Evolution of Corrections

conference 2017

Conference 2017 – Evolution of Corrections

19 – 20 Jul 2017

Around 400 participants from Hong Kong, Malinland China, Macau, Singapore, Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Israel, Fiji, Malaysia, Korea, Japan and Thailand, as well as the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, discussed the role of correctional work in the sustainable development of societies during a conference at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) from 19 to 20 July.

Titled “Conference 2017 – Evolution of Corrections”, the two-day Conference was hosted by CityU in collaboration with the Correctional Services Department (CSD) to showcase the paradigm shift in correctional work and to explore the way forward.

Guests joining the opening ceremony included Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, Chief Secretary for Administration, HKSAR Government, Mr John Lee Ka-chiu, Secretary for Security, HKSAR Government, Mr Yau Chi-chiu, Commissioner of Correctional Services, Mr Wang Jinyi, Director General of the Bureau of Prison Administration, Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China, Mr Herman Hu Shao-ming, Council Chairman of CityU, and Professor Way Kuo, CityU President.

The Conference, which covered a wide range of topics on contemporary issues, is a platform for in-depth discussion and sharing of valuable experience on custodial, rehabilitation and community education work related to corrections. New insights for policy review and development were gained from exchanges among local, mainland and overseas academics, practitioners and different community stakeholders.

The event also marks the 35th anniversary of the renaming of Hong Kong’s “Prisons Department” as the “Correctional Services Department”.

For details, please visit the Conference 2017 – Evolution of Corrections Programme.