Comics Competition
To enhance respect and acceptance among students and to create a harmonious school together, a comics competition was held from 2009–2011. Target Groups: Grade 4 to Form 7 students from primary schools and secondary schools in Hong Kong. Sections: There were three sections of participants in the comics competition: the Primary School Section (Grades 4–6), the Junior Secondary School Section (Forms 1–3) and the High Secondary School Section (Forms 4–7). Theme: To enhance respect and acceptance among students to create a harmonious school together. Awards: Each section had a Championship Award, a First Runner-Up Award, a Second Runner-Up Award and five Distinction awards. All the winning works were published in The Annual Harmonious School 2009–2011: Winning Works in Slogan Competition & Comics Competition, and the following table shows details of winning works from the various sections. 2009-10 Winning Works Primary School Section
Championship 莫曉晴 聖公會聖紀文小學 First Runner-Up 盛琬桐 香港普通話研習社科技創意小學 Second Runner-Up 鄭曉華 嘉諾撒聖家學校(九龍塘)
Junior Secondary School Section Championship 李樂兒 沙田崇真中學 First Runner-Up 彭可怡 沙田崇真中學 Second Runner-Up 陳康瑤 將軍澳官立中學
Senior Secondary School Section Championship 凌曉儀 將軍澳官立中學 First Runner-Up 李麗華 東華三院辛亥年總理中學 Second Runner-Up 梁倬瑤 東華三院辛亥年總理中學 2010-11 Winning Works Primary School Section
Championship 陳曉晴 馬鞍山循道衛理小學 First Runner-Up 麥瀗丰 保良局何壽南小學 Second Runner-Up 陳祉韻 馬鞍山循道衛理小學 Junior Secondary School Section
Championship 馮芷澄 東華三院盧幹庭紀念中學 First Runner-Up 陳偉傑 鳳溪第一中學 Second Runner-Up 葉泳芯 保良局何蔭棠中學 High Secondary School Section
Championship 李詠儀 保良局馬錦明中學 First Runner-Up 秦嘉麒 元朗公立中學 Second Runner-Up 蕭詠方 德蘭中學