Static Website/ASP.NET application
Static website and ASP.NET Application Hosting is set up to provide a consolidated, fully monitored and managed environment for hosting departmental or project websites, which is developed with pure HTML for providing static contents or developed with ASP.NET framework and Microsoft SQL database for providing dynamic information/interactive application to end users. The hardware and software of the web hosting service are maintained and supported by the Central IT while the web page contents are developed and maintained by the departments.
Steps to host your website on www
- Aware the Policies governing web publication
- Check the configuration and
the web application security guidelines
of the central web hosting environment to see whether your
website is capable to be hosted in the central web server.
Refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) for more information. - Contact the ESU if you want to seek technical advices on the development. This may save you un-necessary administration and development works.
- Develop your website/web application
on your local PC or server.
Make sure that your web application is fully
compatible and conform to the central web and database server
Web developers, please check the Create/design a website section of the right column. - When the new website is ready for user acceptance test (UAT), submit a CSC Work Request to create a web account. If you need database support, you should mention it in the request.
- Deploy your ready-to-launch website to the staging server.
(Note: For security reasons, direct access to the MS SQL database can only be done on registered campus PCs.)
- Test your website
- Submit a CSC Work Request to perform a
web application security scanning
and obtain the production web account after the scan.
- Deploy the website to the production server.
- Maintain your website.
The average time from requesting a web account to successfully launch the website is about 1 or 2 months depending on the development time of the website.
Download the PDF version of this developers' guide (Staff Only)
General Information
Policy Agreement
Create web/database accounts
Changing Password
- Please Change password regularly
- Reset Passkey for the web account (Azure Web - FTP via TLS)
- Change Password for the Azure SQL database account
Staging Account Management
Create/design a website
The followings are important notes and guidelines for web developers. Please make sure your web applications are fully compatible and conform to the central web server and database server environment.
- Information on the Server Configurations and Web Application Security Guidelines
- Suggested standard elements of CityUHK/departmental web pages
- Best practices, tips, and web standards for creating webpages
- Technical notes for web developers, such as sending email, logon control, and etc.