6 September 2023

New BSc of Biological Sciences and BSc of Biomedical Sciences Students Thrive at UG Orientation

Opening remarks by Professor HUANG Yu, Head of Department.
Opening remarks by Professor HUANG Yu, Head of Department.
Presentation by Professor Gigi LO, Programme Leader of BSc in Biomedical Sciences.
Presentation by Professor Gigi LO, Programme Leader of BSc in Biomedical Sciences.

New BSc in Biological Sciences and BSc in Biomedical Sciences students kicked off their academic journey with an exciting Undergraduate (UG) Orientation on 29 August 2023. The event buzzed with energy from Prof. HUANG Yu (Department Head), Prof. Rebecca Chin (Assistant Head, UG Education), Prof. Kingston Mak (Programme Leader of BSc in Biological Sciences) and Prof. Gigi Lo (Programme Leader of BSc in Biomedical Sciences) greeting the incoming undergraduates and presented a roadmap to success.

Group Photo for UG Orientation 2023.
Group Photo for UG Orientation 2023.
Presentation by Prof. Kingston MAK, Programme Leader of BSc in Biological Sciences.
Presentation by Prof. Kingston MAK, Programme Leader of BSc in Biological Sciences.

The department head’s warm welcome set the tone for an exciting learning experience at University. The UG Education Head and Programme Leaders took the stage, delivering captivating presentations that unveiled the secrets of their respective programmes. Students discovered the dynamic curriculums, outside-classroom learning opportunities, and exciting career prospects that awaited them.

The UG Orientation went beyond information-sharing; it created a vibrant community. Students connected with faculty members and fellow peers, forming bonds that will fuel collaboration and growth throughout their undergraduate journey. The UG Orientation was just the beginning of an enthusiastic academic year that shapes students’ futures and empower them to make a lasting impact on the scientific landscape.

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