Library Renovation (Phase 1) - Major disturbance during construction
In order to enhance our services and establish an environment which can fulfill modern users' requirements, we will start converting the Library into a Learning Commons in July. In the first phase of the renovation, which will take place from July to early October, the major affected area will be the central part of the Library (Picture). We apologize that the construction will certainly bring disturbances to the users. The affected area and relocation include the following:
- Room for users with disabilities (relocated to Room P3605, near the Law Section)
- Seminar room 1 & 2 (closed)
- Media and Electronic Resources Centre and its counter services (relocated to the Law Section)
- Current newspaper and periodical area (relocated to the Law Section)
- Reference collection (low shelves collection relocated to the Reference area HC-Z)
- Circulation collection for Classes HM-JL (now located in the adjacent book stack area for Classes HM-PL2800)
- OPAC and workstations at the Lobby (relocated to the Law Section and the Reference area HC-Z)
- Study seats and carrels at the Lobby (some are relocated to the Reading/Seminar Room)

Picture: Area covered in the first phase of the renovation.
In addition to the temporary closure and relocation of certain area, noise and dust caused by building works are also inevitable. By rearranging its services and assuring proper signage, the Library will try its best to minimize the disturbances caused.
Any enquiries can be directed to or 3442 6415, and we once again apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Run Run Shaw Library
27 June 2007 |