Exhibition and Sponsorship Opportunities
IEEE INEC2010 invites you to maximize your organization's visibility before, during and after the IEEE INEC2010 International Conference through these Exhibition and Sponsorship opportunities. Your organization will reach not only over hundreds of attentions from universities and research institutes in Mainland China through conference promotions and advertisements, but also the more than ten thousands individuals who visit the conference web site and receive our promotional materials. Besides, exhibiting at IEEE INEC2010 provides your company with a unique and economical way to reach and exchange information face-to-face with your market in Asia. Many of scientists and engineers attending the conference are the key decision makers on products or services such as yours, and are often hard for sales people to reach.
Important Notes
Exhibition Application Deadline: Nov. 30, 2009
The conference will provide the following promotions and exhibition for the accepted sponsors:
- On-site exhibition to demonstrate products and meet with attendees
- Prominent placement of company logo and weblink on IEEE INEC2010's online conference page
- Logo and recognition in the promotional mailing for the meeting, sent to approximately 15,000 nanoscience and nanotechnology professionals
- Logo in a full-page advertisement in conference program books
Company flyer, brochure or magazine of your choice in conference bags
The suggested exhibition and sponsor fee is HK$20,000.