Scholarships & Awards

Scholarships available for ACE students


No. List of Scholarships / Prizes offered in 2023-24
1 American Society of Civil Engineers Greater China Section (ASCE-GC) Best Final Year Project Award
2 ASHRAE Hong Kong Chapter – Scholarship
3 Asia Steel & Metals Scholarship
4 ASMPT Scholarships
5 Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists (HK) AGS (HK)’s Seminar on Final Year Projects Competition
6 BSOMES Research Prize 
7 China State Construction Scholarships 
8 CIBSE HK Region Student Awards 
9 CIHT Best Student Paper Award 
10 CII-HK Scholarships for Post-Graduate Research in Construction
11 Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit Awards
12 Formica Scholarship
13 Hip Hing Construction Scholarship 
14 HKCA Lo Pan Scholarships 
15 HKIE BSD Outstanding Student Award for Full-time Higher Education Students
16 HKIE Environmental Division Prize for Best Final-Year Environmental Project
17 HKIE Geo Div-LPM Contractors Scholarship
18 HKIE Geo Div-Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geo Studies
19 HKIE Geotechnical Division - AECOM Prize for Best Final Year Geotechnical Project
20 HKIE Materials Div - Best Paper on Materials Competition
21 HKIE Structural Division Best Student Awards
22 HKIS Outstanding Dissertation Thesis Awards 
23 HKIS Outstanding Final Year Dissertation Awards 
24 HKIS QSD Scholarship for Degree Students 
25 HKIS Scholarship 
26 Hong Kong Housing Society Award Scholarship
27 IET Prize
28 Kwong Man Kee Group Scholarships for Outstanding ACE Students
29 REC Engineering Company Limited Scholarships
30 The FSICA Award
31 The HKIE Scholarship 
32 The Society of Construction Law Hong Kong (SCLHK) Student Prizes
33 University College of Estate Management (UCEM) Scholarships 
34 Vibro (H.K.) Limited Scholarship 
35 Yearfull Contracting Limited Scholarships



Other Scholarships for CityU Students (Click for details)

Department of ACE, CityU

B6301, Blue Zone,
6/F Yeung Kin Man Acad Bldg,
83 Tat Chee Road, Kowloon Tong

Tel : (852) 3442 7609

Fax : (852) 3442 0427
