Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of CCCL, explains that Vietnam will have to succeed in getting local and foreign economic players to move up the value-added chain and thus prevent Vietnam from finding itself locked in the “poverty traps” in which several countries in the region seem to be stuck (Philippines, Thailand). It is very possible especially as Vietnam has advantages over rivals, especially when it comes to free trade agreements with other states. Once a treaty like EU-Vietnam FTA will start to deliver effects, Vietnam could gain a lot (more than its neighbors). Read the full article here: Dư Nhật Đăng, “Malaysia, Philippines lo bị Việt Nam vượt mặt”, Tuổi Trẻ Daily, 1 January 2021 <https://tuoitre.vn/malaysia-philippines-lo-bi-viet-nam-vuot-mat-20201231235518239.htm>.