LLM (Wellington)
PhD (Peking)
Barrister (Middle Temple, England and Wales, Hong Kong)
Member of Bar Council of Hong Kong Bar Association
Contact Information
Research Interests
- Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law
- Comparative Environmental Law
- Chinese Law
LIN Feng is a Professor of law and Dean at CityU School of Law. He is in charge of the Centre for Judicial Education and Research cum Identification of Hong Kong Law and three training programmes for Chinese incumbent judges. Professor Lin is a comparative legal scholar who has been trained in law in both Mainland China and New Zealand. He is a practising barrister. He has worked with Professor LI Yuwen on an EU-China project on comparative study of judicial review in EU and China. Professor Lin’s research interests include Chinese and Hong Kong legal systems, comparative constitutional law (especially the interaction and/or conflict between Chinese legal system and Hong Kong’s common law system through the Basic Law of Hong Kong), study of Chinese and Hong Kong judiciary from comparative perspective, and Chinese and Hong Kong environmental law.
Books and Book Chapters
Books (Sole Author)
- Administrative Litigation in the HKSAR: the System, Legislation and Cases (《香港地区行政诉讼:制度、立法与案例》)(in Chinese), Zhejiang University Press, 2011;
- Foreign Relations, in Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, volume 30, 2nd edition, 2012, LexisNexis, Butterworths, pp. 177-469;
- Chinese Constitutional Law, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, October 2000 (378 pages);
- Hong Kong's Foreign Relations Law, in Halsbury's Laws of Hong Kong, Butterworths Asia, 1998 (published together with two other topics in the same volume in October 98), pp. 57-278;
- Administrative Law Procedures and Remedies in China, Sweet & Maxwell, December 1996 (379 pages);
Books (edited)
- National Security in International and National Investment Law - Dynamics in China and Europe; (one of the three editors, manuscript accepted for publication (expected to be published in the second half of 2023 by Taylor & Francis Group);
- Petition, Democracy and Rule of Law – in the Context of China (信访、民主与法治---中国话题) (in Chinese), 香港城市大学出版社(CityU Press),2013;
- The Future of Constitutionalism in China (中国宪政的未来) (in Chinese), City University Press, 2011;
- The Collection of Historical Essays on Chinese Constitutional History (中国宪政史文献汇编)(第一卷地方自治)(in Chinese), one of the two editors-in-Chief, 2011.
Book (translated)
- In fairness to future generations: international law, common patrimony, and intergenerational equity /Edith Brown Weiss (this is a very famous book on international environmental law. Professor Wang Jin from Beijing University together with some students have translated this book into Chinese. It was published by the Law Press in 2001. I was associate editor-in-chief.)
Commissioned Research Report
I have been commissioned by the Civic Exchange to write two research reports in both Chinese and English:
- “Election Reform in China: Its Context, Recent Developments, and Future”, finished in January 2006;
- Internal Democratization of the CPC and Its Future – From Theory to Practice,completed in November 2006;
I have been commissioned by the Central Policy Unit to write a research report:
- The Election of Chief Executive in 2017: A Comparative Study (2013).
Book Chapters
- LIN Feng, A Theoretical Framework of National Security Scrutiny for Foreign Investment, in LIN Feng and LI Yuwen (ed), Dynamics of National Security in International and National Investment Law, Routledge, (accepted for publication, expected in late 2023);
- LIN Feng etc., Hong Kong as BRI Dispute Resolution Hub, in Linda Li (ed), Belt and Road and Hong Kong, Routledge, 26 pages, 2023;
- 林峰,中国大陆的司法改革对司法独立的影响,载于虞平(主編)《法治流變及制度構建 – 兩岸法律四十年之發展》,元照出版社,2020年6月,第247-266頁 (Lin Feng, The Impact of Judicial Reform in China on Its Judicial Independence, collected in Yu Ping (ed), Evolving Concept of the Rule of Law and Development of the Cross-Strait Legal Systems during the Last Four Decades, Festschrift in Honor of Professor Jerome A. Cohen on his 90th Birthday)
- LIN Feng, One Country, Two National Security Systems, in Cora Chan and Fiona De Londras (ed.), China’s National Security: Endangering Hong Kong’s Rule of Law?, Hart Publishing, 2020, pp. 101-110;
- LIN Feng, The Future of Judicial Independence in China, in HP Lee and Marilyn Pittard (ed.), Asia-Pacific Judiciaries: Independence, Impartiality and Integrity, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 81-108;
- LIN Feng, One Interpretation, Two Different Reactions – A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Fifth Interpretation of the Hong Kong Basic Law by the NPCSC (一個釋法,兩種反應 – 對全國人大常委會就香港《基本法》第五次釋法的法理剖析) in Zhu Guobin (ed.), Constitutional and Theoretical Debate on the Fifth NPCSC Interpretation (朱國斌編著, 《第五次人大釋法憲法與學理論爭》(in Chinese), 香港城市大学出版社,2018, pp. 33-54;
- LIN Feng, Idealism and Realism in Chinese Constitutional Theory and Practice, in Anne Meuwese, Maurice Adams and Ernst Hirsch Ballin (ed), ‘Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law: Bridging Idealism and Realism’, Cambridge University Press, 2017,pp. 294-325;
- LIN Feng, The Expatriate Judges and Rule of Law in Hong Kong: Its Past, Present and Future, in Shimon Shetreet & Wayne McCormack (ed.), The Culture of Judicial Independence in a Globalized World, Brill Nijhoff, 2016, pp.279-312;
- LIN Feng, Legal Education at a Turning Point – A Case Study of Hong Kong, Christophe Jamin and William van Caenegem (Eds): The Internationalisation of Legal Education, Springer, 2016, pp.131-154;
- LIN Feng and Wang Shucheng, Protection of Labour Rights through Judicial Legislation in China: An Analysis of its Constitutionality and Possible Solution, in Surya Deva (ed), Socio-Economic Rights in Emerging Free Markets: Comparative Insights from India and China, 2016, pp. 166-186;
- LIN Feng & Wang Shucheng, A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Constitutional Status of Hong Kong Permanent Residents under Article 24 of the Basic Law (林峰和王书成, 基本法第24条与香港永久性居民的法理定位), in Albert Chen (ed.), Different Aspects of the Basic Law (《香港基本法面面观 》) (in Chinese), Joint Publishing (H.K.) Press, May 2015, pp. 123 – 151;
- LIN Feng , Report on the Implementation of the Basic Law in Hong Kong in 2014 (香港《基本法》的落实状况(2014)), in Annual Report on China’s Rule of Law (《法治蓝皮书》) (in Chinese), 社科文献出版社 (Social Science Literature Press), 2015;
- Feng Lin, The Administrative Litigation (Judicial Review) System in Hong Kong and its Future, in Yuwen Li (ed), Administrative Litigation Systems in Greater China and Europe, Ashgate, 2014, pp. 41-72;
- Lin Feng, Hong Kong Basic Law, in Annual Report on China’s Rule of Law in 2013 (《法治蓝皮书》2013), 社科文献出版社 (Social Science Literature Press), 2014;
- Guiguo Wang, Lin Feng, Legal System of China, in DK Srivastava (ed), Business Law in Hong Kong, 2012, pp. 60-70;
- James Parker, Anthony Upham, and Lin Feng, Employment Law, in DK Srivastava (ed), Business Law in Hong Kong, 2012, pp. 621-717;
- Lin Feng, Andrew Chan and Wilson Cheung, The Political Economy of China’s Environmental Law Reforms, in John Garrick (ed), Law and Policy for China’s Market Socialism, Routledge, 2012, pp. 101-117;
- LIN Feng, Democratization within the CPC and the Future of Democracy in China, in Joseph Cheng (ed.), China: A New Stage of Development for an Emerging Superpower, City University Press, 2012, pp. 55- 89;
- LIN Feng, Where Are China’s Economic and Legal Reforms Taking the People’s Republic: Democracy with ‘Chinese Characteristics’, chapter 14 in John Garrick & Jianjun Zhang (ed.), Wealth, Power and Law Reform in the People’s Republic of China, Routledge Press, 2011, pp. 251-271;
- LIN Feng, Democratic Election of Heads of Local Governments – the Law, Practice, and Its Future, in Joseph Cheng (ed.), Democratization in China Since 1989,City University of Hong Kong Press, 2011, pp. 65-99;
- LIN Feng, China’s Road to Constitutionalism: how to move to the enactment of a constitution to constitutionalism? (中国的宪政之路:如何从立宪走向宪政?) in Lin Feng (ed.), The Future of Constitutionalism in China (中国宪政的未来) (in Chinese), City University Press, 2011, pp. 243-277;
- LIN Feng, The Relationship between the Chinese Central Authorities and Hong Kong, in Anton Cooray (ed.), Constitutional Law in Hong Kong, Alphen aan Rijn, the Netherlands: Kluwer Law International, 2010, pp. 163-187;
- LIN Feng, Sustainable Development: The Challenge Facing Guangdong and its Solutions – A Case Study of Air Pollution Control, Chapter 3 in Joseph Cheng (ed.), Challenges Facing Guangdong as a Maturing Economy, CityU Press, 2010, pp. 91-125;
- LIN Feng, The Future of Central-Local Relationship under the People’s Congress System in China, in Mahendra P Singh (ed.), Comparative Constitutional Law: Festschrift in Honour of Professor PK Tripathi, 2nd edn. (Lucknow: Eastern Book Company, 2011);
- LIN Feng and P. Y. LO, One Term, Two Interpretations, the Justifications and the Future of Basic Law Interpretation, in Fu Hualing, Lison Harris and Simon Young (eds.) Interpreting Hong Kong’s Basic Law: The Struggle for Coherence, Palgrave Macmillan, January 2008;
- LIN Feng, The development of Constitutional and Administrative Law in the HKSAR(2005) (香港特别行政区宪政与行政法治发展情况(2005年)) (in Chinese), in Han Dayuan & Mo Yuchuan (韩大元、莫于川) (ed.)《宪政与行政法治发展报告(2005年卷)》, 2007;
- LIN Feng, Two Interpretations of One Term and the Future of Basic Law Interpretation (对一个任期的两种解释及《香港特别行政区基本法》解释的未来) (in Chinese), in Han Dayuan (ed.) 《比较宪法 - 宪法文本与宪法解释》(Comparative Constitutional Law – Constitutional Text and Interpretation), 2008, People’s University Press, pp. 130-142;
- LIN Feng, Right to Election – A Case Study of Village Election in China, in Raj Kumar (ed.), Human Rights and Development, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2006;
- LIN Feng, “The Appeal Mechanism Under the National Security Bill: A Proper Balance Between Fundamental Human Rights and National Security”, in Fu Hualing etc. (ed.), National Security and Fundamental Freedom: Hong Kong’s Article 23 Under Scrutiny, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2005;
- LIN Feng, The Implication of the Trade-Environment Relationship under the WTO to the Handling of Similar Relationship under the Free Trade Zone among Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan (WTO处理环境与贸易关系对处理两岸四地自由贸易区贸易与环境关系的启示) in Wang Guiguo (ed.), Legal Issues in Regional Free Trade Zones (《 区域安排法律问题研究》), 北京大学出版社, 2004年12月第1版, 第203-243页);
- LIN Feng, The Impact of China’s Accession to the WTO upon Administrative Approval in the Pearl River Delta Region, in Joseph Y.S. Cheng (ed.) Guangdong – Preparing for the WTO Challenge, The Chinese University Press, 2003, pp.81-116;
- LIN Feng, International Encyclopedia of Constitutional Law, Monograph on Hong Kong, Chapter 1, the Relationship between the Chinese Central Authorities and the HKSAR, and Chapter 2, Interpretation of the Basic Law of Part IV, Kluwer, 2003, at pp. 149-172;
- LIN Feng, WTO, Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: The Lessons for China and Its Development of the West, in David Smith & Zhu Guobin (ed.) China and the WTO: Going West, Sweet & Maxwell Asia, 2002, pp. 245-262;
- LIN Feng, “Modern Chinese Constitutional History” (La Storia Moderna Del Diritto Constituzionale Cinese), in A Cura Di Pietro Costa e Danilo Zolo (ed.), Lo Stato Di Diritto Storia, Teoria, Critica, Milano, Italy, 2002, pp. 776-790;
- LIN Feng, “Towards a Sustainable Environment in the Pearl River Delta Region - A Case Study of Water Pollution Legislation and Its Relevance to the HKSAR”, in Guangdong in the Twenty-first Century: Suggestion of Second Take-off, edited by Professor Joseph Cheng, City University Press, 2000, pp. 355-400;
- LIN Feng, Discussion of Constitutional Cases (Xianfa Panli), in Xu Xiuyi & Han Dayuan (ed.), Fundamental Theory of Modern Constitutional Theory(《现代宪法学基本原理》), Chinese People’s Public Security University Press, 2000, pp. 349-399;
- LIN Feng, “International Environment and Natural Resources Protection Law”, in Professor Jin Ruilin (ed.), Environmental Law Study (《环境法学》), in the series of law textbook for Higher Education, Peking University Press, 1999, pp. 496-579;
- LIN Feng, “The Legal Protection of International Environment and Natural Resources”, in Professor Jin Ruilin (ed.) Environmental and Natural Resources Law,(《环境与资源法学》) Peking University Press, 1999, pp. 498-540;
- LIN Feng, “The Legal Protection of International Environment and Natural Resources”, in Professor Jin Ruilin(ed.) Legal Protection of Environment and Natural Resources, 《环境与资源保护法》) Higher Education Press, 1999, in the textbook series for 21st century, pp. 296-319;
- LIN Feng, “Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Law in China”, in Wang Guiguo & John Mo (ed.) Chinese Law, Kluwer, 1999, pp. 557-590;
- LIN Feng, “Employment Law”, in Wang Guiguo & John Mo (ed.) Chinese Law, Kluwer, 1999, pp. 445-476;
- LIN Feng, “Judicial Review in China”, in Wang Guiguo & John Mo (ed.) Chinese Law, Kluwer, 1999, pp. 63-94;
- LIN Feng, “What’s the Future of Employment Relationship in the Pearl River Delta – An Examination of the Current Reform of Employment Relations and Legislation”, in the Book on Pearl River Delta, in Joseph Y.S. Cheng, The Guangdong Development Model and Its Challenges, City University Press, 1998, pp. 213-250;
- LIN Feng, “China and International Environmental Law”, in Chinese Environmental Law (in Chinese), edited by Professor Jin Ruilin, (1998, Shan Lian Book Publisher), pp. 245-276;
- LIN Feng, “Legislative Provisions”, in Hong Kong Employment, (1997, THC);
- LIN Feng, “Labour Law”, in Introduction to Chinese Law, Wang Chenguan and Zhang Xianchu ( Sweet & Maxwell, 1997) (this chapter has been rewritten recently and been retitled “Labour and Social Security Law” (completed March 2001) and has been accepted for publication), pp. 457-488;
- LIN Feng, “Administrative Law”, in Introduction to Chinese Law, Wang Chenguan and Zhang Xianchu (Sweet & Maxwell, 1997) (this chapter has just been rewritten (completed in March 2000) and has been accepted for publication), pp. 75-106;
- LIN Feng, “Will the Balance Between Economic Development and Environmental Protection Be Tipped to the Latter? - An Examination of the 1995 Amendments to the Law of the PRC on Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution”, in Legal Developments in China: Market Economy and Law, Wang Guiguo and Wei zhenying (ed), Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, pp. 386-406;
- LIN Feng, “Labour Institutions in the PRC”, in "The PRC Employment Manual" (1994, Asian Law Journal; updated in 1996, and 1998, THC Press, Hong Kong); the title of the book has been changed to "Labour Law in China";
- LIN Feng, “Labour Costs and the Relevant Legislation” in "The PRC Employment Manual" (the same as above);
- LIN Feng, “Labour Dispute Resolution” in “The PRC Employment Manual”(the same as above).
- LIN Feng and FEI Mengtian, The Hong Kong National Security Law - A Paradigm Shift for Its National Security Constitution, Vienna Journal of International Constitutional Law, (accepted for publication, 2023, 68 pages);
- 論《立法法》對全國人大常委會以及香港法院解釋《基本法》的影響 (Impact of Legislation Law on Interpretation of Hong Kong Basic Law by NPCSC and Hong Kong Courts), 《香港社会科学》, 2020, 第57-78頁;
- Lin Feng, From “Occupying Central” to “Anti-extradition” in Hong Kong – Limits of Law and Power of Politics, in Revista Asia America Latina, ISSN 2524-9347, Asia/America Latina, Vol. 5, No. 8, 2020; pp. 66-96;
- LIN Feng, Hong Kong's Role in the BRI Dispute Resolution: Limits of Law and Power of Politics", Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 8(1), 09 May 2020, pp. 224-249, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/cjcl/cxaa007;
- LIN Feng and Guy Charlton, Balancing Biodiversity and Natural Resource Protection Objective with Ethnic Minority Autonomy: A Chinese Model, Fordham International Law Journal, Vol. 43 No. 3, Feb. 2020, pp. 561-608;
- LIN Feng, Is It Constitutional to Demand Hong Kong Independence ? – A Comparative Study, HKLJ, 2019, Part 2, pp. 507-546;
- LIN Feng, 2018 Constitutional Amendments and Their Significance and Impact on the Theories of Party-State Relationship in China, China Perspectives, No. 2019/1, pp. 5-15;
- Feng LIN, A Comparative and Jurisprudential Analysis of the “Umbrella Movement’ – Is It a Constitutional Moment, Indian Yearbook of Comparative Law, 2019, pp. 95-125;
- Feng LIN, The Duty of Hong Kong Courts to Follow the NPCSC’s Interpretation of the Basic Law: Are There Any Limits?, HKLJ, vol. 48, part 1, 2018, pp. 167-189;
- Feng Lin, Martin R. Prince, Pascal Spincemaille and Yi Wang, Patents on Quantitative Mapping (QSM) of Tissue Magnetics, Recent Patents on Biotechnology, 2019, 13, pp. 90-113;
- David Holloway, Feng Lin, Linda Li, Xiaohe Zheng, and Mantak Kwok, Strengthening Hong Kong’s Position as an Arbitration Hub in the Belt and Road Initiative, 2018, International Arbitration Law Review, pp. 1-8;
- 林峰:論“一國兩制”下中港高鐵實施“一地兩檢”之合憲性,《憲政時代》(The Constitutional Review)(in Chinese),2018年, pp. 145-180;
- LIN Feng, Constitutionality of Colocation of CIQ at West Kowloon High Speed Rail Terminus, HKLJ, Vol. 47, pt. 3, 2017, pp. 699-732;
- Article 18 of the Basic Law and Co-location of CIQ at West Kowloon (《基本法》第18条与“一地两检”) (in Chinese), 《紫荆论坛》( Journal of Bauhinia), November issue, 2017;
- One Interpretation, Two Responses – A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Fifth NPCSC Interpretation of the Hong Kong Basic Law (一次释法, 两种反应 – 对全国人大常委会就《香港基本法》第五次释法的法理剖析) (in Chinese), 《一国两制研究》(Academic Journal of One Country Two System),2017年第1期(总第31期),第11-20页;
- Hong Kong After 2047: “One Country, Two Systems” or “One Country, One System”? (2047年后的香港: “一国两制”还是“一国一制”, (in Chinese), 《深圳大学学报人文社会科学版》(Shenzhen University Journal of Humanity and Social Sciences), 2017年1月, 第34卷第1期(总第163期),第37-43页;
- LIN Feng, The Evolving Role of Foreign Judges in Hong Kong under “One Country, Two Systems”, (林峰,“一国两制”下香港“外籍法官”的角色演变)(in Chinese),《中外法学》(Peking University Law Journal),Vol.28, No.5 (2016),pp.1149-1167;
- LIN Feng, Interaction between International Standards and Domestic Constitutional Norms – A Case Study of the Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong, HKLJ, vol. 46, part 1, 2016, pp. 193-223;
- LIN Feng and Daniel Alati, “From “Occupy Central” to Democracy: Is a Referendum for Hong Kong Feasible and Desirable?”, Asian Journal of Comparative Law, March 2016,volume 10, issue 02, pp. 259-294;
- LIN Feng, A Comparative Study of Chinese Case Guidance System with Hong Kong’s Case Law System (林峰, 《中国案例指导制度与香港判例制度之比较》) (bilingual) Chinese), 2015年第 4 期《中国法律》, 第 41-45 页 (China Law, volume 5, 2015, pp. 41-45);
- LIN Feng, Analysis of Different Models of Voting for the Future Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong (林峰, 《论未来香港行政长官选举的投票机制选择》)(in Chinese), 2015年9月第 3期《中国法律评论》, 第 46-51 页(Vol. 3, 2015, China Law Review, pp. 46-51);
- LIN Feng, The ICCPR and the Chief Executive Election in Hong Kong, Tsinghua University Law Journal, vol. 9, No. 5, 2015, pp. 99-114 (林峰, 《公民权利与政治权利国际公约与香港行政长官选举》, 2015年第5期《清华法学》, 第99-114页) (in Chinese);
- LIN Feng,An Analysis of the Handling of Pregnant Women from Mainland China, Restriction on Purchase of Milk Power and Multiple Entrance Visa Issues(林峰, 论双非孕妇、奶粉限购及一签多行问题的处理)(in Chinese), 《紫荆论坛》, Journal of Bauhinia, May-June 2015, issue 21, pp. 88-93;
- Pinky Choy & Lin Feng, Public Litigation in Hong Kong, China Law, issue 3, 2015 (overall issue No. 114)(bilingual), pp. 83-90;
- LIN Feng, The Legal Challenges to the Direct Election of the Chief Executive in 2017 and Its Future (林峰,2017 普选行政长官的法律挑战及未来) (in Chinese), 《紫荆论坛》, Journal of Bauhinia, July-August 2014, pp. 38-45;
- LIN Feng & Wang Shucheng, Article 24 of the Basic Law and a Jurisprudential Analysis of Hong Kong Permanent Residents (林峰和王书成,《基本法》第24条与香港永久性居民的法理定位) (in Chinese), 《法学评论》(Law Review), 2013年第5期(总第181期), 第68-79;
- Lin Feng, “One Country, Two Systems” and Judicial Application of Chinese Rules or Policies on Act of State in Hong Kong (in Chinese), Tsinghua Law Review, 2012, Vol. 6, No. 1, at pp. 70-81 (林峰,论“一国两制”与中国有关国家行为的规则或政策在香港司法实践中的应用, 《清华法律评论》,第六卷第一辑,第70-81页);
- Lin Feng & Wang Shucheng, The Evolution of the Constitutional Function of the Chief Secretary for Administration and the Necessity for Its Reform (in Chinese), in Bauhinia, September 2012, Vol. 5, pp. 12-21 (林峰和王书成, 香港政务司宪政职能之演变及其改革的必要性, 《紫荆论坛》,2012年9月,总第5期,第12-21);
- LIN Feng and Wang Shucheng, Reflection on Systemization of Petition System (in Chinese) , in Fudan Political Science Review, 2012, v. 11, pp. 32-48 (林峰和王书成,正题与反题:信访制度化及制度反思 – 以信访立法(1998-2000)为分析线索,《复旦政治学评论》,第11辑,2012年,32-48页);
- Lin Feng & Jason Buhi, The Constitutional Imperative of Equitably distributing the Proceeds of Mineral Resource Extraction from China’s Ethnic Minority Autonomous Areas, Kentucky Journal of Equine, Agriculture, & Natural Resources Law, vol. 4, no. 1, 2011-2012, pp. 1-29;
- Lin Feng and Wang Shucheng, Reflection on Judicial Legislation and the Relevant System – an Analysis of the Implementation of the Labour Contract Law (in Chinese) (司法式立法及制度反思--- 以《劳动合同法》等法律的实施为分析样本, 法学(Law Science Monthly), vol. 364, no. 3, 2012, pp. 121-130;
- Lin Feng, The Present Status of Administrative Tribunal System in Hong Kong and Its Future - A Comparative Study (in Chinese) (香港行政审裁处制度的现状及未来 – 比较研究), in Chinese Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2010 (中国宪法年刊2010), pp. 143-153;
- Lin Feng & Jason Buhi: The Copenhagen Accord and the Silent Incorporation of the Polluter Pays Principle in International Climate Law: An Analysis of Sino-American Diplomacy at Copenhagen and Beyond, in Buffalo Environmental Law Journal, Vol. 18, Fall 2011 ;
- Lin Feng & Wang Shucheng, 中国劳动教养之流变、困境与出路: 与《公民与政治权利国际公约》的衔接(The Transformation, Predicament, Future of Re-education through Labour in China: A Study of Its Consistency with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights), 《香港社会科学学报》(Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences), No. 38 Spring/Summer 2010, pp101-119.
- Jason Buhi & Lin Feng, Honoring the International Joint Commision’s Role in the United States-Canada Transboundary Air Pollution Control Regime: A Century of Experience to Guide the Future, Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, Fall, 2009, Vol. 11, at pp. 107-143 (available http://www.vjel.org/index.php);
- Lin Feng & Jason Buhi, Emission Trading Across China: Designing an Urgently Needed Air Pollution Control Regime for the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macau under “One Country, Two Systems”, The Florida State University's Journal of Transnational Law and Policy, vol. 19, Fall, 2009, No. 1, pp. 123-177;
- Lin Feng, Duplicated Litigation of the Same Case in Hong Kong and Mainland China, China Law, vol. 4, 2009, at pp. 105-111;
- Lin Feng, Conflict between Administrative Litigation and Public Interest (行政诉讼与公共利益的冲突) , in Study of Adjudication (审判研究), Law Press (法律出版社),Vol.1, 2009 (total Vol. 32), at pp. 32-41;
- Lin Feng, The Electoral System of the People’s Congress – Its Present Status and Future (人大选举制度的现状及未来), in Journal of Shanghai University of Political Science & Law, 2009, issue 3 (vol. 24, issue 134), at pp. 18-29;
- Lin Feng, The Abolition of the Interpretation of the SPC in Qiyulin Case and the Future of the Application of Chinese Constitution (齐案批复的废止与中国宪法适用的未来), 《法学》 (Legal Science Monthly),2009, vol. 3, pp. 27-31;
- Lin Feng, 论村委会选举制度、实践及其未来(Analysis of Village Committee Election System, Practice and Its Future), 刘茂林(主编),《公法评论》 (Public Law Review), 第5卷, 北京大学出版社,2008, 第188-199页;
- Lin Feng, 中国实行宪政的三个要素 (Three Essentials in the realization of Constitutionalism in China),《法学》 (Legal Science Monthly),2008, 第4期,第8-9页;
- Lin Feng, Examination of the Executive-Legislature Relationship in the HKSAR (论香港特别行政区行政与立法机关关系的未来), in the Jurist (《法学家》), 2007;
- Lin Feng, Land Resumption and Compensation – Hong Kong’s Experience, (土地征收与补偿:香港的经验),in 《法学》(Legal Science), August, 2007, at pp. 9-17;
- Lin Feng, “The Reviewability of Football Associations: A Comparison of China and Three Common Law Jurisdictions” (论足协的行政可诉性: 中国与三个普通法管辖区的比较研究), in Hu Jianmiao (ed.)(胡建淼(主编)), Public Law Research, (<公法研究>), vol.2 (第二缉), January 2004, 商务印书馆, 中国, 第29-52页;
- Lin Feng, “The Courts’ Interpretation of the Basic Law: Learning from Mistakes and Confrontation”, Asia Pacific Law Review, Vol 10, No. 1 2002, pp. 75-94;
- Lin Feng, The Development of Jurisprudence of the Court of Final Appeal in Basic Law Litigation, in Journal of Chinese and Comparative Law, vol. 5, no. 1, 2001-2002, pp. 21-44;
- Lin Feng, Analysis of the Original Legislative Intent Approach in Statutory Interpretation (Lun Falu Jeshe de Lifa Yuanyi Shuo) in The Study of Cases and Judicial Interpretation (《判解研究》), Law Press, vol. 4, 2001, pp. 56-64;
- Lin Feng, “The Impact of the Basic Law upon Judicial Review in the HKSAR” (in Chinese), the Jurist (《法学家》), vol.4, 2001, pp. 109-117;
- Lin Feng, “Analysis of the Original Legislative Intent Approach in Statutory Interpretation” (in Chinese), the Study of Cases and Judicial Interpretation, Law Press, vol. 4, 2001, People’s Court Press, Beijing, pp.56-64.;
- Lin Feng, “Hong Kong's Constitutional Crisis - Is It Over?”, in Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal, May 2000, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 281-315;
- Lin Feng, “Two Observations on the Research of Chinese Constitutional Law in the 21st Century” (in Chinese), in the Jurist(《法学家》), June, 2000.
- Lin Feng, “From Harmonious Development to Sustainable Development - A Strategic Move in China’s Environmental Protection?”, Asia Pacific Law Review, Volume 5, No. 2, 1997;
- Lin Feng, “China's New Labour Law - A Workers' Charter?”, Asian Law Yearbook, jointly published by Erasmus University Rotterdam and Kluwer, 1995, pp. 23-40;
- Lin Feng, “An Examination of 1995 State Compensation Law of the People's Republic of China”, Vol.3, Hong Kong Law Journal, 1995, pp. 401-415;
- Lin Feng, “Electoral Reform in Hong Kong: A Comment”, Asia Pacific Law Review, Volume 3, 1994, pp. 73-81;
- Lin Feng, “How to Strengthen Environmental Protection Under Market Economy”, ZhongGuo Faxue ((《中国法学》), in Chinese, Vol.2, 1995;
- Lin Feng, “Working Out the Law”, China Law Journal, Volume 1, No.3, 1993;
- Lin Feng, “PRC Health and Safety Law”, The Employment Report, Volume 1 No.9, 1994;
- Lin Feng, “The Examination of "Yinhe Cargo Ship Incident" in International Law”, Contemporary Law Studies (《当代法学》), (in Chinese), Volume 2, 1993;
- Lin Feng, “Labour Dispute Resolution”, China Law Journal, Volume 1, No.3, 1994.
- Lin Feng, “An Examination of the New Foreign Trade Law of the People's Republic of China”, China Law Journal, 1994;
- Lin Feng, “Trade Unions, Role and Function in China”, The Employment Report, Vol.2, No.5, 1994;
- Lin Feng, “The State Compensation Law of the PRC”, China Law Journal, Vol.1, No.9, 1994;
- “Complaints against the Government in PRC”, China Law Journal, Volume 1, No.3, 1994 (with Dr FU Hualing; each of us wrote half; though I can’t remember whether I am principal or second author but I don’t mind being treated as second author for this publication);
Newspaper Articles:
- 林峰:基本法18條 非一地兩檢法律障礙(上),(下),《明報》觀點2017年12月18日 星期一, 12月19日星期二;https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20171218/s00012/1513534056529;https://news.mingpao.com/pns/dailynews/web_tc/article/20171219/s00012/1513620722166;
- 林峰:剖析一地兩檢3個核心問題 ,《明報》,觀點,2018-01-10 , A23;
Case Reports
- “Tsang Lee Ching v Tam Foon Ling Trading as the Word Refrigeration Co.”, The Employment Report (July 1993, pp.42-44);
- “Arnhold & Company Ltd v Frederick Overbeck Reid & Others”, The Employment Report (August 1993, pp.37-40);
- “Tsang Wai Sung v Beverly Fashion Ltd.”, The Employment Report (September 1993, pp.41-43);
- “Qiu v A Building Materials Co. (with Foreign Investment)”, The Employment Report (October 1993);
- “Lui Kwong Yan v Shui Hing Decoration Works & Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd.”, The Employment Report
- “Chan Sim Lan and Chan Sim Ying, administrator's of the estate of Lau Chuen Fat v. Sheen State International Ltd & others”, The Employment Report, March 1994, pp.53-56;
- “Mak Kwai Yin v USA Fur Processing Ltd & others”, The Employment Report, April 1994.
Book Review
- Together We Stand, a review of Professor Lau Siu-kai’s book entitled: The Practice of “One Country, Two Systems” Policy in Hong Kong, The Commercial Press, in China Daily, 25 August 2017, at: http://www.chinadailyasia.com/articles/136/166/169/1503630827655.html;
- Administrative Tribunals and Adjudication, Asia Pacific Law Review, Vol. 19, No. 2 , 2011, pp. 253-58;
- Review Article on Australian Judiciary, in Asia Pacific Law Review, Vol. 11, No.1, 2003, pp. 111-114;
- Review of "An Introduction to the Legal System of the People's Republic of China", Asia Pacific Law Review, 1994.
- Review of “One Country, Two International Personality: the Case of Hong Kong”, Asia Pacific Law Review, Vol. 6, No.1, 1998, pp. 123-126;
- Review of "The Constitutional Case Law of Japan, 1970 through 1990, published in Vol. 7, No. 1, Asia Pacific Law Review, 1999, pp. 149-159 (this one is actually a review article rather than a simple book review).
- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Asia Pacific Law Review, since 2013 (the ranking of our Journal in SSCI has improved since my colleague Frank and I were in charge of editing);
Administrative Duties
- Associate Dean, 1 August 2014 – 31 July 2022
- Member, University Appeals Committee, 1 September 2014 – 31 August 2016;
- Acting Dean, 1 August 2013 – 29 July 2014;
- Member, Senate, CityU, elected member, 2014–15 (ex-officio in 2013–14 as Acting Dean);
- Member, PBPR Central Committee (Schools and Centres), present member;
- School Performance Assessment Committee, elected member from members at Chair professor and Professor level, for 2014–15;
- Member, School Staffing Committee, 2014–15;
- Director, Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law, CityU School of Law, 2007 – present (associate director from 1998 – 2007);
- Programme Leader of LLM Programme, CityU School of Law, from 1995 – 2005, and 2008 – 2010;
- Member of the Knowledge Transfer Committee (2010 – present)
- Member of the Committee for Review of Personnel Procedures for Academic and Teaching Staff, appointed by the President;
- Member of the University Intellectual Property Committee, 2005 – 2008;
- Chairman, School of Graduate Studies Committee;
- Member, Board of Graduate Studies;
- Member, CRDC Committee;
- University Committee on Reappointment of Assistant Professors;
- Member of School of Law Staffing Committee, 2005 – 2009;
- Member of the Executive Committee of School of Law, 2005 – present;
- Member of the Law School Research Committee, 1995 to 2002; 2007– present;
- Warden for Postgraduate Hall, 2004 – 2010;
- Member of Investigation Committee on Sexual Harassment (appointed by the President) (ad hoc committee), in 2006 and 2007 on two different cases;
- Member of two other Investigation Committees on disciplinary cases;
- Former programme leader for JSD programme;
- Programme Leader for LLB Programme, 2005 – 2007.
Community Services
- Member of the Technical Committee of the HKQAA as an expert on Chinese Employment and Social Security Law, 1999 – present.
- Member of Special Committee on Constitutional Law and Human Rights, Bar Council of Hong Kong Bar Association, 2007 – present.
- Director of Hong Kong Foundation for Legal Studies Ltd
- Director of Mental Health Foundation Limited
- Member of Hong Kong Law Reform Commission
- Member of Special Committee on Constitutional Law and Human Rights of the Bar Council, HK Bar
- Councillor of China Law Association (中国法学会)
- Councillor of Chinese Judicial Research Institute (中华司法研究会)
- Examiner of Examiner for Overseas Lawyers of the Bar
- Examiner of Examiner for the OLQE of the Law Society
- Co-Editor-in-Chief of Asia Pacific Law Review