CPLR PhD seminar III: The Consent Of The Governed: Resistance As Constituent Power(online)
27 Mar 2023 (Mon) | 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM

We are pleased to inform you that The Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR) , School of Law, City University of Hong Kong is organizing a PhD seminar of The Consent Of The Governed: Resistance As Constituent Power. 

Contrary to the rapid growth of legalistic authoritarian regimes in recent years, scholarship on resistance to autocratic rule has been comparatively sparse. The study of regimes like Russia and China are often focused on understanding how autocrats use the law as a legitimating tool to enhance their powers – leaving a gap in our knowledge of how to challenge these leaders once we understand them. The People’s silence is presumed as autocratic leaders continue to enact constitutional mandates in the name of the ‘People’s will’. This Article proposes that this perspective is mistaken; it argues for the recognition of grassroots resistance as (even) more than singular acts of defiance to tyranny, but as invocations of constituent power in authoritarian states. 

  Details of the event and posters are as follows:

CPLR PhD seminar III: The Consent of The Governed: Resistance As Constituent Power 

Moderator:  Dr. FANG Meng (Assistant Professor, City University) 

Speaker:       MS Leigha Crout (PhD candidate, King's Colloge London) 

Diassants:    Prof. Cora CHAN (Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, HKU) Dr. Peter WANG (Associate Professor, SLW, CityU)  

Date:             23 March 2023, 9:30-10:30 am (HKT) 

Venue:           Online  

Register:       https://bit.ly/3vSCrhU 


cplr phd semianr 3