Welcome to our Alumni Family!

Congratulations on your graduation and welcome to our alumni family! The Alumni Relations Office would like to celebrate your accomplishment and help you stay connected with your alma mater after graduation. Please take a moment to explore the affinity programs and services listed below.

Celebration Widgets
A series of Celebration Widgets, including WhatsApp / WeChat / Signal Stickers, are prepared for 2024 graduates to share the joy with your friends and loved ones. Click HERE for details.

AlumExpress (e-News)
To get quick update on University development, events, services, benefits, and more. Click HERE for the previous issues.

City AlumNet (Annual Magazine)
City AlumNet is an annual alumni magazine published by the Alumni Relations Office. It provides highlights of University and alumni developments and seeks to create a sense of pride among graduates as members of the CityUHK community. Click HERE for the previous issues.

From the President
Quarterly e-newsletter sharing the President’s insights and updates. Click HERE for the previous issues.

Facebook and Instagram
Please “Like” and “Follow” our Facebook and Instagram accounts of CityUHK Alumni to receive the latest updates.

University Convocation
Each graduate on receipt of an academic award granted by the University shall be a member of the Convocation. The Convocation aims to strengthen the relationship among members of the Convocation and between the University and the Convocation. Click HERE for details.

Alumni Networks
The Alumni Relations Office helps engage our alumni living in 50 countries and regions with their alma mater by regular communications and joint efforts with alumni chapters and ambassadors there. Click HERE for details.

Graduation Gift Campaign
The Alumni Relations Office invites you to COMMEMORATE your graduation with a gift to your Alma Mater. Your gift will be used for University general development. Click HERE for details.