Horticultural Therapy in Creating a Mindful Oasis

Ho Kai-pong, Gabriel

Gabriel, the Vice Chairman of CityUHK Convocation, has successfully organized multiple planting activities. These events not only serve as a platform for alumni to gather and enhance their physical and mental well-being but also provide opportunities for them to learn about organic planting and the development of agriculture in Hong Kong. The harvested products will be used to donate to those in need, giving back to the community.

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  • Master of Social Sciences in Social Work, Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Social Work
  • Horticultural Therapist, Serene Oasis, Christian Family Service Centre

As the Vice Chairman of CityUHK Convocation, Gabriel's passion for horticulture began more than two decades ago during his time as a student at CityUHK. This early interest eventually led him to pursue further studies in horticultural therapy, seamlessly blending his passion with his profession and embarking on an unconventional path in social work. While the recognition of horticultural therapy by the Hong Kong government is still a long road ahead, Gabriel firmly believes that with collective effort and support from his peers, this profession can gain recognition from the general public, much like the slow growth of plants.

Gabriel's journey towards social work began unexpectedly, as he participated in volunteer services for the elderly during a summer vacation, despite his introverted nature as a child. This experience ignited his passion for helping the needy and guided him towards pursuing social work in his undergraduate studies. Gabriel greatly benefited from his time at the University, gaining extensive practical experience from dedicated tutors and lecturers. Notably, he applied his knowledge in real-life situations, such as visiting the disaster area following the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. After completing his Bachelor's degree, he worked as a research assistant while simultaneously pursuing a Master's degree in social sciences, aiming to enhance his professional and management knowledge required in the industry.

Gabriel also emphasized the close connection between his interest in planting and horticultural therapy and CityUHK. During his time in the student residence, he was assigned to take care of the plants in his hall residence reluctantly. However, witnessing the vibrant life processes of the plants as they bloomed and bore fruit filled Gabriel with anticipation and joy, fueling his passion for planting even further.

Even after graduating, Gabriel remains dedicated to giving back to his alma mater by leveraging his expertise. He organizes organic planting activities for alumni and students at CityUHK, sharing the joy of planting he experienced during his student days, along with his therapeutic insights. Through horticulture, Gabriel helps others appreciate the wonders of life and offers them new perspectives and choices in their lives.

(Published at 8 August 2024)