Chapter Six
From Planning to Implementation to Monitoring Progress
The Strategic Plan 2020–2025 builds upon and extends the aspirations defined in the University’s Strategic Plan for 2015–2020. It identifies aims under five strategic themes to guide the University’s development over the next five-year period, along the trajectory set for the next 25 years. Our overall goal is to further elevate the academic excellence, international and local standing, and societal importance of CityU.

The development of this Strategic Plan has benefited from the wisdom of the CityU community at all levels through consultation meetings and subsequent submissions from related units, as outlined in Appendix 2. We are committed to putting into action the aims identified: all academic and non-academic units will be involved in developing their specific action plans, including objectives, performance indicators and timelines, in a manner that aligns with the aims identified as well as with reference to the standards and practice of leading institutions and the key performance indicators set by the University. Our purpose is to integrate the implementation of these plans into the daily operations of the University, with all units working together to meet their targets. The annual planning and budgeting process will provide the framework for making the Strategic Plan operational at the unit levels of the University. Vice-Presidents and equivalent, who will be the owners of action plan items related to their areas of responsibility, will monitor progress through annual reports from the units that they line manage. They will report on implementation progress annually to the President’s Cabinet and a review of the 2020–2023 progress of these action plans will be conducted by the President’s Cabinet prior to preparation for the next Strategic Plan.
In the light of the fast-changing landscape and rapid developments in global higher education and the local social situation, this Strategic Plan should be treated as a living document, adaptable and open to new and unexpected opportunities, while working towards the long-term goals outlined in Chapter 2. As a great university, we seek not only to respond to change, but to anticipate it and, when required, to help facilitate it.