PhD (UK)
Contact Information
Research Interests
- Public International Law (issues concerning Sovereignty, Territory and Law of Treaties), Approaches to the study of international law (TWAIL, New Haven Approach) and Asian Perspectives on International Law (China, India)
- International Human Rights Law (Minority Rights & Women Rights)
- International Water law and Asian Water Security/Governance
- Tort Law
Professor LONE, Fozia Nazir has been teaching in JD, LLM, LLB programmes (including servicing courses) at CityU School of Law since 2009. Prior to joining CityU, she obtained her LLM and doctoral degrees from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland (UK).
She has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals including the Emory International Law Review, the Journal of Water Law, Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Chinese Journal of International Law, Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, etc. She has also published research monograph and books.
She has received research grants from the University Grants Committee (Hong Kong), as well as the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland (UK). Her research interests include public international law, international human rights/humanitarian law, international water law, Asian perspective to the international law (China/India) and tort law. She is available for research collaborations and PhD supervision in these areas.
At the City University of Hong Kong, School of Law, she is Associate Director of the Public Law and Human Rights Forum, THEMIS Co-Ordinator and associate member of the Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law. She also serves as Law School’s Safety Officer.
Research Grants
- Empowering Indigenous Communities: A Critical Exploration of Sustainable Hydropower in Transboundary River Management, the Centre for Public Affairs and Law (CPAL) Research Grants for Interdisciplinary Research, City University of Hong Kong Dr LONE, Fozia Nazir (SLW) PI; DONG Liang (PIA/ SEE) Co-PI, DURATION – (August 2023-Feb 2026) 18 MONTHS; BUDGET – HK$ 199,206
- Can an Indigenous Approach Towards the Exercise of Due Diligence Materialize Apolitical Sustainability of the Yarlung-Tsangpo River? - An Interdisciplinary Enquiry, CityU Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Grant (SIRG), City University of Hong Kong, Project No 7020101, 01 April 2023-31 March 2025; PI/PC- Dr LONE, Fozia Nazir (SLW); Dr. CHOPRA, Shauhrat Singh (SEE) BUDGET - $296,214.00
- Indian Relations with the World Health Organisation during COVID19: Forward to Eastphalia or back to Westphalia?, School Strategic Research Grant, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, 01 July 2021-30 June 2023; Dr Fozia Nazir Lone (PI); Co-Is (i) Prof Alka Acharya (Centre for East Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University); (ii) Dr Nicholas Thomas (Department of Asian and International Studies, City University of Hong Kong) and (iii) Prof Wang Jiangyu (School of Law, City University of Hong Kong). Budget HKD 98,650
- Towards Improved Trans-boundary Water Cooperation on the Yarlong-Tsangpo/Brahmaputra River: A Multidisciplinary Study, Internal CityU Strategic Research Grant for unfunded GRF/ECS (SRG-Fd), City University of Hong Kong, Project No: 7005574), 01-September 2020 – 31 August 2022 to 28 Feb 2023 ; Dr Fozia Nazir Lone (PI); Professor Patricia Wouters, (Co-I, Chair, International Water Law, Director, International Water Law Academy, China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies (CIBOS), Wuhan University) Budget: HKD 99,986
- Towards the Pragmatic and Peaceful Resolution of the Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute: A Multidisciplinary Study General Research Fund (GRF) 2017, Dr Fozia Nazir Lone (PI, City University of Hong Kong), Project Fund – HK$715,024 000 + HK$ $ 35,751 (City University Reward), Total –HK$ 750,775; Dr Fozia Lone (PI); Co-I- Professor Carty (Tsinghua University, China) and Dr Sze Lok Leung (The University of Hong Kong); Duration 36 Months. (1 Jan 2018 -31 December 2021) (CityU Project No: 9042601 (RGC 11609417)
- The Peaceful Settlement of the Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute: A Pragmatic Multidisciplinary Framework, Strategic Research Grant (Internal Support Funding for unfunded GRF, City University of Hong Kong), 01-October 2016-30 September 2018; Dr Fozia Nazir Lone (PI); Professor Acharya Alka (Co-I, Jawaharlal University, India) Budget: HKD 100,000 (Project No 7004791)
- Is Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Outdated: A Multidisciplinary Study of Power, Principles and Politics General Research Fund (GRF) 2015, Dr Fozia Nazir Lone (PI, City University of Hong Kong), Co-I - Professor Daanish Mustafa (King’s College London, the UK) and Professor Chen Huiping (Xiamen University, China). Project Fund – HK$521,000 + HK$ 26,050 (City University Reward), Total –HK$ 547,050: (1 Nov 2015-31 October 2019). Project No.: 9042286 (CityU 11604515)
- China’s Rise, Is India A Contender on the Doorstep? New Asian Paradigms for the Discipline of International law’, School Strategic Grant, City University of Hong Kong, 1 August 2015 – 30 April 2017; Dr Fozia Nazir Lone (PI); Professor Alka Acharya (Co-I, Jawaharlal University, India) Budget: HKD 99, 996.80
- The Indian Pre-colonial Approaches to International Law: An Application of the New Haven School of Jurisprudence, Start-up Grant for New Faculty Grant Application 2011, Dr. Fozia Nazir Lone (Principal Investigator) Budget HKD 100,000
- The Science and Humanities of Vision, Interdisciplinary Professional Development Awards, 2011, Dr. J. A. Zapien (AP) (Principal Investigator); Dr. H. Rodriguez (SCM); Prof. F. Cucker (MA); Dr. Fozia Nazir Lone (SLW) (Co-Investigators) Budget: 250,000 HKD
- New Paradigms for the Discipline of International Law in China and India as Rising Powers, The University of Hong Kong, Research Grant Application (Seed Funding Programme for Basic Research), 2010 PI: Professor Carty; Co-Investigator: Dr. Fozia Nazir Lone Budget:240,000 HKD.
- Palestine and Kashmir: A Failure of Nerve at the End of Imperial Administration, The Carnegie Trust Award, (The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland) 2009
- Restoration of Historical Title of Kashmir: Archival Research form 1935-40, The Carnegie Trust Award, (The Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland) 2007
Research Output
- Lone, Zhu & Carty (eds) Human Rights and Gender Based Violence in Asia: A Comparative Critical Analysis (Rutledge) forthcoming 2025.
- Fozia. N. Lone, (2018) Historical Title, Self-Determination and the Kashmir Question (Leiden: Brill/ Nijhoff: Brill’s Asian Law Series) https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004359994
- Lone & Carty, The China-India Border Dispute (Routledge, 2023) Forthcoming (Monograph)
- Lone, Fozia. Nazir, Kung Olivia, McCoy, Kim, (eds), Hong Kong Tort Law Cases, (Hong Kong: Wolters Kulwer) 2017.
- Fozia. N. Lone, Tort Law in Hong Kong (Alphen aan den Rijn, the Netherlands: Wolters Kluwer, Dec 2016. https://lrus.wolterskluwer.com/store/product/tort-law-in-hong-kong/ (ISBN: 9789041185556)
- Fozia. N. Lone, Hong Kong Tort Law: Texts, Cases and Ordinances, (pp1371), Lexis Nexis (Oct. 2014). https://store.lexisnexis.com.hk/products/hong-kong-tort-law-texts-cases-and-ordinances-skusku870033/details
Book Chapters
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2025), ‘Gender-Based Violence in Ongoing Conflicts: A Nuanced Analysis on Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace in Kashmir’ in Lone, Zhu & Carty eds Human Rights and Gender Based Violence in Asia: A Comparative Critical Analysis (Routledge) forthcoming 2025.
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2025), ‘The New Haven Policy-Oriented Approach to Regulating the Use of Military Instruments - A Critical Reflection on Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello’ in Tom Dannenbaum and Eliav Lieblich (ed), Elgar’s Research Handbook on International Legal Theory and War, 2025 (Forthcoming)
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2024), The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach Towards Long-Term Peace and Stability’ in Zafar Adeel and Benno Böer (ed) The Water, Energy, and Food Security Nexus in Asia and the Pacific - Central and South Asia, Springer Series 2024 (Chapter 11, pp 209-223)
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2024), ‘Legal Critique of the Accession of Princely State of Jammu and Kashmir to India: An Archival Perspective on the Instrument of Accession 1947’ in Shubh Mathur & Mirza Saaib Bég (Editors), Life, Politics, and Resistance in Kashmir After 2019: A Multidisciplinary Understanding of the Conflict, Lexington books 2024 (Chapter 1, pp 35-63)
- Lone, F.N. (2023). International Law and the Kashmir Dispute: A Critical Reflection. In: Duschinski, H., Bhan, M., Robinson, C.d. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of New Directions in Kashmir Studies (153-172) (Chapter 12) (2 June 2023) Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-28520-2_10
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2021), ‘Revisiting the New Haven Methodology from an International Law and Policy Perspective’ in Nicholas Tsagourias (eds) Research Methods in International Law -A Handbook (Edward Elgar Publishing), 131 (Chapter 9) (July 2021)
- F. N. Lone, (2014) ‘Extraterritorial Human Rights Violations and Irresponsible Sovereign Financing’ in Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Jernej Letnar Černič ‘Making Sovereign Financing and Human Rights Work’ Hart Publishing, pp 233-249. (ISBN: 9781782253945) https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/making-sovereign-financing-and-human-rights-work-9781782253945/
- F. N Lone (Oct 2013), ‘Rule of Law: Tort Law Perspective, in G Wang and Yan Fan (eds) ‘The Rule of Law: A Comparative Perspective’. City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, pp 183-196
- F. N. Lone, (2012) ‘Counter Piracy in the Indian Subcontinent: The Indian Perspective’, in Charles H. Norchi et Gwenaële Proutière-Maulion Piracy in Comparative Perspective: Problems, Strategies, Law (Paris : Pedone/Hart, 2012) 161-187 (Chapter 8) https://www.bloomsburyprofessional.com/uk/piracy-in-comparative-perspective-9781849464420/ (ISBN: 9781849464420)
- F. N. Lone (2024), ‘The Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute: Exploring Its Historical Roots and Addressing Colonial Cartography Using Innovative Methodology beyond the Western International Law Framework’, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law Volume 12, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1093/cjcl/cxae016
- F. N. Lone & Anthony Carty (2024), COVID-19 And the Populist Governments Approach to Pandemic Management: A Nuanced Analysis” Buffalo Human Rights Law Review Vol 30, 101-160. https://digitalcommons.law.buffalo.edu/bhrlr/vol30/iss1/2/
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2025), ‘Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances In Indian Administered Kashmir: A Critical Analysis through the Lens of the Right to Truth and Effective Remedies’, Rutgers International Law & Human Rights Journal (Forthcoming)
- F. N. Lone (2023), “Report on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: International Law and International Relations Perspectives”. The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law (2023) 1-39 (Published 19 June 2023) (Report) https://academic.oup.com/cjcl/advance-article/doi/10.1093/cjcl/cxad005/7202290?utm_source=authortollfreelink&utm_campaign=cjcl&utm_medium=email&guestAccessKey=30e5ebf2-c764-4aaa-94cb-72fd43a7d041
- Fozia Nazir Lone (2022), Indian Leadership during COVID-19: Forward to Eastphalia or back to Westphalia? The Foundation for Law and International Affairs Review, Vol 3, Issue 2, 2022, 42-46. https://flia.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Volume-3-Issue-2-2022.pdf
- F. N. Lone, (2021) “Pre-Primary Education and Chinese Language Acquisition of Ethnic Minority Students in Hong Kong: A Multidisciplinary Critical Evaluation” Asian Education and Development Studies (with CHOW Wing Yin) (10 August 2021) https://doi.org/10.1108/AEDS-04-2021-0081
- F. N. Lone, “Cross-Fertilisation of Westphalian Approaches to International Law: Third World Studies and a New Era of International Law Scholarship” Emory International Law Review Volume 34, Issue 4, 2020, 956-995. https://law.emory.edu/eilr/_documents/volumes/34/4/lone.pd (https://law.emory.edu/eilr/content/volume-34/issue-4/article/westphalian-approaches-law-third-world-studies.html )
- F. N. Lone, (2020) ‘China’s International Water Law Policy: Some Reflections” Issue 26/4 Journal of Water Law 153-166.
- F. N. Lone, Damming the Indus Waters: Thoughts on the Future of the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty and Himalayan Water Security 26 Journal of Water Law, 207-222, 2020.
- Patricia Wouters & Fozia Nazir Lone, Introduction, 26 Journal of Water Law, 193-197, 2020 (Special Issue).
- Patricia Wouters and Fozia Nazir Lone (EDITORS), Transboundary Water Governance In Asia – Examining Regional Practice Through Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 26 Journal of Water Law 2020 (Special Issue).
- F. N. Lone (March 2019) ‘The New Haven School of International Law’, Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Law, Oxford University Press (Published 27 March 2019) DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199796953-0178 http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/abstract/document/obo-9780199796953/obo-9780199796953-0178.xml?rskey=6h9FWA&result=1&q=fozia#firstMatch
- F. N. Lone, (2017) The ‘One Country, Two Systems’ Model and Political Reform in Hong Kong: A TWAIL Approach’ Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 21 (2017) 404-429 (Printed 22 November 2018; Brill/Nihoff) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/13894633_021001014
- F. N. Lone (Oct 2017), ‘The Hong Kong Occupy Injunction Cases: A Critical Appraisal on Competing Public and Private Rights’ in Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, Volume 11, (2017) Issue 4, Pages 507–539, ISSN (Online) 1995-5855 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/icl-2017-0072
- F. N. Lone, ‘The Enigma of the Hong Kong Injunction Cases- A Perspective on Political Question Doctrine, Separation of Powers, Rule of Law and Universal Suffrage’ in Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, Vol 10, 1/2016, 3- 29. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/icl-2016-0103
- F. N Lone (March 2014), Edict in Pre-Colonial India: An Analysis from the New Haven Perspective’, Beijing Law Review, Vol.5 No.1, pp 90-101.DOI:10.4236/blr.2014.51008; https://www.scirp.org/pdf/BLR_2014032811525323.pdf
- F. N. Lone (April 2012) ‘Uti Possidetis Iuris’ Oxford Bibliographies Online: International Law, Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199796953-0065; https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199796953/obo-9780199796953-0065.xml
- Anthony Carty & Fozia Nazir Lone (2011) Some New Haven International Law Reflections on China, India and Their Various Territorial Disputes, Asia Pacific Law Review, 19:1, 93-112, DOI: 10.1080/10192557.2011.11788243 (Published online: 04 Nov 2016)
- F. N. Lone (2010) ‘R. Kidner, Casebook on Torts (10th ed, Oxford: OUP, 2008)’, City University of Hong Kong Law Review, Vol. 2, Number 1, 205-207.
- F. N. Lone (2009) ‘The Creation Story of Kashmiri People: The Right to Self-Determination’ Denning Law Journal, Vol 21, pp 1-25. http://ubplj.org/index.php/dlj/article/view/339/369
- F. N. Lone (2009) ‘From ‘Sale to Accession Deed’ - Scanning the Historiography of Kashmir 1846-1947’, History Compass, 7/6 1496–1508. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1478-0542.2009.00652.x
- F. N. Lone (Oct-Dec 2007), Information Held Prisoner: Freedom of Information & Public Records Act Kashmir Affairs (London) Vol. 2, No. 4, 62-72.
- F. N. Lone (Jan- Mar 2007) A Secure and Sustained Solution for Kashmir: National Unity and Reconciliation Kashmir Affairs (London) Vol. 2, No. 1, 49-55.
Book Reviews
1. Fozia Lone, ‘Moshe Hirsch, Invitation to the Sociology of International Law’ Chinese Journal of International Law (2017) 16 (1): 129-132. https://doi.org/10.1093/chinesejil/jmx001
2. Fozia Lone, Noam Lubell, Extraterritorial Use of Force Against Non-State Actors (Oxford: OUP, 2010) ISBN 978-0-19-958484-0, International Law Observer, 14, August 2012
3. Fozia Lone, Democracy Goes to War – British Military Deployments under International Law, (Oxford: OUP, 2009), International Law Observer, 19th April 2010.
4. Fozia Lone, Solon Solomon, The Justiciability of International Disputes – The Advisory Opinion of Israel’s Security Fence as a Case Study (Jerusalem: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2009) ISBN: 978-90-5850-437-1, International Law Observer, 3rd August 2010. (https://internationallawobserver.eu/book-review-solon-solomon-the-justiciability-of-international-disputes-the-advisory-opinion-of-israels-security-fence-as-a-case-study-jerusalem-wolf-legal-publishers-2009-isbn )
More than 70 newspaper articles from 2001 to 2020 on legal, international and social topics including:
1. 'Best way to showcase' achievements of BRICS multilateralism! Sino-India relations expert on border agreement ahead of Xi-Modi meeting in Kazan., Viory, 23 October 2024, https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://we.tl/t-5pKDkmmHGA__;!!KjDnqvtInNPT!n-TMgb9wbk3U4sdJusOMI61p92b4-1d7BzRdpQ59wO_-huAGX-La2uInKqdZGrdqVPgOXSjpjZ0ICPGZH0o_kLJmE98C$
2. Live: How the media created controversy over HKSAR's LegCo Polls, CGTN - THE POINT WITH LIU XIN" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb23Qa_zMb4 23 December 2021 (Guest on live show)
3. BBC Urdu, made podcast of seven episodes on the Kashmir History based on articles that I wrote for them. These podcasts were presented by Aaliya Nazki. These podcasts had at an average 20K views each. a. Kashmir History (Ep1): When Kashmir was sold to Dogra Raja in Amritsar Sale Deed - BBC URDU Oct 26, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPH0v8ByVtE&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=7
b. Kashmir History (Ep 02): Kashmir during Dogra Rule - BBC URDU, Nov 2, 2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cCwqttxHR0&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=6
c. Kashmir History (Ep3): Last few days before accession to India - BBC URDU, Nov 10, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SF6uzhBaVa8&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=5
d. Kashmir History (Ep 4): Accession to India, tribal attacks, referendum & legal status - BBC URDU, Nov 16, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdSqeFOpP7I&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=4
e. Kashmir History (Ep 5): 1947 Indo-Pak War and India's attempt to make Kashmir its part - BBC URDU, Nov 24, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeWxmABpp8k&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=3
f. Kashmir History (Ep 6): Article 370 in 1950s and politics in Kashmir - BBC URDU, Dec 1, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pQ6BP2G8YQ&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=2
g. Kashmir History (Ep 7): When India revoked Kashmir's special status in Article 370 - BBC URDU, Dec 8, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urO9qCT70A0&list=PL8YXCAVvtM1PePk8328w4CsR8_lHivM52&index=1
4. Historical background of 'special status' of India-controlled Kashmir: How did Kashmir get this status and what was it done on? (انڈیا کے زیر انتظام کشمیر کی ’خصوصی حیثیت‘ کا تاریخی پس منظر: کشمیر کو یہ حیثیت کیسے ملی اور اسے ختم کس بنیاد پر کیا گیا؟) BBC Urdu, 27 August 2020 https://www.bbc.com/urdu/regional-53890030
5. The story of the last days of Kashmir's accession to India (کشمیر کے انڈیا سے الحاق کے آخری دنوں کی کہانی: مہاراجہ پر کیا دباؤ تھا؟), BBC Urdu, 20 August 2020 https://www.bbc.com/urdu/regional-53805226
6. Sale of Kashmir and how it became a princely state (جب کشمیر ’ایشیا کے سب سے بڑے بدمعاش‘ کو پچھتر لاکھ روپے میں بیچ دیا گی) BBC Urdu, 17 August 2020 https://www.bbc.com/urdu/regional-53744807
7. China's promotion of international anti-epidemic cooperation is of clear and progressive significance (中国推进国际抗疫合作具有鲜明进步意义), People’s Daily, 22 July 2020. http://www.legaldaily.com.cn/commentary/content/2020-07/22/content_8254213.htm
8. 加强团结合作 尊重保障人权——“全球疫情防控与人权保障”系列国际视频研讨会综述
9. http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/images/2020-07/15/03/rmrb2020071503.pdf (15 July 2020)
10. En Inde, on redoute désormais une deuxième guerre avec la Chine, Le Point 28/06/2020; (Interview) https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/en-inde-on-redoute-desormais-une-deuxieme-guerre-avec-la-chine-28-06-2020-2382061_24.php
11. Jérémy André, ‘Chine-Inde: duel de géants dans l'Himalaya, Le Point, 24 June 2020. (Quoted in it) https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/en-inde-on-redoute-desormais-une-deuxieme-guerre-avec-la-chine-28-06-2020-2382061_24.php
12. Xinhua News:http://www.xinhuanet.com/local/2020-06/09/c_1126093860.htm.(9 June 2020) (Quoted in it)
13. The BJP has marched into a legal bind over Kashmir's accession to India, TRT World, 23 August 2019. https://www.trtworld.com/opinion/the-bjp-has-marched-into-a-legal-bind-over-kashmir-s-accession-to-india-29197
14. Democracy in Stages, South China Morning Post, May 13, 2016
15. Indo-China: Territorial and Water Clashes, Greater Kashmir, 16 August 2015
16. Interview Broadcast, RTHK, 22 March 2013, 7pm
17. Interview with Ming Pao on Women’s Rights 3 March 2013
18. Interview - Ming Yeung, The hunter and the hunted, China Daily, Mar 7 2012
19. Jalil Andrabi case and the trial thereof, Greater Kashmir, 22 May 2011
20. Interview: Danger Lurks at Home, China Daily Hong Kong Edition, 30 -31th January 2010
21. Interview: Forum Charts paths to Legal Enlightenment, South China Morning Post, 17 December 2009, A15
22. Election Boycott in J&K: Failures of Hurriyat and Indian Rhetoric, Kashmir Times, 16 January 2009.
23. What a Way to Annihilate History! Greater Kashmir, 26 February 2008.
24. Facts we must not ignore Greater Kashmir, 17 September 2007.
25. Amidst peace and politics Greater Kashmir, 16 August 2006.
26. Plight of Prisoners in present turmoil Greater Kashmir, 24 March 2002
27. What Makes a Person Delinquent Kashmir Images, 19 October 2001
1. Second International Online Symposium on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: A Dialogue between International Law and International Relations (9 December 2021). Organized by Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (CCCL), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong.
2. Organised and Moderated Webinar on “Sexual Harassment Against Women in Asia: A Dialogue on Gender Based Violence in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan” (CityU Public Law and Human Rights Forum, Webinar Series on Asian Perspectives on Human Rights) Thursday, 02 December 2021(Online 13:30-15:30 HKT)
3. Discussant in Zoom CCCL Asia/China & International Law Seminar Series - “China’s Engagement with international judicial dispute settlement: will non-appearance be the new normal?" Speaker: Ling Bing (Professor of Chinese Law, Sydney Law School), 18 November 2021, 3:00 - 4:30 PM HKT
4. Organised Inaugural Online Keynote Public Lecture on ‘Post-Colonial Asian perspectives on Human Rights” by Radhika Coomaraswamy. Thursday 04, November 2021 (Online 15:00-16:30 HKT) (CityU Public Law and Human Rights Forum, Webinar Series on Asian Perspectives on Human Rights). (Moderator)
5. Is the Indus Water Treaty of 1960 Outdated: A Multidisciplinary Study of Power, Principles, and Politics (11604515) Research Grants Council Visit Panel Presentation of Completed Humanities & Social Sciences Projects, 15:50 - 16:15, 25 October 2021(Venue: Virtual meeting on Zoom).
6. International Online Symposium on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: A Dialogue between International Law and International Relations (4 March 2021). Organized by Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (CCCL), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong.
7. Frameworks for Shared Indus/Transboundary Waters: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue, Connie Fan Multi-media Conference Room (MMR), 4/F Cheng Yick-chi Building, City University of Hong Kong, 26-27 July 2019. https://www.cityu.edu.hk/slw/lib/doc/events/2019072627_SLW_Conference.pdf
8. The Indus Water Treaty (IWT) 1960 and its Effect on State of Jammu & Kashmir: A Multidisciplinary Post-Flooding Dialogue’, 4 August 2015, Conference Room, the Department of Law, Kashmir University. https://www.greaterkashmir.com/news/opinion/indo-chinaterritorial-and-water-clashes/ (This symposium was based on the Summer Research Project-‘Kashmir Flooding 2014 and the Indus Water Treaty (IWT) of 1960: A Review’, Conducted at the host institution of University of Kashmir (India) - Department of Law, 22 June 2015 to 31 July 2015)
9. Organised Webinar on Hong Kong in the Post-National Security Law Era: Some Reflections from International Law and Relations Perspectives, Tuesday, 20 October 2020 (Online 17:00-18:30 HKT) (CityU Public Law and Human Rights Forum, Roundtable Series on National Security Law) Zoom Webinar https://cityu.zoom.us/rec/share/AYOgblBCUBmhvudJtjuOj7-KBN21n8iqe3Ts9KE-631tMByC5tmdHVlsVcH9ET0.G471U4vO9pwgHM7l?startTime=1603184373000 Note that the video story on this NSL Webinar was published in both English and Chinese by dotdotnews. 'Freedoms well preserved in HK National Security Law': Law Professor 香港法學教授:國安法賦予基本人權與言論自由 【點English】https://english.dotdotnews.com/a/202010/23/AP5f92883ae4b06109680d35b4.html
【DotDotNews Youtube】https://youtu.be/lEHoglg1JSg
1. Delivered Opening Speech in Conference 70 Years of the German Constitution Court and New Book Launch, Joint CPLR-Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Event, 19 May 2023.
2. Lecture – ‘Humanistic Approaches to Pandemic Management’, THEMIS Seminar, Law Department, Freie Universität Berlin, Lecture Hall II (Online) 16 March 2023.
3. Paper Title: Appraisal of the Factors Affecting the Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute: A Critical Reflection on Colonial Policy and Proposal for a Pragmatic Resolution, Presented at Second International Online Symposium on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: A Dialogue between International Law and International Relations (9 December 2021). Organized by Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (CCCL), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong.
4. Paper title: Indian Leadership Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Law Perspective, Presented via Zoom in the 2021·China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights, sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) and CINA IN ITALIA (China in Italy) Magazine, and co-organized by Human Rights Institute at Southwest University of Political Science and Law(HRI at SWUPL) and Chongqing EQUAL Center for Promoting Social Development, June 8th, 2021.
5. Paper title: Indian Leadership and its Relations with the World Health Organisation during COVID-19: Forward to Eastphalia or back to Westphalia? Presented via Zoom in CGLS Roundtable COVID-19:Universal Challenge or Challenge to Universality? May 19, 2021. Organised by the Koc University of Turkey and Renmin University of China.
6. Paper title: Factors Affecting the China – India Boundary Dispute from Past to Present: A Critical Evaluation, presented in International Online Symposium on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: A Dialogue between International Law and International Relations (4 March 2021). Organized by Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (CCCL), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong.
7. International Symposium on “The Rule of Law in Chinese Foreign Affairs” 法治與中國對外事務國際學術研討會, Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong in collaboration with Fudan University Law School, The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, (30 November 2020), Transparency and Transparency-Related Litigations in Chinese Foreign Affairs, Congyan CAI (Professor, Fudan University Law School & Xiamen University Law School) & Yifei WANG (PhD Candidate, Xiamen University Law School), Comment - Discussant: Fozia Nazir LONE (Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong), 30 November 2020.
8. Presented on Chapter 15 – Achieving Long-Term Peace and Security in Authors Virtual Workshop on Securing Water Energy and Food in Central and South Asia (ed Zafar Adeel & Benno Boer) 19 November 2020 9. SWK WEBINAR: “Changing the Demographics of Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir: Understanding the New Domicile Laws", Speakers; Dr Fozia Lone, Associate Professor, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Mirza Saab Beg, Kashmiri Lawyer & MPP Candidate at University of Oxford and Imraan Mir, Kashmiri-American Lawyer; Moderator, Dr Deepti Misri, Associate Professor, Women and Gender Studies, UC Boulder, Saturday June 6, 2020, 10 pm HKT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmaDrgg5DWg & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nX6vdzxbvfA
10. Paper Title: ‘Protection of Human Rights in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Possible Chinese Role Towards Future Outcome-based Asian Health Cooperation Framework’ in (Zoom) Colloquium on Protection of Human Rights in Public Health Crisis: Functions and Obligations of States China Society for Human Rights Studies, School of Law, Human Rights Center, Jilin University, 8 June 2020. (Xinhua News: http://www.xinhuanet.com/local/2020-06/09/c_1126093860.htm (9 June 2020) (Quoted in it)
11. Paper Title: Eastphalia Rise in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Evaluation of Possible Chinese Role, in Online Symposium, “International Symposium on COVID-19 and Models of Governance in East Asia and the World’, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong (RCCL & CPLR), 12 June 2020 (9am to 6pm HKT)
12. Title ‘Cross-Fertilization of Westphalian Approaches to International Law: Third World Studies and a New Era of International Law Scholarship’ Staff Seminar Series (Online), School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, 4-5pm (HKT).
13. Paper presented in - Third States’ Concerted Cancellation Of Hong Kong’s Extradition Treaties: A Reflection, (Zoom) International Symposium on the National Security Law of Hong Kong: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, organised by Public Law and Human Rights Forum (CPLR), City University of Hong Kong Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (RCCL), City University of Hong Kong “One Country, Two Systems” Law Institute, Renmin University of China 11 September 2020
14. Paper title: ‘IWT and Himalayan Water Security - Perspectives on Potential Areas of Chinese Cooperation’ in Frameworks for Shared Indus/Transboundary Waters: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue, Connie Fan Multi-media Conference Room (MMR), 4/F Cheng Yick-chi Building, City University of Hong Kong. 26-27 July 2019.
15. Paper presentation (2015) ‘The Occupy Central Movement and its Aftermaths: An Interdisciplinary Study’ in Conference on the Occupy Central Movement and its Aftermaths: An Interdisciplinary Study, 18-19 September 2015, City University of Hong Kong, Centre for Chinese and Comparative law & Asia Pacific Law Review’.
16. Paper presentation (2015) ‘Cross-Fertilization of Western/Eastern Approaches to International Law: Third World Studies and a New Era of International Law Scholarship’ in Leiden Journal of International Law Symposium on ‘The Changing Role of Scholarship in International Law’ 11 May 2015, The Hague, The Hague Institute of Global Justice.
17. Paper presentation (2015) ‘The Hong Kong Court and the Occupy Injunction Cases: Non-Justiciability, Rule of Law and the Basic Law Freedoms’ in ‘International Conference on The Rule of Law in a Globalized Environment’ 31 March to 1 April 2015, Hong Kong (City University of Hong Kong, Centre for Judicial Education and Research)
18. Paper presentation (2013) on ‘Caught in Crossfire: Women, Conflict and Kashmir’, International Women’s Day – Protecting and Promoting Women’s rights, 7 March 2013, Room IX, Palais Des Nations (Geneva) Switzerland.
19. Paper presented (2012)- Law in Pre-Colonial India: A New Haven Analysis, The 4th Conference on Contemporary Legal Problems: The New Haven School of Thought from a Comparative Perspective, 5-6 October 2012 (School of Law, City University of Hong Kong)
20. Paper Presentation (2011), Indian Territorial Disputes: The New Haven Perspective, Policy Sciences Center, Yale Law School, New Haven, United States, 13-15 October 2011.
21. Presentation (2011) Orville H Schell, Jr Center for International Human Rights, Yale Law School, United States, 14 Oct 2011. Title: Human Rights in Kashmir.
22. Polycom Lecture (2011) ‘State Transformation in International Law Kashmir A Case Study’ Lecture via Polycom for International Law Society, School of Law, University of Maine (United States), 7th April 2011.
23. Polycom Lecture (2011), “Eastphalia Rising’, Lecture via Polycom to International Law Class, School of Law, University of Maine (United States), 20th January 2011
24. Paper presentation (2010) The Indian Observational Standpoint to International Territorial Situations: Kashmir, Tibet and the McMahon Line, The 2nd International Conference on the New Haven School, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, 23-24 November 2010
25. Polycom Lecture (2010) State Transformation: Kashmir in International Law, Inaugural Lecture via Polycom for International Law Society, School of Law, University of Maine (United States), 8th October 2010
26. Paper Presentation (2008) Restoration of Historical Title and the Kashmir Question: An International Legal Appraisal, Legal Research Society, University of Aberdeen, 28 November 2008.
27. Paper Presentation (2007) Restoration of the Historical Title: State Continuity and Succession: Revisiting Kashmir Case within International Law, Legal Research Society, University of Aberdeen, 15 May 2007.
28. Paper presentation (2007), Kashmiri Peoples Will to Decide: Right to Self-Determination and Plebiscite, Workshop on the Constitutional and International Legal Consequences of a Referendum on Scottish Independence, University of Aberdeen, School of Law, 12 May 2007.
29. Paper Presentation (2006) For the Purposes of Right to Self-determination how does one Define People in Context of Kashmir, College of Art and Social Science Conference, 28 Jun 2006