^ Window on Science M R8 6 A and B - -
CHEM8008 Advanced Chemical Instrumentation for Research R8 3 A - -
CHEM8009 Advanced Neurobiology R8 4 (not offered) - -
CHEM8010M Introduction to Scientific Research R8 2 (not offered) - -
CHEM8011M Chemical Safety and Advanced Instrumentation for Research R8 2 A - -
CHEM8012# Natural Product Chemistry and Biosynthesis R8 3 A - -
CHEM8013# Polymer Chemistry R8 3 A
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- -
CHEM8014# Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology R8 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- -
CHEM8015# Materials Chemistry for Energy Technologies R8 3 B
(not offered in 2024-2025)
- -
CHEM8016# Solid State Analysis R8 3 B - -
CHEM8017 Research Methodology and Ethics R8 2 A - -
CHEM8130 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry R8 4 (not offered) - -
CHEM8131 Advanced Organic Chemistry R8 4 (not offered) - -
CHEM8132 Advanced Analytical Biochemistry R8 4 (not offered) - -
CHEM8141 Selected Topics in Modern Chemistry R8 3 B - -
CHEM8142 Photochemistry R8 3 (not offered) - -
CHEM8151 Forensic Chemistry R8 3 (not offered) - -
CHEM8154 Advanced Chemical Bonding and Molecular Spectroscopy R8 4 (not offered) - -

# Courses will be offered in alternate year.
^ Courses for CHEM students only.
% Approval from Head (CHEM) should be sought by submitting the "CHEM8004 Postgraduate Directed Studies Application Form" to CHEM Department before registering for CHEM8004A, CHEM8004B. No credit unit will be gained if no registration is done.
+ Core courses for students under the Mainland Collaboration Scheme.

updated on 27 December 2024