饒宗頤教授 (Eminent Chinese Scholar Jao Tsung-I)

饒宗頤教授在學術研究與藝術文化方面成就超卓,享譽全球。饒教授治學範圍極為廣泛,所涉及的領域包括古文字學、敦煌學、考古學、金石學、史學、詞學、音樂史、宗教史、楚辭學、目錄學、方志學等等,著作等身,已出版的各類專著逾八十種,發表論文五百餘篇。其中代表著作包括《殷代貞卜人物通考》、《詞籍考》、《敦煌曲》、《中國史學上之正統論》、《中印文化關係史論集》、《老子想爾注校證》、《文轍》、《畫 》、《梵學集》及《新加坡古事紀》等。此外,饒教授的詩詞書畫亦享盛名,除先後出版過二十餘種詩詞集外,還多次在香港、日本、韓國、廣州及北京舉辦個人書畫展,並出版多種書畫集。
Professor Jao Tsung-I is a world renowned Chinese sinologist who has dedicated nearly eight decades of his life to scholarly research, art and education. He is well recognized for his versatile scholarship, which can be classified into 13 fields or categories, namely Ancient Chinese History, Oracle Bones, Bamboo & Silk Scripts, Confucian Classics, Confucian Rituals, Religions, Chu Ci (The Songs of the South, a grand anthology of Chinese verse dating back to 4th century BC), Regional History, Sino-Foreign Cultural Relationships, Dunhuang Studies, Bibliographic Research, Chinese Classical Literature and Art History.
In his prolific scholarly life, he has published over 80 books and around 900 papers. He also excels in poetic writing, calligraphy, Guqin (an ancient Chinese musical instrument) playing and Chinese painting, with publication of over 10 poetic collections and dozens of artistic catalogues.
Aided by his proficiency in traditional Chinese literary texts as well as in several other languages, and by his profound understanding of the importance of historical facts and the scientific approach of textual criticism, Professor Jao has been constantly contributing new findings and insights to various fields of sinology research. Many of his studies have led to acclaim and profound impact in the international academic community. His scholarly contributions to sinology and to Chinese civilization studies are widely regarded as extraordinary.