Consultant/Guest Professor of Manchester University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Tianjin University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dalian University, Shenyang Architectural University, Foshan University, Hubei University of Technology, Sichuen University, Northeastern University, Wuhan University; 2005-07 Member of the Intelligent Building Expert Group of the Chinese Ministry of Construction; Member of Appeal Tribunal Panel Section 45 of the Buildings Ordinance (Cap 123) 2000-06; Elected member of the Civil Division Committee of HKIE 2000- Member of the Civil Discipline of HKIE 2005-; Member of the Public Relation Committee of HKIE 2002-; President of the Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings, 2001-; Member of the Authorized Persons Registration Committees Panel and the Authorized Persons Registration Committee, Section 3(5) of the Building Ordinance (Cap123) 2002-2006; Ad Hoc Member, Work group on manpower training and development of the Provisional Industry Co-ordination Board; Member of the Engineering Panel, Research Grant Council, 2003-; Member, Planning and Research Working Committee, Kwai Tsing District Council, 2004-; Appointed member of Education and Examination Committee of HKIE 2005-; Lay member on Advisory Committee on Barrier Free Access, HKSAR, July 2005-July 2007.
Research Interests
Wind and earthquake engineering, fatigue, fracture and corrosion, noise and vibration reduction, environmental acoustics, structure vibration, monitoring and control, dynamic stress, jet fan, and tunneling.
Selected Publications
XUA CH, ZHOU ZH, LEUNG AYT, XU XS and LUO X (2015), The finite element discretized symplectic method for composite mode III cracks, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, May, 140: 43-60.
LEUNG AYT, H.X. Yang and CHEN J (2014), Parametric bifurcation of a viscoelastic column subject to axial harmonic force and time-delayed control, Computers and Structures, 136: 47-55
Zhou, Z., LEUNG AYT, Xu, X. and LUO X (2014), Mixed-mode thermal stress intensity factors from the finite element discretized symplectic method, International Journal of Solids and Structures, October, 51: 3798-3806.
Zhao, XM, WU Y and LEUNG AYT (2012), Analyses of plastic hinge regions in reinforced concrete beams under monotonic loading, Engineering Structures , January, 34(1): 466-482.
CHENG CKC, LEUNG AYT, KM Lam, F.N. Demirbilek and B (J) Williamson (2010), A CFD study of Hong Kong refuge floor design: Floor height effect, Journal of Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics , September, 4(3): 425-433.
Zhou, YW, WU Y, Teng, JG and LEUNG AYT (2010), Parametric space for the optimal design of compression-yielding FRP-reinforced concrete beams, Materials and Structures, January, 43(1-2): 81-97.
LEUNG AYT, Xu, Xinsheng, Zhou, Zhenhuan and WU Y (2009), Analytic stress intensity factors for finite elastic disk using symplectic expansion, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, August, 76(12): 1866-1882.
CHENG CKC, Lam, K.M. and LEUNG AYT (2009), Wind flow in the recessed cavity of a tall building, The Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, 8-12 November, 2009
Zhou, YW, WU Y, Teng, JG and LEUNG AYT (2009), Ductility analysis of compression-yielding FRP-reinforced composite beams, Cement & Concrete Composites, October, 31(9): 682-691.
LEUNG AYT, H Zhang, CHENG CKC and LEE YYR (2008), Particle swarm optimization of TMD for non-stationary base excitation during earthquake, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 37(9): 1223-1246.
CHEUNG SO, YIU TW, LEUNG AYT and Chiu OK (2008), Catastrophic Transitions of Construction Contracting Behavior, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, 134(12): 942-952.
CHENG CKC, LEUNG AYT and TSE KT (2008), Floor height effect on wind-induced ventilation of refuge floor design, the 4th International Conference on Advances in Wind and Structure, JeJu, Korea, May 2008 p.1221-1227
LAM HF, Ng CT and LEUNG AYT (2007), Detection of Multi-Crack on Semi-Rigidly Connected Beams Utilizing Dynamic Data, Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE, 134: 90-99.
LEUNG AYT, JI JC and CHEN GR (2004), Resonance control for a forced single-degree-of-freedom nonlinear system, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, April, 14(4): 1423-1429.
LEUNG AYT, LAM KC, LEE TK and TSANG YT (2004), A Study of Risk Allocation Decision in Railway Construction Contracts , International Seminar on Project Management, Chinese Academy of Enigneering, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences and The Hong Kong institution of Engineers, Hong Kong, 1p.221-226
LEUNG AYT, SO TPA, WONG KC, CHOW L, PAU WK and CHEUNG R (2004), The development of Intelligent Building Index, Hong Kong and Shanghai Symposium on Science and Technology, Hong Kong, PRC, 17-19 May 2004
LEUNG AYT, WU GR and ZHONG WF (2004), Exterior problems of acoustics by fractal finite element mesh, Journal of Sound and Vibration, April, 272(1-2): 125-135.
LEUNG AYT and ZHU B (2004), Hexahedral Fourier p-elements for vibration of prismatic solids, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, March, 4(1): 125-138.
LEUNG AYT and ZHU B (2004), Fourier p-elements for curved beam vibrations, Thin-Walled Structures, January, 42(1): 39-57.
LEUNG AYT and ZHU B (2004), Transverse vibration of thick polygonal plates using analytically integrated trapezoidal Fourier p-element, Computers & Structures, January, 82(2-3): 109-119.
LEUNG AYT, ZHU B, ZHENG JJ and YANG H (2004), Analytic trapezoidal Fourier p-element for vibrating plane problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration , March, 271(1-2): 67-81.
LU WJ, LEUNG AYT, YAN SH and SO TPA (2004), Estimating the Performance of SARS Virus Cleaner Using CFD Approach, Symposium on Advanced Technology for Health Care and Hygiene Control, Hong Kong, PRC, 4 March 2004
LU WJ, ZHANG WS, CUI CZ and LEUNG AYT (2004), A numerical analysis of free-surface flow in curved open channel with velocity-pressure-free-surface correction, Computational Mechanics, February, 33(3): 215-224.
CHEN Q, KRUGER U, MERONK M and LEUNG AYT (2004), Synthesis of T2 and Q statistics for process monitoring, Control Engineering Practice, June, 12(6): 745-755.
KUANG JL, MEEHAN PA, TAN S and LEUNG AYT (2004), Nonlinear dynamics of a satellite with deployable solar panel arrays, International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, September, 39(7): 1161-1179.
LAI SK, LIM C and LEUNG AYT (2004), An accurate approximate approach to large-amplitude nonlinear oscillating systems with a general non-rational restoring force, The 8th (2003-2004) Annual Conference of HKSTAM and Shanghai-HK Forum on Mechanics and Its Application, Hong Kong, PRC, 6 March 2004 p.23
LIANG JS, CHEN YS and LEUNG AYT (2004), Robust control of periodic bifurcation solutions, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), March, 25(3): 263-271.
SO TPA and LEUNG AYT (2004), Survey on attitudes towards buildings in three Chinese cities: Hong Kong, Shanghai and Taipei, Facilities, 22(3/4): 100-108.
SO TPA and LEUNG AYT (2004), Development of a virus cleaner intentionally designed for SARS triage wards, Joint Symposium of Advanced Technology for Health Care and Hygiene Control, HKIE/ASME/IMechE, Hong Kong, PRC, March 2004
WU Y and LEUNG AYT (2004), Provision of agency service for the selling of Rapidwall plant and Rapidflow calciner equipment in HK and PRD of PRC, HKSAR
WU ZG, GAO Q, LEUNG AYT and WILLIAMS FW (2004), Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H ∞ decentralized control systems (I), Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), February, 25(2): 123-134.
ZHONG WX, WU ZG, GAO Q, LEUNG AYT and WILLIAMS FW (2004), Modal synthesis method for norm computation of H∞ decentralized control systems (II), Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English edition), February, 25(2): 135-142.
LEUNG AYT (2003), Determination of spatial chaos in elastica by Kirchhoff analogy of gyrostat, South China Mechanics Conference, Guilin, PRC, 26-28 July 2003
LEUNG AYT (2003), Symplectic analysis of structural members, Extended Abstracts of the International Symposium on New Perspectives for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS-APCS 2003), Taipei, PRC, 22-24 October 2003
LEUNG AYT and KUANG JL (2003), Kirchhoff analogy and spatially chaotic configuration of buckled elastica, Journal of South China University of Technology: Natural Science, 31(SUPPL), July, : 1
LEUNG AYT, KUANG JL, LIM C and ZHU B (2003), Spatial chaos of buckled elastica using the Kirchhoff Analogy of a gyrostat, 9th International Conference Civil and Structural Engineering Computing , Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, 2-4 September 2003
LEUNG AYT and LIU ZR (2003), Suppressing chaos for some nonlinear oscillators, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos , April, 14(4): 1455-1465.
LEUNG AYT, NIU JC, LIM C and SONG KJ (2003), A new unconstrained third-order plate theory for Navier solutions of symmetrically laminated plates, Computers & Structures, October, 81(26-27): 2539-2548.
LEUNG AYT and ZHANG QC (2003), Normal form computation without central manifold reduction, Journal of Sound and Vibration, September, 266: 261-279.
LEUNG AYT and ZHU B (2003), Dynamic stiffness for thin-walled beams and frames by power series, The 10th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 12-14 November 2003 p.373-378
LEUNG AYT and ZHU B (2003), Non-linear vibration analyses of beams resting on-elastic foundations using Fourier p-element, The International Seminar on Environmental Vibration , Hangzhou, PRC, October 2003 p.88-95
LEUNG AYT, ZHU B, ZHENG JJ and YANG H (2003), Two-dimensional viscoelastic vibration by analytic Fourier p-elements, Thin-Walled Structures, December, 41(12): 1159-1170.
BALENDRAN RV, TANG CM, LEUNG AYT and NADEEM A (2003), Bond stress-slip relationships of glass-fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars embedded in polystyrene aggregate concrete (PAC), The 28th International Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures (28th OWICS), Singapore, August 2003 p.223-232
LIM C and LEUNG AYT (2003), Vibration of Nonlinearly Pretwisted Helicoidal Structures, The Fourth International Symposium on Vibrations of Continuous Systems, Keswick, Lake District, United Kingdom, 7-11 July 2003 p.29
LIM C, LEUNG AYT, LAI SK and LI SL (2003), An accurate approximate approach to large-amplitude nonlinear oscillating systems with a general non-rational restoring force (edited by Joseph Mathew [Invited session chair for Vibration 1]), The 10th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference , Gold Coast, Australia, 12-14 November 2003 IIp.881-886
LU WJ, WANG W, WANG X and LEUNG AYT (2003), Prediction of air pollutant levels using support vector machines: an effective tool, 7th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, 2-4 September 2003
LU WJ, WANG WJ, WANG XK and LEUNG AYT (2003), Using improved neural network model to analyze RSP, NOX and NO2 levels in urban air in Mongkok, Hong Kong, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, September, 87(3): 235-254.
DING Q and LEUNG AYT (2003), Nonstationary processes of rotor/bearing system in bifurcations",, Journal of Sound and Vibration, November, 268: 33-48.
KUANG JL, LEUNG AYT and TAN S (2003), Hamiltonian and chaotic attitude dynamics of an orbiting gyrostat satellite under gravity-gradient torques, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena , December, 186(1-2): 1-19.
SEDAGHAT A, COOPER JE, WRIGHT JR and LEUNG AYT (2003), Curve fitting approach for transonic flutter prediction, Aeronautical Journal, September, 107(1075): 565-572.
SHEN Y, ZHONG WF and LEUNG AYT (2003), Fast matrix exponent method for vibration analysis of large structures, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 華中科技大學學報, October, 31(10): 72
TSANG DKL, OYADIJI SO and LEUNG AYT (2003), Multiple penny-shaped cracks interaction in a finite body and their effect on stress intensity factor, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, October, 70(2199): 2214
WANG W, LU WJ, WANG X and LEUNG AYT (2003), Developing optimal feed-forward neural networks using a constructive dynamic training method and pruning with a genetic algorithm, 7th International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, Egmond-aan-Zee, Netherlands, 2-4 September 2003
WANG XK, LU WJ, WANG WJ and LEUNG AYT (2003), A study of ozone variation trend within area of affecting human health in Hong Kong, Chemosphere, September, 52: 1405-1410.
WILLIAMS FW, ZHONG WX and LEUNG AYT (2003), Symplectic analysis for periodical electro-magnetic waveguides, Journal of Sound and Vibration , October, 267(2): 227-244.
XIE JF, FOK SL and LEUNG AYT (2003), A parametric study on the fractal finite element method for two-dimensional crack problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, September, 58(4): 631-642.
YAN SH, LU WJ and LEUNG AYT (2003), An investigation of airflow field and air pollution distribution in public transport interchange in Hong Kong, The 4th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (ISHVAC 2003), Beijing, PRC, 8-11 October 2003 Ip.384-392
ZHONG WX, LEUNG AYT and WILLIAMS FW (2003), Energy band analysis for periodical wave-guides, Computational Methods in Engineering and Science: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMSC IX) , Editor: A.A. Balkema Publisher (Lisse, The Netherlands), Macau, PRC, November 2003 p.171-178 [Keynote paper]
LI Q, D.K. Liu, LEUNG AYT, N. Zhang and Q.Z. Luo (2002), A Multilevel Genetic Algorithm for the Optimal Design of Structural Control Systems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 55: 817-834.