Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology
Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology
Award Title
Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology
Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology with Industrial Research
Master of Science in Multimedia Information Technology with Business Management


Offering Academic Unit
Department of Electronic Engineering
Mode of Study
Combined mode

Normal Period of Study

Normal Duration: Combined mode / Part time (2 years, 3 years for MSMIT with BM)
Normal Duration: Full-time (1 year, 1.5 years for MSMIT with BM and MSMIT with IR)

Maximum Period of Study

Maximum Period of Study: Combined mode / Part time (5 years, 7.5 years for MSMIT with BM)
Maximum Period of Study: Full-time (2.5 years, 3.5 years for MSMIT with BM and MSMIT with IR)

Credit Units Required for Graduation

A/ Programme Requirements for MSMIT (30 CUs)

• At least 6 CUs of EE core courses
• At least 15 CUs of technical elective courses (Group I + II) where no more than 9 CUs of Group II electives
• No more than 6 CUs of BM electives
• Minimum 18 CUs of EE courses

B/ Programme Requirements for MSMIT with Industrial Research (IR) (45 CUs)

• At least 6 CUs of EE core courses excluding EE6691
• At least 15 CUs of technical elective courses (Group I + II) where no more than 9 CUs of Group II electives
• 15 CUs of EE6691 Applied Research Internship Scheme in Electronic Engineering
• No more than 6 CUs of BM electives
• Minimum 18 CUs of EE courses excluding EE6691

C/ Programme Requirements for MSMIT with Business Management (BM) (45 CUs)

• At least 6 CUs of EE core courses
• At least 15 CUs of technical elective courses (Group I + II) where no more than 9 CUs of Group II electives
• At least 15 CUs of BM electives
• Minimum 18 CUs of EE courses

Students who cannot complete the MSc degree may be eligible for the PGD as an intermediate award, subject to meeting the requirements for the PGD award.

D/ Programme Requirements for PGD –Intermediate Award (24 CUs)

• At least 6 CUs of EE core courses
• At least 12 CUs of technical elective courses (Group I + II) where no more than 9 CUs of Group II electives
• No more than 3 CUs of BM electives
• Minimum 15 CUs of EE courses

Programme Aims

The programme aims to provide well-structured training for IT professionals who want to keep abreast with the dynamics in multimedia and information technology. It aims at equipping students with in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art multimedia information technology and the necessary skills to meet the needs from the community. On completion of the programme, students with different technical backgrounds and aspirations can:

  • have a strong theoretical foundation in multimedia systems and applications, mobile computing, Internet computing  and networking;
  • acquire analytical ability that enables them to conduct high-level research and development in the rapidly changing IT industry;
  • enhance their capacity to continue professional and career development

Programme Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs)

Upon successful completion of the programme, students should be able to:

  1. Describe current and anticipated trends in the selected areas including the processing, storage, retrieval, communication and visualization of multimedia information.
  2. Evaluate and analyze new technologies in the selected areas.
  3. Apply specialist knowledge in the selected areas.
  4. Assess, evaluate and formulate solutions to problems or specifications, in the selected areas.
  5. Carry out research and develop new technologies and products in the selected areas.
  6. Apply effective communication skills in their professions.
  7. Manage teams of technologists with good senses of business and marketing (BM option only).
  8. Manage a research project and develop strong ability to do academic/ industrial research (IR option only)

Programme Requirements

Programme of Study

Core Courses: (Students should take at least 2 out of the first 3 core courses listed below)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
EE5806Topics in Image Processing3
EE5808Topics in Computer Graphics3
EE5809Digital Audio Processing and Applications3
EE6691Applied Research Internship Scheme in Electronic Engineering15@
Group I Technical Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS6175Virtual Reality and Game-Engine Technologies3
CS6187Vision and Language3
CS6223Distributed Systems3
CS6290Privacy-enhancing Technologies3
EE5410Signal Processing3
EE6413Advanced Topics in Networking Technologies3
EE6432Topics in Digital Video Broadcasting3
EE6435Multi-Dimensional Data Modeling and its Applications3
EE6610Queueing Theory with Telecommunications Applications3
EE6611Directed Studies for Taught Postgraduate Students3
EE6613Green Electronics - Theory, Eco-design, Experiments and Applications3
EE6614Reliability Engineering in Electronics Industry3
EE6617Detection and Estimation - Theory and Applications in Communications3
EE6618Three Dimensional (3D) Video Display Technology3
EE6802Advances in Digital Signal Processing3
EE6803Advanced Topics on Computer and Information Technology3
EE6804Networked Multimedia3
EE6805Video and Speech Compression3
EE6690Internship Scheme in Electronic Industry3
SM5304Animation: Principles and Practice3
SM5306Cinematic Arts Workshop3
SM5307Digital Media and Moving Images3
Group II Technical Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
CS5187Vision and Image3
CS5275High Speed Multimedia Networks3
CS5282Practical Optimization Algorithms and Techniques3
CS5284Mobile Computing3
CS5285Information Security for eCommerce3
CS5367Computer Games Design3
CS5481Data Engineering3
CS5487Machine Learning3
EE5412Telecommunication Networks3
EE5413Advanced Internet Technologies3
EE5414Development and Design in Embedded Systems3
EE5415Mobile Applications Design and Development3
EE5416Topics in Bioelectronics and Biomedical Instrumentation3
EE5433Innovation in Multimedia Technology and Marketplaces for Mobile Applications3^
EE5805Java Network Programming3
EE5811Topics in Computer Vision3
EE5815Topics in Security Technology3
EE5816Internet Client-server Computing3
EE6612Studies on Electronics Industry in China and Asia Pacific3^
SM5332Making Things Blip, Blink & Move: Introduction to Physical Computing3
Group III Business Management Electives
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit UnitsRemarks
EE5433Innovation in Multimedia Technology and Marketplaces for Mobile Applications3^
EE6612Studies on Electronics Industry in China and Asia Pacific3^
EF5010Economics for Business3
EF5042Corporate Finance3
FB5632e-Marketing and Customer Relationship Management3
FB6622Services Marketing3
IS5414Analysis and Design of ecommerce Systems3
MGT5204Organizational Behavior3
MGT5205Strategic Management3
MGT5313International Organizational Behavior3
MGT5316Human Resources Management3
MGT6209High Performance Collaborations3
MGT6314Global Human Resources Management3
MGT6318Employee Engagement and Performance3
MGT6323Cross-Cultural Negotiation3
MGT6325International Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship3
MGT6326Managing International Business3
SEEM6015Supply Chain Management3
SEEM6037Managing Strategic Quality3
SEEM6044China Engineering Enterprise Management3

@ For students who opt for IR exit award only. Also, students taking EE6691 cannot take EE6680 Dissertation and EE6690 Internship Scheme in Electronic Industry as they are exclusive courses. Only students taking full-time study mode can opt MSMIT with IR.

  ^ CUs earned from this course could be counted as either fulfilling credit unit requirement of Group II technical electives or that of business management elective.

Additional Information

Intermediate Award Title:

Postgraduate Diploma in Multimedia Information Technology