Alumni In Conversation

Natural flavours of Hong Kong 百份百「香港味道」
For two alumni, sustainable development is not a catchphrase but a career and a way to celebrate the Hong Kong spirit建構有機農業生態鏈,發揚可持續發展理念;本土製作,緬懷香港集體回憶
Founder, kimature
kimature 創辦人
Owner, AuLaw Organic Farm
Founder, AuLaw Organic Commons
Back to basics
Wong Yu-wing's AuLaw Organic Farm is located in Tai Kong Po Village in Kam Tin, Yuen Long. The well-established farm produces a huge variety of crops, ranging from corn to Chinese cabbage and okra, with many customers attracted to its healthy produce.At the time of the interview, roselle flowers were in season and Yu-wing appeared carrying an armful of the cheerful blooms. “Seeds from freshly plucked roselle fruit must be removed one by one, and the fruit processed by hand before being taken to the market for sale,” he explained. “The tea it produces helps to reduce blood lipid levels and also has antioxidant properties.”
Working the land was not initially part of Yu-wing's plan. He had a highly successful career, and progressed through the ranks to become the general manager of an audio company. Then, in 2010, he decided to reinvent himself; he left his job, returned to his home village in Kam Tin, took up his parents' farming business, and became an organic farmer.
Discussions between Yu-wing (second left) and Francis Ngai (first right), a CityU Taekwondo Club alumnus known as the “Father of Social Enterprises”, brought a collaboration with a Sham Shui Po restaurant run by Chan Cheuk-ming (second right), whereby AuLaw supplies fresh organic vegetables to the eatery that serves the underprivileged.
Yu-wing may appear to be a romantic, but he is also prudent and did not take his great adventure lightly. Indeed, such a major decision required considerable forethought and assessment, he noted. First, he had to make sure he was able to throw himself into the work wholeheartedly. Then, having decided he could, he knew he would be able to pursue his ultimate goal: to use his knowledge and skills to assist the development of Hong Kong's wider organic farming industry.
This he has done, with many people now enjoying the fruits of Yu-wing's labour through his “Tastes of Hong Kong” produce and his active support of many other farms that have since shown an interest in organic methods.
“It has been and still is hard work without huge financial returns,“ Yu-wing said. Yet the contentment such work has brought more than compensates for this. “Organic farming is not going to make me rich by any means,” he said.
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The satisfaction I've gained has enriched me far more than any material assets could have.
Yu-wing |
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Creating an organic collective
Wong Yu-wing named his farm, AuLaw Organic Farm after being inspired by the European Union's “Euro” currency, which has a similar pronunciation in Chinese and a philosophy to which he adheres. “The Euro represents a collective force and the spirit of a united people,” he said. “When a group of producers or professionals share the same ideals about their work, the strength of such solidarity is bound to succeed eventually.”Yu-wing also understands that for modern farmers to survive, they need to be both up-to-date with the latest cultivation methods as well as areas such as sales and marketing. With his CityU training in engineering, sales promotion, and digital marketing, he was thus in an ideal position to lead the way.
The long-time alumnus is also introducing younger generations of CityU students to his organic ventures through his on-going connections as the University's main Taekwondo coach since 90's. “Keeping up this connection has given me the chance to get to know many younger CityU students, with some going on to become farm partners, provide IT support, or work as volunteers,” Yu-wing said. “I will always cherish the many memorable moments CityU given me.”
Back to nature
In the light breeze of early autumn, a gentle fragrance wafts from a corner of AuLaw Organic Farm, where white jade orchid is in full bloom, ready to be used for a captivating perfume that is entirely made in Hong Kong.Kim Chan Ka-yee is the founder of a Hong Kong brand, kimature. Unlike many of her fellow Chinese language degree classmates, she did not become a teacher or editor after graduating from CityU. Instead, she chose to follow her interest in local plants, herbs, and Chinese medicine, embarking on the unusual path of manufacturing perfume and personal care products using native herbs and grasses. “This is the only way to release yourself from the lifestyle and environmental shackles holding you back."
To Kim, it seems that many people in Hong Kong have abandoned their dreams, choosing instead to eke out a living through long hours of work. “Financial considerations are not the only ones to think about,” she pointed out. “There are many other daring choices you can make to avoid falling into a rut or worrying about what tomorrow will bring.”
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I believe a dream is something you can only achieve by stepping out of your comfort zone.
Kim |
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Tapping into local resources
Since establishing kimature, Kim has continued to research and develop a Lingnam plant-based formulation. “The environment shapes its people” as the Chinese saying goes. So why should personal care products be any different, she said. “French lavender, American marigolds, and Japanese sakura are all used in premium personal care products. If these types of imported products are popular with local users, why not make use of the abundant natural resources available in Hong Kong, such as Chinese mugwort and oriental motherwort, to do the same? Not only will products made from native ingredients be truly suitable for the climate here, they have the added benefit of giving customers an authentic Hong Kong experience as well.”Since large amounts of plants are needed to manufacture personal care products, partnering with a local organic farm is mutually beneficial for both businesses. Three years ago, Kim met AuLaw Organic Farm's Wong Yu-wing at a Farmers' Market. They went on to discover their views on the local green economy were similar, with both wanting the local organic farming industry and sustainable development to establish a larger footprint and AuLaw's becoming one of kimature's ingredient suppliers. A year later, Kim chose to hold her wedding at the farm to show her friends how the farmland has transformed her.
Capturing the essence of Hong Kong
Kim's white jade orchid perfume has been well received in the local market, with kimature heralding the idea of collective memories as its spirit. “Many customers have told us that every time they smell the flower's unique scent, childhood memories resurface,” she said. “Looking ahead, we hope that white jade orchid is just a starting point. We will continue to develop locally and overseas natural products with an oriental flair to celebrate the Hong Kong story.”
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黃如榮 |
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初秋時份的黃昏,微風送爽,歐羅有機農場的一隅,傳來一抹淡雅的芳香,原來是園內含羞綻放的朵朵白蘭花,悄悄地散發著獨特的幽香。它們都是為本地一間嶄新個人護理產品公司而悉心栽種,用以製作「香港製造的白蘭花香水」。創立 kimature 品牌的陳家儀,離開校園後,並沒有像同系的同學一樣當上教師或編輯,反而順著自己酷愛鑽研本地草本和中醫藥漢方的興趣,踏上了以原生益草作原料,製作個人護理產品的創業之路。
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陳家儀 |
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創辦 kimature 後,陳家儀不斷鑽研嶺南植物配方。她認為,所謂「一方水土養一方人」,食物有不時不食的觀念,護膚品亦是不時不用。她解釋:「好像法國的薰衣草、美國的金盞花、日本的櫻花等,都是不少外國高級護理品牌的原材料。既然這些外地進口的產品都能深受本地用家歡迎,我們何不善加利用本地蘊藏的豐富原生益草資源,例如艾草、益母草、金銀花、雞骨草等,製造真正適合嶺南氣候、滿載百份百香港味道的護理用品?」護理用品的生產過程,需要大量有機植物作為原材料,夥拍本地有機農場合作,自然是雙贏方案。三年前,陳家儀在一次農墟中認識了城大師兄黃如榮,彼此談及對本地綠色經濟的看法,發現大家理念非常相近,同樣希望讓本地有機農業能朝向可持續發展方向邁進,自此歐羅有機農場就成為了 kimature 的原材料供應商之一。兩年前,陳家儀更獲黃如榮答允,將農場化身為她的婚禮場地,讓她邀請親友來到這片生意盎然、對她具有特別意義的田園,見證她人生的重要時刻。
香味營銷 港人集體回憶

For a personal care manufacturer, purchasing excellent, locally produced organic ingredients helps stabilise the supply chain. A winning combination for both partners.