Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioural Sciences

Author Photo
Wing Lo
Prof. T. Wing Lo
Author Title
Series Editor

In recent years, there is much rich and exciting development in Asia that invites and commands the world's attention to the scholarship in this region. Worldwide, people are looking towards Asia to learn of and learn from their political and cultural settings. We live in a fluid and shifting world order where the recent focus of attention is drawn towards Asia, and China in particular, economically, politically, and socially to respond to crisis, catastrophic events, and conflicts. Such rapid development in Asia makes a book series timely and highly relevant.

Our Aims for the Series:

  • Present comprehensive, systematic and in-depth research on Asian-related issues
  • Disseminate Asian perspectives on specific behavioural problems
  • Enrich current research and affirm theoretical strands of arguments through coordinated and comparative research in Asia and elsewhere
  • Foster profound understanding of the psychological and cultural issues facing Asian populations in Asia and other parts of the world
  • Strengthen the analysis of global issues using data obtained among Asian populations and Asian communities
  • Contribute to the advancement of knowledge and thorough understanding of behavioural issues related to Asian populations and communities

For details, please visit Routledge Studies in Asian Behavioural Sciences.