Computing Mathematics
Normative 4-year Degree
Computing Mathematics
Degree / Award Title
Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics
Offering Academic Unit
Department of Mathematics
Normal Period of Study
4 years
Maximum Period of Study
8 years
Credit Units Required for Graduation
121 credit units
Note: The following curriculum information is subject to periodic review and changes.

GE Requirements (30 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

  Credit Units
GE University Requirements GE1401 University English 3
GE2401 English for Science 3
GE1501 Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy 3
GE Distributional Requirements Take at least 1 course from each of the three distributional areas:

Area 1: Arts and Humanities
Area 2: Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations
Area 3: Science and Technology

Visit the GE website for more course information.
College-specified Courses
(including GREAT Stream)
MA1200 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra I
MA1300 Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra I
MA1201 Calculus and Basic Linear Algebra II
MA1301 Enhanced Calculus and Linear Algebra II
CS1302 Introduction to Computer Programming

College / School Requirements (6-13 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

(i) For taking the Majors without Stream (6 credit units)

a. Choose two from the following four science courses subject areas:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CHEM1200Discovery in Biology3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CHEM1101Introduction to Chemistry3
CHEM1300Principles of General Chemistry3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MA1501Coordinate Geometry3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
PHY1101Introductory Classical Mechanics3All BScPHY major students are required to take this course to fulfill the College Requirement
PHY1201General Physics I3

b. Compulsory attendance for the following two soft skills courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CSCI1001Employability for Scientists0
CSCI1002Career Lab for Scientists0

(ii) For taking the Stream of "Global Research Enrichment and Technopreneurship Programme (GREAT)" (13 credit units)

a. Research Methodology
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CSCI2002Workshop on Research Methodology1

b. College Requirements I (6 credit units). Choose two from the following six courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CHEM1300Principles of General Chemistry3
CHEM2006APrinciples of Inorganic Chemistry3
CHEM2007APrinciples of Organic Chemistry3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MA2509Discrete Mathematics3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
PHY1101Introductory Classical Mechanics3
PHY1202General Physics II3

c. College Requirements II (6 credit units). Choose two from the following four courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
CHEM2004APrinciples of Analytical Chemistry3
CHEM2008APrinciples of Physical Chemistry3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
MA1501Coordinate Geometry3
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Units
PHY1203General Physics III3

Major Requirements (63-65 credit units)Catalogue Term : Semester A 2024/25

1. Core Courses (45 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA2503Linear Algebra4*
MA2507Computing Mathematics Laboratory1Waived for students admitted into ASII
MA2508Multi-variable Calculus4
MA2509Discrete Mathematics3*
MA2510Probability and Statistics3*
MA3511Ordinary Differential Equations3
MA3512Partial Differential Equations3
MA3514Numerical Methods for Differential Equations3
MA3515Introduction to Optimization3
MA3517Complex Analysis3
MA3518Applied Statistics3
MA3525Elementary Numerical Methods3
CS2360Java Programming3
CS2468Data Structures and Data Management3

Note: * Based on the academic background, two out of the three core courses MA2503, MA2509 and MA2510 are to be waived for students admitted with Advanced Standing II.

2. Electives (18 - 20 credit units)

For Normative 4-year, please choose one of the following courses (3 - 8 credit units):
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CSCI4001Co-operative Education Scheme for Science Students6
CSCI4002Industrial Attachment Scheme for Science Students3
CSCI4005Overseas Internship Scheme for Science Student3

Fulfill the Major Electives requirement from the following list
Normative 4-year: remaining 10 - 17 credit units
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA1501Coordinate Geometry3Only for first year students of Normative 4-year Degree (BSCSIU4/CM) except with special approval.
MA3521Introductory Mathematical Finance3
MA3523Introduction to Abstract Algebra3
MA3530Selected Topics on Mathematics1
MA4523Introduction to Finite Element Method3
MA4524Elementary Number Theory and Applications3
MA4525Combinatorial and Network Optimization3
MA4527Computational Geometry3
MA4528Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos3
MA4529Mathematical Finance3
MA4531Partial Differential Equations II3
MA4532Applied Functional Analysis3
MA4533Applied Mathematics Laboratory1
MA4534Computer Graphics and Geometry3
MA4535Applied Probability3
MA4537Introduction to Actuarial Science3
MA4538Numerical Partial Differential Equations3
MA4540Modelling and Case Studies3
MA4542Real Analysis3
MA4543Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting3
MA4545Applied Differential Geometry3
MA4546Introduction to Stochastic Processes3
MA4547Asymptotic Analysis3
MA4548Abstract Algebra II3
MA4549Sampling Survey Methods for Social and Market Research3
MA4550A Mathematical Introduction to Machine Learning for Data Sciences3
MA4551Introduction to Functional Analysis3
MA4552Introduction to Differential Manifolds3
MA4553A Mathematical Introduction to Image Processing and Analysis, with Some Surprising Applications3
CS4486Artificial Intelligence3
CS4487Machine Learning3
CSCI3001Grand Challenges in the World3
SDSC3001Big Data: The Arts and Science of Scaling3
SDSC3022Financial Data Analytics for Investments3
SDSC4107Financial Engineering and Analytics3

Within the abovementioned credit units for the BSCM Major Electives requirement, students may declare a maximum of one of the following streams by fulfilling the designated stream requirement. Declaration of stream is optional and there is no GPA requirement for declaring a stream.
Enriched Mathematics Stream (12 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA3523Introduction to Abstract Algebra3
MA4542Real Analysis3
MA4545Applied Differential Geometry3

Choose at least one of the following courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA4528Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos3
MA4546Introduction to Stochastic Processes3
MA4551Introduction to Functional Analysis3

Financial Mathematics Stream (12 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA3521Introductory Mathematical Finance3
MA4529Mathematical Finance3

Choose at least two of the following courses:
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA4537Introduction to Actuarial Science3
EF3320Security Analysis and Portfolio Management3
EF4821Derivatives Pricing II: Interest Rate and Credit Risk3

3. GREAT Stream Core Courses (56 credit units)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
MA3510Independent Research I6
MA4510Independent Research II6
MA2503Linear Algebra4
MA2508Multi-variable Calculus4
MA2510Probability and Statistics3
MA3511Ordinary Differential Equations3
MA3512Partial Differential Equations3
MA3514Numerical Methods for Differential Equations3
MA3515Introduction to Optimization3
MA3517Complex Analysis3
MA3518Applied Statistics3
MA3525Elementary Numerical Methods3
CS2360Java Programming3
CS2468Data Structures and Data Management3
MGT2324Introduction to Entrepreneurship3

Suggested Study Plan