Graduation Ceremony for our BScBMS and PhD Students
Group photo of graduates with graduation cake.Graduation Ceremony took place in Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall at Lau Ming Wai Academic Building on campus.
PhD students and our first cohort of BSc BMS students graduated in 2017.Academic Procession: (from left) Dr Sungchil Yang (BMS), Dr Kiwon Ban (BMS), Dr Philip Stott (PH), Prof. Dirk Pfeiffer (Associate Dean (Research) of CVMLS), Prof. David Hampson (Head of PH), Prof. Michael Reichel (Dean of CVMLS), Prof. Michael Yang (Head of BMS), Prof. Shuk Han Cheng (Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) of CVMLS), Dr Terrence Lau (Associate Head of BMS), Dr Temy Mok (Assistant Head (Undergraduate Education) of BMS), Dr Youngjin Lee and Dr Ming Chan.
Our first cohort of BSc BMS students and 3 of our PhD BMS students graduated in November 2017! Prof. Michael Reichel conducted the first graduation ceremony of the newly formed CVMLS. Congratulations graduates! We wish you the best of success in the future!
Attending PhD Graduates
CAO Bing (supervisor: Prof. LI Ying)
XU Shisan (supervisor: Prof. CHENG Shuk Han)
ZOU Heng (supervisor: Prof. YANG Michael)