
Facts and Figures

COSDAF is internationally recognized for its research in nanomaterials, diamond and cBN, organic light emitting materials and devices.For the past few years, COSDAF core members have received numerous international awards and prestigious recognition, including 2 State Natural Science Awards (2nd Prize), 1 senior and 2 junior research awards from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, election to be an Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Fellow of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWA). Recently, in 2009, Prof. ST Lee, Director of COSDAF, was awarded the IAS Hans Fischer Fellowship, Germany.

COSDAF members are actively involved in the establishment of collaborative research with premium universities and institutions. The HK-CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Joint laboratory of COSDAF and Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry, CAS ranked number first in some 20 CAS-HK joint laboratories. In addition to the research of nanomaterials, diamond and cBN, organic light-emitting materials and devices, in 2009 COSDAF members also focused on research on (1) the applications of nanomaterials for biotechnology and biomedical applications including design and synthesis of nanomaterials and novel molecular probes for biomedical applications, and development of sensor devices for biomedical applications; (2) research of renewable and new energy [including solar cells and photovoltaic], and low power consumption devices (e.g. OLED) for energy saving. One-third of the published COSDAF papers in 2009 are in these areas.

In 2009, core members published 106 articles in internationally refereed SCI journals with an average impact factor of 3.96 including 14 papers (~13%) in journals with an impact factor over 7 [four in Angewandte Chemie (10.879), one in Coordination Chemistry Reviews (10.566), three in Nano Letters (10.371), four in Adv. Mater. (8.191), two in Journal of the American Chemical Society (8.091)] and one invited article in Journal of Materials Chemistry (Publisher, RSC Publishing). Notably, the images of our research results in nanoscience were highlighted and printed as cover pages in four first-rank SCI journals in 2009, i.e. Angewandte Chemie (January 2009 issue, September 2009 issue, & December 2009 issue, inside cover) and JACS (April 2009 issue, inside cover) and one in February 2010, i.e. Physica Status Solidi A (February 2010 issue, inside cover).