Developing Teaching Materials on Qualitative Research

A Project sponsored by the

Quality Enhancement Fund of

the City University of Hong Kong


Introduction and Acknowledgement


Joseph Kwok, Ph.D., J.P.

Principal Investigator

Department of Applied Social Studies

18 December 1999

This is a Project funded by the City University of Hong Kong Quality Enhancement Fund. Its aim is to develop teaching materials on qualitative research methods relevant to local contexts. Its focus is on the compilation of materials suitable for teaching and self-learning.

The teaching materials generated by this Project are available from the Web Site of the Department of Applied Social Studies ( Colleagues and students are welcome to download the materials for learning and teaching, and are requested to give feedback to the Project investigators. The feedback would be very helpful in the further development of the Project materials to enhance better quality of teaching and learning.

As the Principal Investigator, I would like to acknowledge the generous support of the Quality Enhancement Fund of the City University of Hong Kong. I would also like to acknowledge the excellent contribution of Dr. Cheung Chau Kiu, Co-Principal Investigator. Without Dr. Cheung's expertise in the subject matter and leadership in Project management, this Project would not have been completed with its present welcome quality.

[Quality Enhancement Fund Projects] [Overview] [Acknowledgement] [Webresource]