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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse Interviewed in Vietnam Tuổi Trẻ Daily Newspaper on COVID-19 and ASEAN Responses.


Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of RCCL, explains that FDI is increasingly just one component of increasingly complex and varied global value chains. Successful GVCs require a conjuncture of facilitating conditions, such as lower trade costs, greater ease of doing business and so forth and may involve a variety of delivery modes. This is this flexibility and capacity of adaptation that are key to recover from COVID19 pandemic damages. And, that is why trade agreements, such as RECP, now involve deep integration, covering a range of relevant areas that go beyond tariffs and other traditional WTO concerns and that should help Vietnam’s economy recovering from COVID19. Read the full article here: Dư Nhật Đăng, Tuổi Trẻ Daily, 13 November 2020 <>.