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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law

Professor Julien Chaisse interviewed in Public Jurist on Hong Kong’s role in the World Trade Organization (WTO), China’s development, and recent problems faced by the global economy. The Journal’s Editors chose a timely topic for this issue which also features fascinating interviews with Pascal Lamy (Former WTO Director-General) and Stuart Harbinson (Former HK Representative to WTO)


Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of RCCL, explains that WTO is beset with numerous problems, such as the consensus decision-making model. Inevitably, these problems give rise to disruptive incidents, for instance the Appellate Body crisis and the US invoking the national security threat exemption to implement tariffs on steel and aluminum products. Furthermore, the blurring of the line between trade and politics in an increasingly polarizing international political landscape hampers trade development. Read the full article here: Jasper Jung, Public Jurist, 11 October 2020 <>.