15 July 2023

Hong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium 2023 Supported by our Department

Scholars shared knowledge and research progress through poster presentations at the Symposium.
Scholars shared knowledge and research progress through poster presentations at the Symposium.
The Symposium was concluded with an exclusive dinner providing great networking opportunities.
The Symposium was concluded with an exclusive dinner providing great networking opportunities.
Different scholars gathered together at the Hong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium 2023.
Different scholars gathered together at the Hong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium 2023.

A Hong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium 2023 was held in hybrid mode on 8 July 2023 (Saturday), organised jointly by the China National Postdoctoral Council under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (全國博士後管委會辦公室), The Society of Hong Kong Scholars (香港學者協會 and Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre (京港學術交流中心), and supported by the Department of Biomedical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong. The event comprising research presentations and an award ceremony to celebrate the research excellence of Hong Kong scholars*, was a resounding success with close to 170 participants. It was graced by Prof. Michael Yang, Senior Vice-President (Innovation & Enterprise), who gave an opening address, and also Prof. Yu Huang (Department Head), who participated as one of the judges for the oral presentation awards. The event provided a great platform for active young scholars to exchange ideas and research results with their peers as well as the scientific community, and to explore opportunities for research collaborations. It concluded with an exclusive dinner, providing great networking opportunities.

Poster presentation awardees.
Poster presentation awardees.
Prof. Yu Huang (Department Head) is one of the judges for the oral presentation awards.
Prof. Yu Huang (Department Head) is one of the judges for the oral presentation awards.

* The “Hong Kong Scholars Program (香江學者計劃)” is jointly launched by the Society of Hong Kong Scholars and the China National Postdoctoral Council under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. It aims at effectively pooling talent and research resources of Hong Kong and the Mainland to train outstanding postdoctoral fellows. Selected “Hong Kong Scholars” (i.e. the postdoctoral fellows) will come to Hong Kong to commence postdoctoral research work under professors at various universities in Hong Kong. This Program will help professors of Hong Kong solicit high-quality PhD graduates from leading universities on the Mainland, thus promoting academic and scientific exchanges and collaboration between the two places.

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