Alumni In Conversation

Stamping novel ideas on the world 小玩意『跳出香港』
Meet the alumni whose award-winning electronic stamp and other gadgets are going global研發嶄新電子印章技術,奪國際發明獎,踏上世界舞台
David Chung Wai-lung has always had a gift for design. By the time he was in high school, he was already involved in 3D animation, creative multimedia, and product design, winning countless awards for his work. He then enrolled in CityU's School of Creative Media (SCM), where he met Carmen Lam Hiu-kwan, an aspiring app coder. The pair not only found their talents complemented each other, but also became romantic partners.
David and Carmen promoted an interactive game, created in collaboration with a well-known local brand during the 2013 Playful Media Showcase.
鍾慧龍和林曉筠於2013年舉行的Playful Media Showcase期間,向嘉賓介紹夥拍本地知名品牌推出的互動遊戲程式。
By their third year at CityU, David and Carmen had already set up Animae Studio after being encouraged to do so by one of their tutors. Their goal was to provide multimedia production services for customers, and collaborate with local brands to develop game programmes that worked with interactive toys. In 2014, a year after graduating, they officially established their start-up, Animae Technologies Limited, to develop interactive, smart, and internet-based entertainment products.
Overcoming dyslexia
Many young entrepreneurs have had to deal with challenging situations on their way to success, and David was no exception. “I was diagnosed with dyslexia in Primary two. When I first enrolled at CityU, I mis-entered some characters when writing code for a programme during an exam, which meant the programme would not work,” David recalled. ”After the University learned of my disability, staff did their best to help me adapt to the learning environment. For example, the text in my exam papers was enlarged, making it easier to read, and I was given time extensions, among others. Needless to say, I integrated into University life very quickly and well after this!"Carmen also applauded the many other personal development opportunities for students beyond academic learning at CityU. “Thinking back to our time at CityU, we realise the School provided us with great support, from knowledge to technical skills and even practical experience.”
She noted in particular SCM's annual Playful Media Showcase, an exhibition that enables students to put their skills and knowledge into practice and present their creative work to the public. Organised by the Special Interest Group, made up of like-minded fellow students, the event gave Carmen and David valuable experience during their time at the School. SCM also holds an Industry Night for graduating students, where key players from various sectors are invited to look for and recruit talented young staff for their companies.
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The School provides many platforms for students to actively pursue their dreams by showcasing the interactive products they have developed during class or their free time. Our dream is to do what we are most interested in and transform creative concepts into real products.
David & Carmen |
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Winning formula
In 2014, Animae Technologies quickly achieved two milestones: the company secured a grant from the Innovation and Technology Commission; and gained entry to Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks' Incubation Programme. It also received some important awards. All these achievements helped to provide a solid foundation on which to build the business.“We focused on developing interactive user interface technology. The technology was initially intended to make the gaming experience more fun,” David said. “However, during the research and development (R&D) stage, we discovered it had potential for a wider range of applications, especially marketing and promotion where it could help companies develop a new type of digital sales. This led us to start R&D on electronic stamps.”
David went on to explain that with the enhanced technology they developed, users only need to install the company's Pointant app on their mobile phones and lightly tap the physical stamping device to automatically save electronic stamps or coupons. They can also immediately redeem gifts. “Compared with traditional physical stamping and similar methods, there is no need to collect and save stamps or coupons from different merchants anymore. Companies that make use of this technology to manage customer relationships and marketing get to simplify the process while at the same time giving their brand a high-tech and professional image.” One example of the app in action was the cash coupon that users were able to redeem after collecting digital stamps from all six innovative showcases at the Hong Kong Science Park MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go! Bang event in March-April 2019.
From Hong Kong to international recognition
Also, in April 2019, Animae Technologies received a Silver Medal at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, with the judges being impressed by the combination of physical stamp device and mobile phone screen stamping, which provides a simple, environmentally friendly solution for electronic stamps.“Taking part in this exhibition and winning an award was hugely significant for the company” Carmen said. “Now our electronic stamp project has truly leapt from Hong Kong on to the world stage. Additionally, we got to know many industry leaders and users globally. Interacting with them helped us understand the need and demand for electronic stamps overseas, which will be very helpful for our future expansion.”
Stay true and dream on
Currently, most of Animae Technologies' staff and interns are SCM graduates or undergraduates. David and Carmen are keen to repay their alma mater. Student interns gain real-world experience while graduates strengthen the company's talent pool, enabling new and more established staff to learn from each other.Indeed, many young people dream of being involved in creative media and the technology sector. For those thinking of setting up their own business, both David and Carmen believe that staying true to your fundamental interest makes it easier to realise those dreams.
To stand out in the highly competitive creative media world and impress customers, you also need to remain alert to ever-changing social and economic trends and have the flexibility and imagination to come up with new ideas. “The first two to three years are the toughest for a creative industry start-up,” Carmen said. “However, as long as you remain confident about your direction, and don't give up easily, your business has the potential to prosper.”
Finding a matching partner is also essential, someone who can add to your own skills and talents rather than duplicate them. And how do the couple find working together? “David's strengths lie in concept and design. He also likes to assemble mechanical models by hand,” Carmen said. “Programmes and coding he leaves to me as they involve text. This is how we complement each other.”
鍾慧龍自小早具備設計天份,高中時期已醉心於立體動畫、創意多媒體及產品設計,他的作品獲獎無數。入讀香港城市大學(城大)創意媒體學院後,認識了擅長程式編寫的林曉筠,兩人惺惺相惜,並且發展成為情侶拍檔。在教授的鼓勵下,他倆更於大學三年級開設初創公司 Animae Studio,為客戶提供多媒體製作服務,與本地知名品牌合作開發配合互動玩具操作的遊戲程式,踏出創業夢想的第一步。畢業後一年,兩人於2014年正式成立 Animae Technologies Limited,發展研發互動、智能、物聯網娛樂產品的業務。
不少成功的年輕創業家都有一些鮮為人知的奮鬥故事,鍾慧龍亦無例外。他說:「我在小學二年級時已被診斷有讀寫障礙,入讀城大初期更曾經試過在編寫程式源碼時,因讀寫困難而錯誤輸入字母,令程式無法執行。校方了解我的困難後,全力協助我適應大學的學習和校園生活,例如加大試卷字體方便閱讀、延長考試作答時間等,我在這個多元共融的學習環境之下,很快便適應過來!」林曉筠接著補充道:「回顧在城大的學習歲月,我們不論從知識、技能和實踐等多方面,都在學校的栽培下獲得了充實裝備。尤其是由創意媒體學院的年度盛事 Playful Media Showcase,給我們留下了相當難忘的校園生活回憶。」
兩人解釋,這個大型活動是由一班志同道合的學生組成的 Special Interest Group(SIG)籌辦。除此之外,創意媒體學院每年還會為應屆畢業生舉辦工業之夜(Industry Night),邀請來自不同行業的企業出席,並藉此招攬人才。
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鍾慧龍、林曉筠 |
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用家只需安裝由他們研發的手機應用程式 Pointant,輕輕一按配套印章的裝置,便可自動儲存電子印花或電子優惠券,甚至即時換領禮品。鍾慧龍補充:「相比起傳統的實體印花和印章模式,用家從此無須再零碎地收藏不同商戶的印花和優惠券。對於企業來說,採用此技術進行客戶關係管理和市場推廣,亦可化繁為簡,同時為品牌建立緊貼潮流和高科技的專業形象。」其中一個應用例子,可說是於2019年3月至4月期間舉行的「創出香港 MakeITHongKong 3-2-1 Go!」開放日,參觀者於場內集齊電子印章,便可即時換領電子優惠券。
2019年4月,Animae Technologies 在「第47屆日內瓦國際發明展」中脫穎而出,勇奪銀獎殊榮。評審一致認為這套智能印章技術,運用實體印章於手機屏幕上蓋章,能提供一個簡單易用又環保的電子印章方案。這次獲獎,代表這對情侶檔的夢想之旅,向前踏了極具意義的一大步。提到這次得獎,林曉筠仍難掩興奮心情:「這次參展和獲獎對公司具有重大意義,終於讓電子印章方案真正『跳出香港』,踏上國際舞台。另外,我們在參展期間,更認識了來自世界各地的業界領袖和用家。透過和他們的交流,我們更掌握到海外市場對電子印章技術的需要和期望,對我們未來業務的發展有極大幫助。」
Animae Technologies' electronic stamp interface has been continuously revised in response to user needs. Its seventh and latest iteration received the Silver Medal at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva.
現時 Animae Technologies 的全職、兼職及實習員工當中,大部分來自城大創意媒體學院的畢業生及學生。鍾慧龍和林曉筠期望以實際行動回饋母校,為師弟妹提供工作和實習機會,並與這班師弟妹互相學習成長,為公司注入新動力。不少年輕人都以投身創意媒體及創科行業為夢想。兩人寄語師弟妹,追尋事業夢必須忠於自己的興趣,因為有興趣自然會做事加倍認真和投入,更易達至成功目標。另一方面,要在創意媒體行業中突圍而出,必須掌握潮流脈搏,並且運用豐富想像力,構思一些前所未有的設計方案,令顧客留下深刻印象。林曉筠說:「創業的首兩、三年往往是初創公司經營最艱難的時候,不過只要具備實力,按部就班地建立知名度及客戶網絡後,業務便可望漸入佳境。緊記堅守信念,不要輕言放棄!」
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Won Silver Medal, 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 在「第47屆日內瓦國際發明展」中勇奪銀獎 |
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Conducted early round of venture capital funding after the company's electronic stamp technology attracted attention from investors 憑電子印章技術獲得創科投資者關注,並首度獲得注資 |
2014 | ![]() |
Received grant from the Innovation and Technology Commission, and commercialised R&D products 成功申請創新科技署的「大學科技初創企業資助計劃」,獲資助將研發成果商品化 |
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Gained acceptance into Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks' Incu-Tech incubation programme; R&D on interactive user-interface-related technology and applications 被納入為香港科學園的「創科培育計劃」之初創科技公司,研發實體互動介面的相關技術及應用 |
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Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Certificate of Merit for Technological Achievement; and Hong Kong ICT Awards: Best Digital Entertainment Award (Interactive Design) Bronze Medal 榮膺「香港工商業獎:科技成就優異證書」及「香港資訊及通訊科技獎:最佳數碼娛樂(互動設計)銅獎」 |