Professor Julien Chaisse, an associate member of RCCL, explains that Hainan FTP is a game changer as it is designed to be the largest free trade area in China. Hainan goes beyond other Chinese SEZs because it will liberalize the trade of services by implementing a ‘minimum approval’ investment system. This system will comprise of a special market access list relaxing market access for the Hainan FTP. Read the full article here: Jacopo Dettoni, “China's massive Hainan free-trade port: Facilitation of investment, opening-up of key sectors, and Opportunities for foreign Investors”, fDi Magazine, 29 August 2020 <https://content.yudu.com/web/43wcl/0A43wm9/fDiAugustSeptember20/html/index.html?page=20&origin=reader >.