BCL (Oxford)
Advocate and Solicitor (Singapore)
Solicitor (England and Wales)
Attorney and Counsellor-at-law (New York)
In 2021, at CityU, she has successfully obtained the Collaborative Research Fund award of HKD3.11 million for the project “Hong Kong Insolvency and Restructuring Law and Policy in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond” (as Project Coordinator).”
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Contact Information
Research Interests
- Corporate Law and Governance
- Securities Regulation
- Financial Consumer Law
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Insolvency and Restructuring Law
Wai Yee WAN is Associate Dean (Research and Internationalisation) and Professor at CityU School of Law. Prior to joining CityU in 2020, she was at Singapore Management University, where she last held the positions of Dean of Post-graduate Research Programmes and Professor. Her main areas of research are in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, securities regulation, financial consumer regulation and restructuring and insolvency.
Her publications have appeared in books and in international journals, including American Journal of Comparative Law, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, European Business Organisations Law Review, Journal of Corporate Law Studies and Lloyds’ Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly. In 2021, at CityU, she has successfully obtained the Collaborative Research Fund award of HKD3.11 million for the project “Hong Kong Insolvency and Restructuring Law and Policy in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond” (as Project Coordinator). While at SMU, she has received external research grants and research awards and fellowships, including the Ministry of Education Tier 2 research grant, the Singapore Judicial College grant, Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship for Research Excellence (the highest honour given for research excellence in SMU) and the Lee Kong Chian Fellowship. She is on the editorial boards of International Insolvency Review, Australian Journal of Corporate Law and Company Lawyer. She is currently the co-Chair of Insolvency Scholars Forum, established under the Insolvency Law Academy (India).
Journal and Refereeing Activities
- Editorial Board, International Insolvency Review (2020 to date)
- Editorial Board, Australian Journal of Corporate Law (2018 to date)
- Editorial Board, Company Lawyer (2011 to date)
- Occasional referee/reviewer, Journal of Management Studies, Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, Singapore Academy of Law Journal, Cambridge University Press, Hart Publishing, Asian Journal of International Law, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, Asia Pacific Law Review, Banking and Finance Law Review, Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, International Insolvency Review, Australian Journal of Corporate Law, Company Lawyer, Law and Financial Markets Review
- WY Wan, Court-Supervised Restructuring of Large Distressed Companies in Asia (2022, Hart Publishing)
- D Arner, WY Wan, A Godwin, W Shen and E Gilson eds, Research Handbook on Asia Financial Law (2020, Edward Elgar)
- Comparative Takeover Regulation: Global and Asian Perspectives, U Varottil and WY Wan eds, (UK, Cambridge University Press, 2017)
- WY Wan and U Varottil, Mergers and Acquisitions in Singapore: Law and Practice (Singapore, Lexis-Nexis, 2013)
Journals Articles
- WY Wan & C Watters “Mandatory Disclosure in Corporate Debt Restructuring via Schemes of Arrangement: A Comparative Approach” (2021) 30 International Insolvency Review S111– S131, online access: https://doi.org/10.1002/iir.1425
- U Varottil & WY Wan, “The Divergent Designs of Mandatory Takeovers in Asia”, (2022) 55 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 89
- WY Wan, C Watters and G McCormack, “Schemes of Arrangement in Singapore: Empirical and Comparative Analysis” (2020) 94 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 463
- K Low, WY Wan and A Chan, “Private Takings of Land for Urban Development: A Tale of Two Cities” (2021) 69 American Journal of Comparative Law 295
- WY Wan, A Godwin and QZ Yao, “When is an Individual Investor not in need of Consumer Protection? A Comparative Analysis of Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia”, (2020) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 190
- WY Wan and G McCormack, “Implementing Strategies for the Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency: the Divergence in Asia-Pacific and Lessons for UNCITRAL”, (2020) 36 Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal 59
- WY Wan, “Enforcing Public Takeover Regulation: Reconciling Public and Private Interests” (2019) 31 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 285
- C Chen and WY Wan, “Transnational Corporate Governance Codes: Lessons from Regulating Related Party Transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore”, (2018) 36 Chinese (Taiwan) Yearbook of International Law and Affairs 56
- G McCormack and WY Wan, “Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency Comes of Age – New times or New Paradigms”, (2019) 54 Texas International Law Journal 273
- WY Wan, C Chen and SH Goo, “Public and Private Enforcement of Corporate and Securities Laws: An Empirical Comparison of Hong Kong and Singapore” (2019) 20 European Business Organization Law Review 319
- G McCormack and WY Wan, “Transplanting Chapter 11 of the US Bankruptcy Code into Singapore’s Restructuring and Insolvency Laws: Opportunities and Challenges”, (2019) 19 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 69.
- U Varottil and WY Wan, “Hostile Takeover Regimes in Asia: A Comparative Approach”, (2019) 15 Berkeley Business Law Journal 267
- C Chen, WY Wan and W Zhang, “Board Independence as a Panacea to Tunneling? An Empirical Study of Related Party Transactions in Hong Kong and Singapore”, (2018) 14 Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 987
- WY Wan, C Chen, CW Xia and SH Goo, “Managing the Risks of Corporate Fraud: the Evidence from Hong Kong and Singapore” [2018] 48 Hong Kong Law Journal 125
- C Chen, W Zhang and WY Wan, “Regulating Squeeze-out Techniques by Controlling Shareholders: the Divergence between Hong Kong and Singapore”, (2018) Journal of Corporate Law Studies 185
- WY Wan, “Cross-Border Public Offering of Securities in Fostering an Integrated ASEAN Securities Market: The Experiences of Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand”, (2017) 12 Capital Markets Law Journal 381
- WY Wan “The Illegality Defence in Corporate Law Claims Against Directors or Officers”, (2016) Hong Kong Law Journal 225
- WY Wan “Directors’ Defence of Reliance on Professional Advisers under Anglo-Australian Law”, (2015) 44 Common Law World Review 71
- WY Wan “The Responsibilities of Lawyers for Their Clients’ Misstatements and Omissions to the Securities Market in Singapore”, (2014) 26 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 137
- WY Wan, "Takeovers and Countering Short-termism in Target Boardrooms", (2013) 34 Company Lawyer 43 and 68 (in two parts)
- WY Wan “Independent Financial Advisers’ Opinions for Public Takeovers and Related Party Transactions in Singapore”, (2012) 30 Company and Securities Law Journal 32
- WY Wan “Invoking Protective Conditions to Terminate Public Merger and Acquisition Transactions”, (2011) Journal of Business Law 64
- WY Wan “The Validity of Deal Protection Devices in Negotiated Acquisition or Merger Transactions under Anglo-American Law", (2010) 10 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 179
- WY Wan “Reconsidering Personal Liability on Directors and Senior Managers for Misstatements and Non-Disclosures to the Securities Market”, (2009) 9 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 235
- WY Wan “Civil Liabilities for False or Misleading Statements Made by Listed Companies to the Securities Market in Singapore”, (2008) 26 Company and Securities Law Journal 377
- WY Wan “Effecting Compulsory Acquisition via the Amalgamation Procedure in Singapore”, (2007) Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 323
- WY Wan “Financial Assistance – the case for re-examining Section 76 of the Companies Act”, (2007) 19 Singapore Academy of Law Journal 80
- WY Wan “Singapore’s Insider Trading Prohibition and its Application to Take-over Transactions”, (2007) 28 Company Lawyer 120
- WY Wan “The Amalgamation Procedure in Singapore”, (2007) 25 Company and Securities Law Journal 62
- WY Wan “Restitution for Wrongs” [1998] Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 299
Case Notes and Shorter Notes
- WY Wan, “Should Hong Kong reform its insolvency law in times of COVID-19?” (2021) 42 Company Lawyer 133 (translated to 香港企業破產及重整改革的幾個初步建議, 灼见名家Master Insight, 15 March 2021)
- WY Wan, “Consultation on Draft Legislative Changes to Companies Act” (2015) 36 Company Lawyer 15
- WY Wan “Corporate Claims Against Director for Paying Bribes on Company’s Behalf: Ho Kang Peng v Scintronix (formerly TTL Holdings)”(2014) LMCLQ 478
- WY Wan, “Involuntary Delisting from Singapore Exchange and the Efficacy of the Exit Offer Requirement” (2014) 32 Company and Securities Law Journal 222
- WY Wan, “Recent Development on Misleading Disclosure and Non-disclosure to the Securities Market (and their relationships with Insider Trading) in Singapore: Madhavan Peter v PP and other appeals” (2014) 35 Company Lawyer 13
- WY Wan, “Recent Developments in Singapore on Company Law and Regulation: Review of the Singapore Companies Act” (2014) 35 Company Lawyer 143
- WY Wan, “Recent Developments in Singapore on Company Law and Regulation: Revised Code of Corporate Governance 2012” (2013) 34 Company Lawyer 356
- WY Wan, “Recent Developments in Schemes of Arrangement in Singapore: Classification of Creditors and Scheme Manager’s Conflicts of Interest : Royal Bank of Scotland NV (formerly known as ABN Amro Bank NV) and others v TT International Ltd” (2013) Journal of Business Law 552
- WY Wan, “Recent Changes to, and Proposals to Enhance Effectiveness of, Listing Regime in UK” (2013) 34 Company Lawyer 64
- WY Wan, “Unfair preference in Singapore: DBS Bank Ltd v Tam Chee Chong and another (judicial managers of Jurong Hi-Tech Industries Pte Ltd (under judicial management)) and Rabobank International, Singapore Branch v Jurong Technologies Industrial Corp Ltd (under judicial management)”,(2012) 33 Company Lawyer, 222
- WY Wan, “Recent Developments on Insider Trading and False Trading in Singapore: Tan Chong Koay and another v Monetary Authority of Singapore and Monetary Authority of Singapore v Lew Chee Fai Kevin” (2012) 33 Company Lawyer 318
- WY Wan “Fraud, Unauthorised Transactions and Vicarious Liability in Singapore: Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (Publ), Singapore Branch v Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) and another appeal”, (2011) Journal of Business Law 800.
- WY Wan “Lack of Authority and its Effect on Corporate Transactions with Third Parties: Thanakharn Kasikorn Thai Chamkat (Manachon) (also known as Kasikornbank Public Co Ltd) v Akai Holdings”, (2011) Journal of Business Law 385.
- WY Wan “Effecting Privatisation via a Scheme of Arrangement in Hong Kong”, (2010) 28 Company and Securities Law Journal 152
- WY Wan “Breach of Mortgagees’ Duties of Sale”, [2009] Lloyds’ Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 431
- WY Wan “Defences to Auditors' Liability for Failure to Detect Fraud", (2008) Journal of Business Law 362
Chapters in Books
- WY Wan “Markets and Internal Exchange Regulation” and “Regulation of Securities Offerings” in Hans Tjio’s Principles and Practice of Securities Regulation in Singapore (3rd edition, Lexis Nexis, 2017)
- WY Wan “Business Crimes”, Chapter 4, Principles of Singapore Business Law (Singapore, Cengage Publishing, 2009)